A Spirited Perfect Ten


Resident Curmudgeon
I don't use Apple tech. ... But when I became embroiled in this situation, I did buy a burner phone and am thinking of getting another.

All the security in the world isn't going to keep the NSA/US government, the Chinese government, TWDC, UNI, VIA or anyone representing them from trying to tilt the gameboard by knowing my next two moves before I make them.

It is just another reason to hate technology, no matter what my pal @flynnibus says!

You couldn't play this way. You couldn't cheat and do illegal things that you'll likely never have to answer for back in 1995 or even 2000. Now, it's the Wild West and people can't get enough of their Steve Jobs Tracking Devices. I sometimes wonder what George Orwell would think of our society today. Anyway ...

It could totally be coincidence ... or it could be a hacker that used an old friend's email when it wasn't from her ... or ... it could be folks out to get me.

Honestly, you'd think by now they'd figure out that I am not going anywhere. You want my silence, you want me to change the narrative? There's a cost. It's called doing business.

#firewillowbay #DisneyCensors #IgerfumblesChina

Might want to consider using a Linux laptop with PINE as an email client, It's completely text based and well all the nasties that can hide in modern graphical based clients are exposed with PINE.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, TMNT and SpongeBob are really no-brainers in terms of expanding KidZone. The new SpongeBob movie has surpassed $150 million DOM, the TMNT reboot got $190 million and the new TV show is doing remarkably well... if neither of them come to KidZone, I'd be shocked.

I'd expect to see a larger presence of SpongeBob and Nick properties at UNI parks and resorts worldwide.:)

My strong hunch is this is Gary Snyder's doing too!:greedy::devilish::cool:

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
Not quite. It wouldn't be my pick. But I love the sound of the attractions. NO SCREENS! Real family attractions, which is totally an upgrade from the kiddie land that is there now.

I'd say that this will likely be going into Beijing as well although those plans are totally in flux. Yes, the master plan for the park/resort isn't done. But they do have five plus years before opening, so I think that is fine.

I'm just really hoping they do something kewl with ... nah, no way to put this without UNI knowing exactly what I know is likely going in (this is some cool stuff!)

#firewillowbay #DisneyCensors #IgerfumblesChina
I remember seeing the castle from Shrek in the concept art for Beijing. I'm guessing that can be one of the attractions?

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I guess you could say that.

My only point was UNI Creative is just as incompetently run as WDI and the folks making the decisions are largely clueless. Again, I can't give specifics here. But one example would be akin to a surgeon asking a nurse ''Do we have to put the patient under?'' before doing open heart surgery. You have no idea what this pertains to, I know, but this nails it.

It really is that bad over there.

Again, what has saved them is that somehow they are pumping out one quality project after another. It isn't due to caring or brains. It certainly helps that Disney, right now (things may change in 2018 with Pandora and 2020-21 with Star Wars), isn't even playing the game. They've just taken their ball and gone home.

Sorry Disney fanbois, but UNI is the one that FOR NOW has no competition in O-Town. The truth does hurt, but not as much as waking up in a strange dude's bed that's old enough to be older than your father and not having a clue what (or who) went down!:eek::devilish:;)

I love Star Trek. Many times more than Star Wars. I think you could do very kewl things with it. But the rights are all tied up (even if it simply is between Redstone-controlled corps). Much like LotR a year or two ago, UNI fanbois seem to think Trek is coming. It isn't. Maybe sometime down the road things will change ... but right now it is only going into that Paramount-licensed park near London that is actually crawling ahead.

I've said so for year. I love the place, the ambiance, the decor. I view it as the Poly if the Poly had class.

Of course, UNI isn't about to rip out the fountains in the middle for a pin shack or so you can drive doubel-wides through it.

#firewillowbay #DisneyCensors #IgerfumblesChina
There must be at least a few people there who "get it," otherwise we wouldn't be getting quality product. 2018 for Avatar? Really? I've been hoping 2017 was still the target. Unless that was a typo. Star Wars in 2020-2021? Hey, just in time for the 50th!!!!!!! :facepalm: I was excited about the idea of Srar Trek, but I guess I could live without it. I'm sure something else will come around. This is Uni after all.


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Original Poster
Hello. Long time lurker - don't post much at all... Came across this story on Magic Bands this morning via Twitter. Thought you all might find it interesting, very pro Magic Band - some of the comments are interesting though. http://www.wired.com/2015/03/disney-magicband/

Just gave it a fast read this morning. Seemed largely like PR and placed content. But Disney never does that!

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
Yes, I guess you have.

it's only the most important P&R (and one could easily argue company as a whole) move Disney has made in the 21st century IF it succeeds in getting people to know and love the BRAND and allows Disney into the hearts, minds and, more importantly, wallets of China's ever-growing middle class.

Iger hasn't been seen because his overlords at Shendi don't want a photo released for whatever reason (Shendi, btw, is the local arm of the Communist Party if you still can't keep up). To have a resort that he is touting as everything but his legacy (when that's what he hopes history will record, not how he dressed his wife for the Oscars in the tackiest thing available) and in four years not be allowed to put out a photo IN THE USA speaks volumes about who is running that show.

I've been saying this for years, but since I've lived and worked in China and have many friends there, my opinion must be the same as a fanboi's on new wall carpeting.

When Michael Eisner visited last year and Tweeted photos of himself, he was sending Bob and all of the people remaining at Disney that have issues a very not so subtle FU. Because Michael would never have given up what Bob has just to plant his flag in the mainland.

You folks do get that Disney isn't in control of ANYthing there, right?

You get it yet?

#firewillowbay #DisneyCensors #IgerfunblesChina

Thanks for clearing that up! I think I missed the initial post about the abcence of a photo and have just seen the "where is it Bob?" Since then.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I remember seeing the castle from Shrek in the concept art for Beijing. I'm guessing that can be one of the attractions?

Way too early to read ANYTHING into that art. Shrek may well be there, but that isn't definite. Most of what you see isn't definite.

What I know is and can safely put out? Potter (all of what O-Town has largely) and a direct clone of Transformers.

It's the stuff I can't talk about that is far more intriguing. Just think properties that UNI has used elsewhere using totally different methods of delivering guests into the story. ... And some uniquely Chinese stuff as well, of course.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
You couldn't play this way. You couldn't cheat and do illegal things that you'll likely never have to answer for back in 1995 or even 2000. Now, it's the Wild West and people can't get enough of their Steve Jobs Tracking Devices. I sometimes wonder what George Orwell would think of our society today. Anyway ...

Quite the opposite of the "Steve Jobs Tacking Device" actually...


Maybe it's time to get an iPhone...


Well-Known Member
While trashing Snyder, for who knows what reason or for who's agenda, you really would be better served learning your history about Viacom and China. They freaking opened the market for American media companies and are doing quite well. They love 'Billionaire Bunny' Sumner Redstone.

He has TV networks there. Disney does not.

His studio broke major records last summer with a film. Disney did not.

And again, I'd love to know what makes you think Snyder works for Viacom. Everything I've been told says he has nothing to do with either company and placed the disclosure on the column specifically so no one could later say he had a personal reason for writing what he has.

BTW, read Op-Eds in any USA publication and you find them. You know like when a Republican or Democrat attacks the opposite party or when someone once had a relationship with a company and is writing about the industry that company operates in. Like the former CEO of McD's writing about possible legislation on fast food or a consultant for GM talking about trade imbalances etc.

Common sense when one isn't busy trying to further an agenda with over the top personal attacks.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina

Why is Mr. Snyder not the one out trumpeting this censorshipship? You'd think a writer that has knowingly been censored would be leading the charge.

I think censorship is disgusting, so I try am puzzled why we haven't heard a peep.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
So, that quote from the Tom Staggs interview:

"You make people happier not by giving them more options but by stripping away as many as you can."

That is pretty much the new motto for Walt Disney World, isn't it?
Compare that to this.

"Give the public everything you can give them, keep the place as clean as you can keep it, and keep it friendly" - Walt Disney

I think it's time for a new signature.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First you are assuming they would want to do a thorough investigation. If this story breaks and she gets fired its a huge black eye on USC too.

This is pure speculation on my part, but I would be shocked if Willow didn't cover herself with this. This went down with either a face to face meeting or a discrete phone call. She wouldn't be dumb enough to send an e-mail or speak in front of others. Based on that assumption what evidence would exist against her? If the circumstantial evidence is presented to most people they can connect the dots and ASSUME she was involved, but when you are firing someone you need more evidence than that. It can't be based on assumptions.

Absolutely true.

This was done through a middle man. I know this for a fact. Even Willow isn't (likely?) stupid enough to leave a paper trail. This way, all people do is ask, she lies and it's a she said/he said if he is saying anything at all ... hell, I could see them both refusing comment.

BTW, as someone who has dabbled in journalism just a tad (back when we had newspapers and reporters with ethics who weren't looking for production deals with Disney in 14 months in exchange for burying something), I can firmly tell you that even if neither party will talk on the record that you absolutely still have a story because of the entire nature of the situation. Conflicts of interest and ethics in academia are major topics and simply writing about what is known here easily is news. Whether it happens, I dunno. I am working to see that it does, though.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Why is Mr. Snyder not the one out trumpeting this censorshipship? You'd think a writer that has knowingly been censored would be leading the charge.

I think censorship is disgusting, so I try am puzzled why we haven't heard a peep.

Who know what he is or isn't doing. I get the feeling that blogging for the HuffPo isn't exactly his chosen career path.

Besides, as I've said before, more people are talking about this story and what it means and could mean than ever would have happened if the story just stayed out there and died what likely would have been a fairly quickly demise (again, Business Op-Ed in HuffPo, not front page in NYT or WSJ or being talked about on Opening Bell on CNBC).

I can only say that I think Disney bungled this so badly. And they should have figured that out within 12 hours and done anything and everything to smooth things over with the writer and get the piece back up ...Guaranteed that even we wouldn't be talking about it here!

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The reason I said "personal" axe to grind is he took some shots at Iger and Staggs/Rasulo in both his pieces that were more personal than business. Talking about personalities and appearances as opposed to just strategy or business.

Nothing at all unusual about that in the entertainment and media business. Nothing.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Some Important Information:

The Walt Disney Company's Annual Shareholders Meeting is this Thursday March 12th. The presentation and Q&A are scheduled to begin at 10 AM PST/1PM EST.

Should be interesting this year (for a change). Looking forward to catching up with some people ...:cool:

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is totally separate from the ongoing conversation about that HuffPo China article (and there's plenty to criticize about Bay's potential(?) involvement in the particular situation), but if I were either in charge of a journalism school or a student at one, I'd want someone like Willow Bay there.

C'mon, a Willow Bay?!? Why not add Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly too because at least they have some gravitas and some cred.

This is like having a Kardashian at your wedding to give it some class. Way off, Tom.

Having spent too much time both working at and learning in higher education institutes, I don't have a ton of respect for lifelong academics. Aside from them, generally, being pretentious and catty, they often lack real world experience and have romanticized, unrealistic ideas of the learning process. In many cases, these incredibly accomplished individuals (on paper) don't bring nearly as much to the table for their students as the ones who have actually worked in the real world. That was my experience, at least, and I highly doubt I'm unique in this regard.

Absolutely true to an extent. Something I have tried to instill in some of my younger friends who have starry-eyed notions of academia in general.

But there were candidates out there with plenty of legit real-world experience. Being a talking head on Sunday's GMA and a model for estee lauder just don't speak to me as what should be representing one of the nation's most prestigious j-schools.

Would you want Saul Goodman representing your law school? How about any of the real world bottom feeders that wind up trying those cases you see on Nancy Grace? I don't think so.

In the case of journalism, the landscape is incredibly dynamic. Regardless of what anyone's value judgments on that are, it is what it is. Schools need to be preparing students for the actual job market. I'd hazard a guess that many j-school academics are not doing that, but instead holding onto their lofty notions of what journalism should be, rather than what it has become.

Having a bunch of framed pieces of paper and a stacked CV doesn't mean you're actually more capable in real world situations than those without. All it means is that other people with those same pieces of paper and scholarly publications will be accepting of you.

I'm not suggesting that schools should stack their lineups solely with the Willow Bays of journalism, but having those types there to give balance to the world of higher learning, in my mind, would be a great thing that should be lauded, not criticized. Leave the criticism to the sharks of higher learning.

The Willow Bays of journalism have no place at ANY j-school let alone the Annenberg. You're going to need a far more compelling argument, counselor. :)

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina


Well-Known Member
Good lord, written by Ehren Kruger of Scream 3 and Transformers 2 and 3 fame (or is that shame?). This could be a car crash.

This could be a ten car pile-up.

I was never really that much of a Tim Burton fan but it does seem like his career is somewhat on the skids these days. To me he's a quirky, original director who's just been chewed up and spat out by the Hollywood system; Planet of the Apes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, all standard big-budget studio dross that have diluted the reputation he built directing films like Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood.

A live-action Dumbo is just scraping the very bottom of the barrel, both for Disney and Tim Burton.


Resident Curmudgeon
C'mon, a Willow Bay?!? Why not add Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly too because at least they have some gravitas and some cred.

This is like having a Kardashian at your wedding to give it some class. Way off, Tom.

Absolutely true to an extent. Something I have tried to instill in some of my younger friends who have starry-eyed notions of academia in general.

But there were candidates out there with plenty of legit real-world experience. Being a talking head on Sunday's GMA and a model for estee lauder just don't speak to me as what should be representing one of the nation's most prestigious j-schools.

Would you want Saul Goodman representing your law school? How about any of the real world bottom feeders that wind up trying those cases you see on Nancy Grace? I don't think so.

The Willow Bays of journalism have no place at ANY j-school let alone the Annenberg. You're going to need a far more compelling argument, counselor. :)

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina

This would be like Atty Sokolove of 'Bad Drug' fame being made Dean of the Harvard Law School...

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