I take it you've never traveled in international first class, right?
Actually, being from the UK- and various places over the Atlantic taking 8-12 hours to travel too- yes, I have traveled international first class. (Those Virgin Atlantic flying club miles come in handy to make someone other than yourself become a faux 1%er

Those fully-reclining-into-bed seats (and the extras) are indeed spacious and a luxury- especially after since having had to go back to economy for a recent journey! But at an average cost per person of £2k/$3k - £4k/$6k for a return journey, there is no way you can say that if you took those fully reclining seats (let alone the many first class seats on other planes that don't fully recline, and which still come with a very large price tag) and placed them next to a real luxury reclining chair/sofa etc that is made for the home and costs the same or much less, that there is any comparison.
You could buy a whole living room set- or even a whole other holiday/vacation (or hey, a couple of nights in these bungalows

) for the price of some first class seats! I would never pay the actual cash price for first class- not until the cost was a much, much smaller percentage of my travel plans and/or income. But, I can see why people would- and why people do along with those that can actually drop cash like that.
But my point was you can't compare these seats just like you can't compare an accommodation made for guests at a theme park resort to a beach resort in Bora Bora.
Never underestimate the stupidity of some people. Now, I generally agree with your point ... but I'm sure there are people who stay at the Poly who could go to Hawaii and Polynesia and never will because they think ''Disney is close enough'' and it feels safer to them.
I've heard people talk about having no need to travel abroad after visiting the World Showcase, which is the exact opposite of what the place is supposed to inspire. I love WS ... but I also am happy to say that I have been to all the nations represented there with two exceptions and nothing beats the real thing.
Well yes, people can be stupid. But there are stupid people everywhere- I've heard of people (and know of people) who have never left England- and we are an hours plane/train/boat away from France and the rest of Europe! Of course WS is meant to inspire- I love WS. I have been to all but 4 of the countries represented. I can't imagine supplementing a themed land for visiting an actual country, but I'm sure there are people that do.
I don't think that this quite works with the argument about these new bungalows though- I can't imagine many, if any of the people who are dropping the cash/saving for years/using points/renting points for them are doing so *solely* because "Hey, it will be just like being in Bora Bora" and therefore negating them having to ever visit Bora Bora or somewhere similar.