I haven't been to Mainland China, so I can't really comment on that, but you see a lot of Westerners (probably not Americans) in Hong Kong. In Macau, the only other area of China (still just a SAR) I've visited, it was decidedly more Eastern, but I'm guessing still with more of a Western flavor than the mainland. Even HKDL feels decidedly more Westernized than TDR. I know this has nothing to do with park demographics, maps, and all that, but figured I'd at least offer my 2 cents before asking about this HuffPo article...
This is the first I've heard of it. What I'm gleaning from this thread is that there was something critical of TWDC in Shanghai (I'm "shocked" by the way) in the HuffPo, and the article was "inexplicably" pulled? Anyone happen to save a copy or have a link to any sites that reposted it?