A Spirited Perfect Ten


Active Member
I don't know anything else about this guy. I would say that flying this thing illegally over a crowded theme park would qualify as the evidence you are looking for. At best when he gets caught he gets a lifetime ban. There may be some additional fines or penalties too.
Just out of random curiosity, because I know lifetime bans DO happen....how do they enforce it?

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
Hey Spirit, can you elaborate on this? Why is domestic box office more important to the bottom line? I did a search on domestic box office vs. international, and all the articles that came up seemed to argue against your point.

PS: Hello everyone :)


The studios get a higher % of domestic box office compared to international. Also the post theatrical run revenue is higher is the States, compared to other countries. The following article goes into detail.


Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
That's not the point.

Liability is.
I'm not advocating for the guy although I enjoyed the video. I'm nearly pointing out that this is not as dangerous as the guy flying real planes over avatar to get pictures and I'm just saying this is not as dangerous as most of you think so its not worth US making a big deal about. If I were disney I would stop him for a variety of reasons including liability

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
I'll take the risk. "Death by rogue drone" sounds cooler than most common causes anyway.

(In all honesty it's extremely dangerous and if that drone came near my loved ones I'd go all Liam Neeson from 'Taken' on it, and it's operator - ...not "Qui Gon Jin" Liam Neeson because he would be to nice, --and yes, this is too many words to put in parentheses but the Cowboys lost and Ive had a few World Showcase style beverages)
No it's not extremely dangerous. Millions have been sold and flown and I have yet to even hear of one dropping and killing someone yet there have been several traffic deaths at WDW over the years


Resident Curmudgeon
I don't know anything else about this guy. I would say that flying this thing illegally over a crowded theme park would qualify as the evidence you are looking for. At best when he gets caught he gets a lifetime ban. There may be some additional fines or penalties too.

FAA is going to have a field day with this guy,
My understanding is that commercial drone use is, with a few exceptions, still banned by the FAA. I think they made some exceptions for filmmaking or television, but with a lot of hoops to jump through.

They do indeed.


Well-Known Member
Everything is dangerous. Even McD's coffee is dangerous. Someone comes to disney with the flu, touches everything and someone with a suppressed immune systems catches the flu and dies. Oh god lets not go to Disney its too dangerous. They should be banned as its a danger as well. If something is goinng to happen, its going to happen. A single drone flying over construction (which already are hard hat areas as they shoould be) and non tourists areas like discovery island isn't bad.

Magic Kingdom I can get but are you going to complain about every single thing potential harmful to guests. Ban all peanut based, soy based, milk based, egg based, etc products then. They are equally as dangerous and harmful.

Secondly does his youtube videos have ads because if they do not, it can be argued its not for commercial use.


Resident Curmudgeon
They could use a regular helicopter too if the drones aren't legal. I don't know much about the specific laws. I did a quick web search and there is mention of a new set of FAA rules being released soon so things may change. Right now the exception seems to only apply to people flying these things as a hobby but the rules require that you follow a set of existing hobby association rules like not flying carelessly or recklessly, avoiding prohibited areas, staying below 400 feet, keeping clear of manned aircraft and not flying directly over unprotected people.

All rules which this IDIOT has broken.


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
THAT's the failure mode I worry about. These devices are consumer grade, no redundancy or failsafes no N+1 power or command links. Just by operating a device like this at altitude over people the operator is endangering people below.

It depends on the device, not all drones have a single power supply and command link failure results in most drones returning to home as a safety precaution.

There are cheap models out there that are but I would venture to say that this particular pilot has a full stabilizer gimble with a live view video stream transmitter, neither of which is cheap or lightweight making their setup more expensive that a simple toy that most people would pitches.

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
By the way the built in GPS on this won't allow you to fly it into no fly zones (airports, military bases, over government buildings) Places where the FAA says you can't fly. Not where private companies don't want you to go. Apparently WDW isn't a no fly zone


Well-Known Member
By the way the built in GPS on this won't allow you to fly it into no fly zones (airports, military bases, over government buildings) Places where the FAA says you can't fly. Not where private companies don't want you to go. Apparently WDW isn't a no fly zone

It has temporary no fly zone protections from an Congressional bill in 2003 but its not enforced and monitored as no one truly cares enough to monitor it for Disney. They have no control tower etc to monitor the airspace besides line of sight from the ground.

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