A Spirited Perfect Ten

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I hope they're moving One Man's Dream instead of getting rid of it entirely.
Well, if its true that the trying to remove all "Walt" related from Disney.
I wouldnt be surprised if they slowly phase out things that said the REAL Walt's dream. now current's Disney Company's Corporate dreams.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Just throwing this out there don't know if it's been discussed yet. Disney has told house keeping to stop doing the towel animals and mickeys because it wastes towels and time. They would much rather have the maids cleaning for an extra five minutes than making towel animals.
thats pretty sad.. if true.. then it means another "extra" of magic is pretty much gone.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It is tracking where Disney will be #2 in the box office again and JW taking #1. This same week FF7 overtook Avengers 1 on the all time top grossing movies as #3 and JW is tracking to end up high up on that list as the #2 all time domestic top grossing movie (Not adjusted for inflation).

As of June 24. 2015

Why is this important to Disney? With the purchase of Marvel and Lucasfilm, the thought was easy moneymakers and to get more of the male demographic. What has been seen is the power of Marvel diminishing slowly and the first Lucasfilm under the Disney label, Strange Magic didn't do well at all. Will Star Wars be Disney's saving grace?

Star Wars may in fact be a huge IP but there is a major thing FF had along with Jurassic Park which Star Wars and even Indy never capitalized on. The silent hype. FF7 had little to no fanboi hype before the film blew up. Jurassic World I remember everyone complaining how boring it looked or how bad it looked or how crappy the CGI and Avengers was gonna be the best then for the spots to be totally reversed. When people are so vocal about things they like, rather than things they don't like it skews expectations to make it be believed things will reach a certain level when in fact, it could cause more harm.

Avengers 2 for example, prediction was it would be the biggest opening weekend ever for weeks. As the time came, people said screw Avengers 2 rather stay home and watch the fight which was hugely unexpected. Jurassic World was tracked to only make 125 mil. You had the NBA finals and all this other stuff going on yet people decided to go see the film. Avengers fanboy hype made the public believe the film would be extremely successful due to how vocal it was. The lack of Jurassic World hype from fanboys have lead to this seemingly incredulous line of success.

What Disney should do for Star Wars? Stop the hype train now. Let the film stand on its own. As it said in Field of Dreams, if you build it or in this case (make it) they will come. Don't over hype your estimates. Keep them low and super conservative to protect your product and credibility. China is going to be a huge deciding factor. Despite the fact they got to see the original trilogy, the first three episodes were shown in Chinese theaters and didn't track well with the public in general. Why are films like Transformers and Fast and Furious doing so well in China while films huge elsewhere like Avengers are not? Disney needs to focus on that when marketing films in foreign markets.


Well-Known Member
Quick Thought on the Club 33 debate....

If I'm paying $27k for the initial membership and $12k/year for membership dues, NO WAY am I letting that guest pass get out of my site.

People are responsible for their guests. One of the easier ways to get term'd from the company is having your guests misbehave when you've maingated them.

They likely had it coming from what I've been told.

And since I will only go as someone's guest, you behave like you are just that. The guy knew the rules and gave his tickets to someone who broke them (no, I don't care that it was a good cause ... every lifestyler-***** says they support Make a Wish and often do things for them. It doesn't make everything OK if you break rules for what you believe is a good cause.) that makes him culpable.

It's interesting that Disney finally enforced a rule on a guest.


Well-Known Member
To all the Marvel fanbois who think Disney is going to force UNI to give back those characters ... BS ... yada ... yada ... and more yada ... you should take the work that's about to begin on IOA's Marvel-themed island as proof positive that it isn't the case at all. I'm just looking forward to a much smoother and plussed Hulk experience ... oh, and the 'possibilities' that will open up when they remove Dr. Doom and the almost always empty since 1999 Toon Lagoon Theater next door!

Are you suggesting this would make one big space? It appears the Spider-man building would be between the two.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I wonder if that will allow them to dust, vaccuum, and clean the urine from the toilet base and under the seat. It's a shame to lose the extra towels.


That's the sad part about the news; you really can't deny that many rooms today apparently need more time cleaning.

God forbid Disney actually give housekeeping more time to do both. :rolleyes:
Doesn't Disney actually enforce pretty fast room turnarounds by industry standards?


Light duty people used to make those.... so I dont see them discontinued. Just pushed to the side for the busy work for those on the DL.

Good to know.
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Well-Known Member
Allow me to retort...


It is tracking where Disney will be #2 in the box office again and JW taking #1. This same week FF7 overtook Avengers 1 on the all time top grossing movies as #3 and JW is tracking to end up high up on that list as the #2 all time domestic top grossing movie (Not adjusted for inflation).

As of June 24. 2015

Why is this important to Disney? With the purchase of Marvel and Lucasfilm, the thought was easy moneymakers and to get more of the male demographic. What has been seen is the power of Marvel diminishing slowly and the first Lucasfilm under the Disney label, Strange Magic didn't do well at all. Will Star Wars be Disney's saving grace?

Marvel shows no signs of diminishing slowly. Are you basing this off of the Avengers 2 numbers? Guardians was huge, IM 3 made more than the other two, Cap 2 did better than the first. Not sure where you get this idea. Did Avengers 2 make as much as the first? No, but Marvel is strong. Cap 3 comes out next year with Spider-man and Iron Man in it. My guess is that it will do quite well.

Star Wars may in fact be a huge IP but there is a major thing FF had along with Jurassic Park which Star Wars and even Indy never capitalized on. The silent hype. FF7 had little to no fanboi hype before the film blew up. Jurassic World I remember everyone complaining how boring it looked or how bad it looked or how crappy the CGI and Avengers was gonna be the best then for the spots to be totally reversed. When people are so vocal about things they like, rather than things they don't like it skews expectations to make it be believed things will reach a certain level when in fact, it could cause more harm.

Avengers 2 for example, prediction was it would be the biggest opening weekend ever for weeks. As the time came, people said screw Avengers 2 rather stay home and watch the fight which was hugely unexpected. Jurassic World was tracked to only make 125 mil. You had the NBA finals and all this other stuff going on yet people decided to go see the film. Avengers fanboy hype made the public believe the film would be extremely successful due to how vocal it was. The lack of Jurassic World hype from fanboys have lead to this seemingly incredulous line of success.

Comparing that fight (the most watched PPV event of all time) to the NBA finals is apples and oranges. An NFL preseason game can beat NBA final numbers. On top of this, you had the Kentucky Derby, NFL draft (I know, it was day 3) and the NBA/NHL finals. It wasn't just one event but many events on the same day/weekend.

Fanboys do not make a movie successful, it's the rest of the people. When you get the general public interested in a movie, that's the key to success. JW was not a well written movie but it had what the public wanted.

***Spoiler Alert***

The dinosaurs chase and kill people (pretty viciously) but the protagonists get away. It's the movie people wanted to see. Nothing new, just in a different vein.


What Disney should do for Star Wars? Stop the hype train now. Let the film stand on its own. As it said in Field of Dreams, if you build it or in this case (make it) they will come. Don't over hype your estimates. Keep them low and super conservative to protect your product and credibility. China is going to be a huge deciding factor. Despite the fact they got to see the original trilogy, the first three episodes were shown in Chinese theaters and didn't track well with the public in general. Why are films like Transformers and Fast and Furious doing so well in China while films huge elsewhere like Avengers are not? Disney needs to focus on that when marketing films in foreign markets.

Star Wars is available on many a street corner in China for about $15 on dvd, why would they go to the theater now? You can't base the limited release of the old movies on future results.

Avengers 2 has made $240 million in China, second to FF7. So saying it isn't huge in China is just plain wrong. Did FF7 beat it? Yes but it's not the failure you make it out to be.
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Well-Known Member
Marvel shows no signs of diminishing slowly. Are you basing this off of the Avengers 2 numbers? Guardians was huge, IM 3 made more than the other two, Cap 2 did better than the first. Not sure where you get this idea. Did Avengers 2 make as much as the first? No, but Marvel is strong.

Yep. Age of Ultron has made over $1.3B at the box office and will likely pass $1.4B when it is all said and done (hasn't opened in Japan yet). Anyone citing that as a "failure" or Marvel "diminishing" is a fool. Disney is surely thrilled with how well Marvel has performed is since the purchase; all of the Phase 2 movies have been ridiculously profitable.

Jurassic World has done fantastic and kudos to Universal for it. But its success (and FF7's) doesn't somehow mean that AoU has "failed". It's not a race with only one winner -- multiple movies can be successful in the same calendar year.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Age of Ultron has made over $1.3B at the box office and will likely pass $1.4B when it is all said and done (hasn't opened in Japan yet). Anyone citing that as a "failure" or Marvel "diminishing" is a fool. Disney is surely thrilled with how well Marvel has performed is since the purchase; all of the Phase 2 movies have been ridiculously profitable.

Jurassic World has done fantastic and kudos to Universal for it. But its success (and FF7's) doesn't somehow mean that AoU has "failed". It's not a race with only one winner -- multiple movies can be successful in the same calendar year.

Well the only real loser here would be Paul Walker…

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
That photo was taken in 2012, not today.

It can Originally Be Found Here.
doesnt matter, when people want to hate, they will use whatever to hate.
Specially take photos or quotes that do not belong and claim they do.

Happens a lot online.. twitter, facebook.. whatever..
Because she was using the same tactic to advance her career.
I dont think she had much choice. Anyone remembers Mr. Singer and his attraction to young boys and "wanna be" actors?
And there are rumors that this behaviour is normal for new artists trying to enter the Hollywood world.


Well-Known Member
too soon bro, too soon.

I still hated that they had to use CGI and his brother to continue the movie.
It would have been an amazing way to wrap up the series.. but no.. FF8 is already under filming, right?

It hasn't started filming but they did announce it and it has a release date already.


Premium Member
This castle photo is going around the Internet

View attachment 98653
That photo was taken in 2012, not today.

It can Originally Be Found Here.
While everybody is celebrating over confederate flags and marriage rights, the Senate quietly paves the road for Fast Track legislation and TPP. Saw a dozen stories yesterday about Amazon deleting flag sellers or the white house lit up in rainbow colors, but the TPP story gets glossed over in 20 seconds.

Regardless of what side your on in this issue, its another MAJOR legislation progressing without the public being able to even know whats in it, but Twitter is all blowin up over a 3 year old photo of Cindys Castle. SMH

FWIW, Im glad couples can now get married, its a great victory, just sad the media is using it as a distraction

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