A Spirited Perfect Ten


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Sure there are those of you who liked the movie....nothing wrong with that....I didn't care for it....I am sure there were some people who didn't like the Godfather...or Gone with the Wind....heck I liked Lone Ranger....a lot of people didnt....each his own.

Fair enough. I greatly enjoyed Lone Ranger. I also understood that Disney sabotaged their own film too ... I'd say Lone Ranger was on par with Jurassic World (perhaps even better because of the amazing train sequence at the end that was real, not computer generated BS).


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. I greatly enjoyed Lone Ranger. I also understood that Disney sabotaged their own film too ... I'd say Lone Ranger was on par with Jurassic World (perhaps even better because of the amazing train sequence at the end that was real, not computer generated BS).

How do you figure?


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I didn't intend to start a Robb-bashing party, and I'm not willing to write the guy off entirely. TPR does amazing POV videos of rides I'll never get to see in person, and (like I said) I always enjoy hanging out with him in person. His wife is also really nice to me, and I've had a great time going on trips with them (our Sally Corp tour was fantastic). I just don't like the way he treats people online (myself included).

As for being a Disney shill just because he gets PR event invites...I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to get on WDW's PR list for years, so I don't begrudge anyone who does get in. I have lots of other friends on the list, and I don't think it necessarily means you don't have journalistic integrity.

I don't know Robb. I know of him. I had a chance to meet him last year and declined. ... That said, having seen who is on WDW's PR list I will politely (or not) disagree with you about journalistic integrity. If anyone on their vaunted list has it, then Cupcake made a boo-boo because of the frosting on her fingers and put a few people on by mistake. Any list that has the likes of Lou Mongello, Ricky Brigante, Jim Hill on it (amongst others) is not the kind of company that I'd want to be keeping.

I think the problem is that Robb is a theme park enthusiast and booster whose mission is to promote positive things about attractions. I'm a critic whose job is to point out the good, the bad, and the ugly as objectively as I can. I respect his approach, but he doesn't have respect for mine.

I don't respect professional bloggingwhores. I just don't. ... and that group absolutely doesn't understand or grasp the most basic facets of being fair and objective. It's why I do like @WDWFigment (although I'm jealous of his hometown and his third?? trip to TDR in two years ... I do recall five years ago when he hadn't even visited DL once). I also respect Tom because even when he gets a free hotel room (say a $700 freebie from DLP) he isn't afraid to turn around and rip the place. That says he can't be bought ... or that if he can, much like myself, the price is considerably higher that a few free vacations!

Unfortunately, he took time out of his Japan trip to message me a screenshot of this thread as a warning, so I don't anticipate our relationship improving any time soon...

Hmm ... typical online behavior from the Lifestyler group. I do recall something about him being arrested years ago, not sure why. I think it was a financial matter, but in FL all records can be bought, and I didn't even buy anything to find it (it was when I was seeing what I could find about the people Disney was getting into bed with and it was scary ... and obvious they don't vet anyone ... spouse abuse, DUI accidents, borrowing money from charities etc ... Disney does absolutely no vetting at all. If their social media 'experts' say 'this person is valuable' they are on the list and receiving freebies galore.


Well-Known Member
Hmm ... typical online behavior from the Lifestyler group. I do recall something about him being arrested years ago, not sure why. I think it was a financial matter, but in FL all records can be bought, and I didn't even buy anything to find it (it was when I was seeing what I could find about the people Disney was getting into bed with and it was scary ... and obvious they don't vet anyone ... spouse abuse, DUI accidents, borrowing money from charities etc ... Disney does absolutely no vetting at all. If their social media 'experts' say 'this person is valuable' they are on the list and receiving freebies galore.

You forgot the guy who got arrested for trying to get a "pro" to be in his "film"....


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I just wanted to pass this along as I was told something very interesting and to start with it doesn't come from any business associate of mine, rather an odd circumstance. I know that there was an April Fool's joke floating around about Pepsi replacing Coca-Cola at the Parks and Resorts and this is not based on that.... but apparently that isn't far off according to this individual. She is stating that an agreement will be announced that Pepsi will be replacing Coca-Cola in the theme parks beginning next calendar year. The source of this information is a high-level executive in Park and Resorts. I know that PepsiCo made an agreement with the company for the Shanghai property last year. Take it for what it's worth. It's not a contact of mine, but this individual is completely in the loop of these top decisions. We'll see.

I haven't heard this, but based on the contract for Shanghai Disneyland going to Pepsi, which basically broke the contract Disney signed with Coke for worldwide rights, I'm very much wondering if this could be true. I need to find someone at Coke who knows more about the contract. I have to say that I don't think it would be a welcome change by many Guests. ... But Pepsi has lost huge contracts in the past 15 years with Burger King, Busch/SEAS, and UNI in the last 15 years or so. They've lost some airline deals as well. They clearly want a big get. Again, the question is ''Can they get them?''


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Creepy is when you attain stalkee status. Happens to the best of us.

Really....now I feel left out....

I think I've told you some past experiences. You REALLY don't want these crazies to know where/when you are.
But I'm guessing all the crazies will know it when we open Shanghai Disneyland next year ... or in 2019 ... or whenever they open!


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I will say that the bad attitude part seems to be a more recent thing, and I've seen it happen to other people who have a presence and a following online. I think part of it comes from the inevitable stupid questions and trolls that happen on pretty much every website these days. After a few years, it can get to you.

REALLY?!??! Please, do tell ...;):eek::D


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Issues with contractors (quality, schedules, etc) is hardly a new development or one unique to the Chinese, even if there is state ownership. Nor is a Disney theme park going over budget new.

Yes. And I believe you've expressed this view probably 28 times in the past few hundred pages. It has been noted.
And I don't even disagree one bit with the words above ... I just disagree with your implication.


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Not trying to stir up trouble (in case this turns into something sensitive), but I'll ask this here because I figure it's the place with the best chance for getting an answer:

Anyone have any idea why Card Walker on Twitter deleted all of his past tweets today? The account is still active. I always enjoyed his take on Disney topics.

Just wondering if there is a story there!

Ask his best friends: Michael Crawford and Andy Castro. They likely know.


One Little Spark...
How is yesterday related to today?


All the hassles seemed so far away.
No detailed planning needed for my stay.
Oh, I do miss, Disney Yesterday.

ADRs must be made on day one-eighty.
Or you won't get in where you really want to eat.
Oh, I do miss, Disney Yesterday.

Why they had to change,
It's so strange,
Meg wouldn't say.

I said,
Something wrong,
Now I long,
For Disney Yesterday...


Fastpass was an easy game to play.
And I didn't need my iPhone with me every day.
Oh, I do miss, Disney Yesterday.

Why they spent that much,
With no punch.
Very few new rides.

And they've,
Closed down more,
But no, not the stores,
I just can't abide!


Disney was a great place to get away.
Now it costs more for a shorter stay.
Oh, I do miss, Disney Yesterday.

<hums outtro>
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