Great article this weekend that illustrates the real story as to why Disney is cozing up to the Chinese government. In this case, the first time Star Wars is being officially shown in Chinese cinemas. This is precisely what I and a few others have been trying to explain amongst all the theatrics and hysterics regarding Disney's entry into China.
Particularly note things like:
"Sales assistant Joy Han took a day off to see the film, even though she has seen all six through illegal downloads and pirated copies. The six-DVD box set sells for around $12 in the Chinese commercial city." "It looks better on the big screen," she told AFP. "This is the first time for China."
This is what matters to Disney, long term - it has nothing to do with small potatoes like a single site theme park or store location, or such trivialities as who appears in what photograph at an event that no one remembers a week later. It's about getting those 1.4B people in China accustomed to authentic media, and Disney getting the support of the government, like they did here, to be able to showcase their IP in an official capacity (and to profit from it).