A Spirited Perfect Ten


Premium Member
Stitch was simply on the cheap and replaced the only truly terrifying Disney attraction.
It truly was. Back in 2000, (God that seems like ages ago) my roommate decided to come along for a Disney trip I took with my sis. He was 6'5 and crazy. I cant recall how many times we would be out an I would turn around to see him fighting someone. Lots of crazy adventures we had. Needless to say he was the tough guy type. I was looking forward to see how he would react when we rode 'ExtraTERRORestrial'. To sum it up, he was screaming like a little girl. It was awesome. When we got off (insert joke here), he yelled at me, "why didnt you tell me about that!" Then he said, "lets do it again!" (insert other dirty joke here)

Mike S

Well-Known Member
It truly was. Back in 2000, (God that seems like ages ago) my roommate decided to come along for a Disney trip I took with my sis. He was 6'5 and crazy. I cant recall how many times we would be out an I would turn around to see him fighting someone. Lots of crazy adventures we had. Needless to say he was the tough guy type. I was looking forward to see how he would react when we rode 'ExtraTERRORestrial'. To sum it up, he was screaming like a little girl. It was awesome. When we got off (insert joke here), he yelled at me, "why didnt you tell me about that!" Then he said, "lets do it again!" (insert other dirty joke here)
Say what you want about Stitch as an attraction, but those animatronics are among the best on property.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
The Yeti is also a very impressive AA.


Well-Known Member
Great article this weekend that illustrates the real story as to why Disney is cozing up to the Chinese government. In this case, the first time Star Wars is being officially shown in Chinese cinemas. This is precisely what I and a few others have been trying to explain amongst all the theatrics and hysterics regarding Disney's entry into China.

Particularly note things like: "Sales assistant Joy Han took a day off to see the film, even though she has seen all six through illegal downloads and pirated copies. The six-DVD box set sells for around $12 in the Chinese commercial city." "It looks better on the big screen," she told AFP. "This is the first time for China."

This is what matters to Disney, long term - it has nothing to do with small potatoes like a single site theme park or store location, or such trivialities as who appears in what photograph at an event that no one remembers a week later. It's about getting those 1.4B people in China accustomed to authentic media, and Disney getting the support of the government, like they did here, to be able to showcase their IP in an official capacity (and to profit from it).
And there's Darth Iger right in the middle of that picture in China:


Well-Known Member
What's this I hear about Discovery Island reopening? LoL

Definitely gives you hope for the future that there's kids out there that young who have an interest in what WDW was like when it was in its prime, long before they were born.

I love the idea that WDW genuinely could spin-it that leaving the island for the natural Florida animals to roam free and the park to decay is somehow an attraction in itself, I could see them actually saying that.


Well-Known Member
And you want an applause or what?
I was laughing at the comment, not the fact that they might maintain themselves with what they do.
But also.. weren't they asking for donations or a kickstart for their videos projects?

Sorry, guess I don't get the joke - and I wasn't looking for "applause" (isn't that what your constant stream of little pictures is for?).

"Maintaining themselves", or making a living at an activity, is one of the definitions of the word "professional". Hence "professional sports", "professional video game player", etc. If you make a living at it, versus it being a leisure activity, you are a professional.

There very definitely are professional fans out there. Not just with Disney, but pretty much everything that has enough of a following to support enough ancillary activity - Star Wars, video games, Game of Thrones...you name it.


Well-Known Member
And there's Darth Iger right in the middle of that picture in China:

Oh thank goodness...if he hadn't been in the picture, then we would have had a whole new round of theories as to how the historic theatrical exhibition of Star Wars was actually Disney getting spanked because...something. LOL. Glad we don't have to find out. ;)


Well-Known Member
Great article this weekend that illustrates the real story as to why Disney is cozing up to the Chinese government. In this case, the first time Star Wars is being officially shown in Chinese cinemas. This is precisely what I and a few others have been trying to explain amongst all the theatrics and hysterics regarding Disney's entry into China.

Particularly note things like: "Sales assistant Joy Han took a day off to see the film, even though she has seen all six through illegal downloads and pirated copies. The six-DVD box set sells for around $12 in the Chinese commercial city." "It looks better on the big screen," she told AFP. "This is the first time for China."

This is what matters to Disney, long term - it has nothing to do with small potatoes like a single site theme park or store location, or such trivialities as who appears in what photograph at an event that no one remembers a week later. It's about getting those 1.4B people in China accustomed to authentic media, and Disney getting the support of the government, like they did here, to be able to showcase their IP in an official capacity (and to profit from it).
This has been mentioned and was pointed as part of the fumbling because the Star Wars films have long been released in other territories.


Premium Member
I love the idea that WDW genuinely could spin-it that leaving the island for the natural Florida animals to roam free
They could call it...Isla Nublar....wait, no they couldnt. I guess they could just call it Pandora. There are enough idiots out there who will defend it as a perfect fit.


Well-Known Member
The Yeti is also a very impressive AA.

Let me correct Mike -

"Say what you want about Stitch as an attraction, but those animatronics are among the best of the working ones on property."


That said, I have always agreed - Stitch has not nearly earned the hate shown towards it. The final version ended up much better than the previews, they fixed up a lot of the holes - and it's a neat little attraction at this point. Stitch AA is really cool, and while I'm not really a fan of him (I've never seen any of the movies) I can't deny that he is pretty funny and adorable in that attraction. It's like TLM - folks are so focused on what they don't see that they miss what they can see - which is a couple of C-tickets in a park that needs them.


Well-Known Member
This has been mentioned and was pointed as part of the fumbling because the Star Wars films have long been released in other territories.

Ah - well, I guess that can be crossed off the list LOL. There are so many and they are so scattered I have a hard time remembering all the individual episodes of "That Darn Iger!". Someone should make an episode guide so the antics are easier to follow.

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