A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...


Resident Curmudgeon
Let's think about it.... building is already built for each ride....

So Space Mountain needs a new track... 75M
Energy 30M - This just needs a update new movie fix the AA it still works just needs to be updated.
Imagination 75M
70M for the rest

Should really be no problem....

Except WDI dollars are 4x as expensive as real world dollars, Diagon Alley cost less than NFL and there is no question who got more for their money.


Well-Known Member
Live action. Just like the existing maze.

And while we are on the subject of major kewl developments coming to other resorts, Toontown at DL will indeed be getting taken over by Frozen and other properties. Not sure the entire land will go, but what stays isn't likely to look the same ...

"...and other properties". PLEASE tell me its TDL's Beauty and the Beast attraction.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Come on. A few months? That's the pixie dust talking. It would take years (and probably new ownership and the way Disney spends, who knows how much money) to get WDW back to where it was at the turn of the century.

At some point, fans have to see they're being played for suckers, especially if they really think the "fix" is that easy.

I'm talking many of the smaller gripes that get mentioned constantly - see the mini trip report by @alphac2005 earlier in this thread. Things like broken ride effects, dirty restrooms, short staffed areas, poor food quality, attractions at reduced capacity, broken lights, etc. All of those things are fixable within weeks.

Then you get to some of the larger items, like overhauls of attractions to bring them into the modern age. Depending on the complexity, an attraction would need to be down for anywhere from 4-12 months (ex: CoP and Pan could take 4-5 months to bring them into the 21st century, whereas new tracks for Space Mountain likely 12+ months). But still, within a year for most attractions if you're willing to let multiple ones go down simultaneously (anathema for WDW in the last decade).

Finally I admit there are the larger problems that aren't so easily solved: the sorry state of Epcot's Future World, DHS being a half day park, the over reliance and saturation of DVC across the resort, the resort's strained transportation system, etc. These fixes take years and, in some respects, a complete change in business mindset. But they are still possible.

Point is, many of the things we fans complain about are easily reversed within 6 months, IF there is sufficient will. The problem is that there is none within TWDC.

Edited for more accurate timelines.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
One other interesting thing to add from Saturday, all the sudden the payment system was down across the Magic Kingdom at all the kiosks. Our son wanted a frozen fruit bar, so we got that from the cart and paid with cash. We then went to get pretzels in Frontierland at a cart and the guy rang us up and told me to get the items from the other side of the cart. I was taken aback because we hadn't paid. The other Cast Member gave us the food and I said that we hadn't paid. She then let us know to enjoy it because the system was down and there was no charge. They were all manually logging all the items that they were essentially giving away. That was quite a surprise and clearly not a surprise that the spreadsheet readers were going to like from that particular afternoon! :)


Well-Known Member
Just reading some of the coverage on Disney's earnings ... 6.9% down is pretty telling.

Also pretty telling: WDW (and UNI as well to a lesser extent) was simply not crowded at all for the first week of May. Now, May once was a slow month, one of the slowest of the year as a matter of fact, but it felt worse this year.

And it also felt yet again like a depressing place, a place on the verge of closing. I don't know how people aren't getting that, except I guess they never visited in 1973 or 1987 or 1995 or even 2000. Depressed, slovenly, overworked CMs. Guests overwhelmed by prices (yes, dinner really starts at 11 a.m. at the Crystal Palace ... yes, the Diamond Horseshoe is open again just with no show and a $33 a person family style dining experience ... yes, that a la carte lunch steak that is no higher quality than what you can get at Outback Steakhouse really is $51).



Well-Known Member
The drivers are more insane all the time. A new FL habit is if you are in the wrong lane and the light is green, you just sit there, even if traffic is coming up on you at 50 MPH. It is effing crazy. And I saw it on at least half a dozen occurrences, a few where I had to narrowly miss the moron and beep the horn and gesture ...

That's because people in the cross street have a tendency to run the red light. So, when the light turns green, we hesitate before going through. Red light running is incessant in Tallahassee. And yes, I'm one of those who hesitates. I like living, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Its all relative, but they are right most of the time. The parks are in bad shape, that is a fact no matter how others try and spin it. And just for some reference, even though I visited in '96 and '00, my love for WDW began in 2008 when I was 16. In eight years, I have definitely noticed a drop in the overall quality. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy visiting, though. But the changes are very obvious...

i wish you could have fallen for disney when i did. i was extremely fortunate to go twice a year from 1993 on all the way through the aughts. my first trip was in 1987. the feeling that the resort was capable of giving you back then was...ineffable. they're capable of so much more, and that's why it's just so sad to see what it has become.

From a hardcore Mets fan to another Mets fan, yup, $50. No joke.

unreal, man. unreal. and next time you're out at citi field and the7line army is there, i'll be there. let's have a brew and talk shop!


Think for yourselfer
hi, fellow mets fan (hopefully!). LGM!

yeah, the food at citi field is lightyears beyond anything you can get at WDW right now. i shudder to think that @alphac2005 paid over $50 to eat at cosmic ray's. that's just sheer and utter insanity.

From a hardcore Mets fan to another Mets fan, yup, $50. No joke.


$50 for 3 people with no booze involved. For quick service lunch. Positively outrageous.


Well-Known Member
Most of us are rational people. I gather we all still have fun at WDW or we'd stop investing so much of our time in this nonsense. But most of us notice two things: an undeniable astronomical increase in prices coupled with (variable) declines in quality. WDW is not hell. But it could, should, and used to hold itself to a higher standard. That doesn't mean Splash Mountain isn't still fun. But the property is declining and complacency is not the appropriate response. If your best friend is becoming a drunken mess but still tells good jokes, do you ignore his decline or do you try to intervene? It's not as black-and-white as some make it.

This. And, perhaps as insignificant as I am on an individual basis, I go back and enjoy my time with my family there, in spite of the changes and apparent declines in quality. For those that changes really bother me personally, I speak up. If we don't speak up, they'll never know. Doesn't mean anything will change the way I would want it to change, but I still speak up.
Went just a few weeks ago, and in spite of everything that I've read on here about the changes and cutbacks, was one of the finest trips we've ever had...and the reason for that is the CMs. With only one exception, every single CM we interacted with on this trip was amazing. I had the pleasure of meeting some folks that are newly part of the WDW team, and some serious veterans. They aren't thrilled with the changes that are being thrust upon them from management ranks, but you really wouldn't know it on the surface. I'm sure if the cadence of the cuts and the severity continues, it will impact them even more and have a negative effect on attitudes outwardly as well.


Well-Known Member
We were there from Thanksgiving into early December and it was the first time we saw armed security at the end of the monorail ramps prior to entering Ecpot. Just outside the gates, along with dogs. It was very noticeable and disconcerting. I was traveling with my parents who also noticed it immediately and commented. Whatever the threat is/was the heightened security is definitely visible.

I was there early November and noticed the same thing.


Well-Known Member
MK can be fixed in 18 - 24 months the work they have already done to improve the facades in most of the park is done or will be soon. They would then need to fix rides... Nothing hard to fix to clean them up and make them look good in 2-3 months time each ride can be detailed and cleaned....

Then the refurb list begins - Space Mountain is a gut job, Stitch, and then an update to Peter Pan.

That would get the park going and back to a good condition... It really needs to just needs a culture change... when something is broke fix it, when a ride is down at night clean it... paint the walls idiots mess up... keep it looking new and fresh... just takes some hard work to make it right....

MK really does not need much...

Epcot- Same cleaning issues but then fix imagination and energy... Just those two over two years will make a world of difference.

HS is being done and cannot complain.

AK is being done.

Total investment for rides - 600M in disney dollars... could be done really for 250M

Oh, I get it. You mean it would take 18-24 months in Fantasyland. Seriously, put down the Tinker Bell pipe.

"MK really does not need much..." Hasn't had a new E-ticket in, oh, 25 years, but -- yeah -- it's doing just fine. The old attractions get older and more neglected, the new attractions fail to impress, new nighttime entertainment is needed. Let's move on.

"Epcot - fix imagination and energy"... By the time those are fixed (realistically, 2020? 2022? 2024?), M:S will be 20+ years old, Test Track will be 25+ years old, and Seas will be 15+ years old. See how it works? Disney has fallen so far behind that the parks will never catch up.

"HS is being done and cannot complain." When is it going to be "done," and what's it going to consist of? A new carnival area and top-notch (we hope) Star Wars expansion? They've closed half the park and that's all replacing it with? Who's paying $150 a day (which is what it will be by the time it opens) to ride two new Star Wars rides that will have 4 hour waits, because everything else in the park is either closed or ancient?

"AK is being done." With one new expansion and a nighttime show that missed its opening date? Anything else?

You didn't even touch the infrastructure problems, transportation, monorails, resort upkeep...

As some of us have been saying, WDW is off the rails, has been off the rails for years, and getting it back on the rails looks less and less likely with each passing day. There's simply too much to do which would require far too much money to make it happen, and the place has become so stagnant that the cost of bringing it up to speed would never get the Board's approval.

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