A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...


Well-Known Member
There is a third phase of construction 'planned' for what is now known as DHS. Whether it happens is another matter.

As far as I know, there is nothing on the horizon for DAK for a while after Pandora just to see how that fills out the experience. The only thing I have heard about is another full serve dining location is possible depending on the performance of Tiffins.
Honest question, do we see the yeti repaired after Avatar opens?


Well-Known Member
Honest question, do we see the yeti repaired after Avatar opens?



Well-Known Member
This why a lot of us still cling to hope, magic and pixie dust. There are problems, yes, but almost all of them can all be turned around, literally, within a few months. It's just a matter of will on Disney's part.

Come on. A few months? That's the pixie dust talking. It would take years (and probably new ownership and the way Disney spends, who knows how much money) to get WDW back to where it was at the turn of the century.

At some point, fans have to see they're being played for suckers, especially if they really think the "fix" is that easy.


Well-Known Member
This thread moves quickly! On the topic of security and the idea that security checks are at the parks gates... there are tons of very crowded places on property before you get in these gates. It makes me nuts that these checks are done randomly and in seemingly useless locations.

Mouse Trap

Well-Known Member
If you even have to ask why you do not understand, But I'll explain it for you all the biggest intelligence leaks in US history up to including Snowden involved young very low level people as they are easy to compromise and no one is watching them as they watch higher level people, And I'd posit that those who put themselves on LinkedIn are not very smart because they just painted a giant target on themselves.

Are you entertaining the idea that Global Intelligence at Disney actually pulls some weight in terms of national security? I'm not going to get into the specifics of the departments responsibilities/knowledge, but if they know about a major security threat to the parks before the FBI does this country is in some serious trouble.

Yeah, they've got some good info about holes in park security procedures, but someone looking to cause some damage would be thoroughly disappointed during an interrogation. Frankly it would be a waste of time.

Regardless, terror attacks can happen ANYWHERE in the USA. Paris is a sickening example of such. Elaborate plots aren't quite as easy to get away with anymore. Enough damage can be caused, as I said earlier, in low-profile crowded areas anywhere in the USA.


Well-Known Member
Until Dany walks into the fire with her fossilized dragon eggs and restores the Targaryen birthright...

Wait, what are we talking about?

And she's been so successful, right? Just parade your dragons around, and make pronouncements and everyone will bend to your rule. Turns out, you can't just come in, announce change and change happens. Not when there is a system hell bent on maintaining the status quo, and anyone who challenges the leader is quickly dispatched. This is what naive Disney fans expect, that somewhere there is a savior who has been living in exile, who is suddenly going to be elevated into a position of power where good things will just descend from the heavens. You need a treasury, you need an army devoted to the cause, but that matters not without effective leadership. So unless one of the Seven Dwarfs is secretly a Lannister who has been underestimated and marginalized his entire life...


Resident Curmudgeon
Are you entertaining the idea that Global Intelligence at Disney actually pulls some weight in terms of national security? I'm not going to get into the specifics of the departments responsibilities/knowledge, but if they know about a major security threat to the parks before the FBI does this country is in some serious trouble.

Yeah, they've got some good info about holes in park security procedures, but someone looking to cause some damage would be thoroughly disappointed during an interrogation. Frankly it would be a waste of time.

Regardless, terror attacks can happen ANYWHERE in the USA. Paris is a sickening example of such. Elaborate plots aren't quite as easy to get away with anymore. Enough damage can be caused, as I said earlier, in low-profile crowded areas anywhere in the USA.

I'm having trouble believing you are serious, WDW and DL are among the top terror targets in the US since 9/11 and probably before Disney has been on a first name basis with every three letter agency in the US Govt and probably a bunch of non-US based ones as well.


Premium Member
Come on. A few months? That's the pixie dust talking. It would take years (and probably new ownership and the way Disney spends, who knows how much money) to get WDW back to where it was at the turn of the century.

At some point, fans have to see they're being played for suckers, especially if they really think the "fix" is that easy.

MK can be fixed in 18 - 24 months the work they have already done to improve the facades in most of the park is done or will be soon. They would then need to fix rides... Nothing hard to fix to clean them up and make them look good in 2-3 months time each ride can be detailed and cleaned....

Then the refurb list begins - Space Mountain is a gut job, Stitch, and then an update to Peter Pan.

That would get the park going and back to a good condition... It really needs to just needs a culture change... when something is broke fix it, when a ride is down at night clean it... paint the walls idiots mess up... keep it looking new and fresh... just takes some hard work to make it right....

MK really does not need much...

Epcot- Same cleaning issues but then fix imagination and energy... Just those two over two years will make a world of difference.

HS is being done and cannot complain.

AK is being done.

Total investment for rides - 600M in disney dollars... could be done really for 250M

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
More than once - Saw a kid sitting on grandmas lap on a power chair at Tusker House pull the joystick and run over a waitress and bowl over a half dozen tables. Kid was perhaps 18 months old so just a baby pulling at stuff no intent there.
That's what I'm talking about, those things are a menace.

Amen! We didn't let our kids back out until they were well into their threes.


Well-Known Member
MK can be fixed in 18 - 24 months the work they have already done to improve the facades in most of the park is done or will be soon. They would then need to fix rides... Nothing hard to fix to clean them up and make them look good in 2-3 months time each ride can be detailed and cleaned....

Then the refurb list begins - Space Mountain is a gut job, Stitch, and then an update to Peter Pan.

That would get the park going and back to a good condition... It really needs to just needs a culture change... when something is broke fix it, when a ride is down at night clean it... paint the walls idiots mess up... keep it looking new and fresh... just takes some hard work to make it right....

MK really does not need much...

Epcot- Same cleaning issues but then fix imagination and energy... Just those two over two years will make a world of difference.

HS is being done and cannot complain.

AK is being done.

Total investment for rides - 600M in disney dollars... could be done really for 250M

If it would only cost $250 million in real world dollars and it hasn't been done yet then everyone involved in running the theme parks should be fired immediately.


Premium Member
If it would only cost $250 million in real world dollars and it hasn't been done yet then everyone involved in running the theme parks should be fired immediately.

Let's think about it.... building is already built for each ride....

So Space Mountain needs a new track... 75M
Energy 30M - This just needs a update new movie fix the AA it still works just needs to be updated.
Imagination 75M
70M for the rest

Should really be no problem....

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