A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


Well-Known Member
I’ve seen that and many other ratings and scores. Your opinion is certainly shared, by how many is still unknown, and it’s strength is still up for debate.
At least it made Disney a ton of money. I’m just worried of over saturation, diminishing returns, and lower quality creativity effectively destroying or devaluing the Star Wars franchise.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Of course. Have you checked the audience score at Rotten Tomatoes lately? I may have an opinion, but it’s a strong one that is shared by too many.
Does anyone happen to know what the 2nd weekend box office was in China for TLJ?

$2.4 million, a 92% drop from week 1

You do realize that to bolster your own low opinion of TLJ, that you're justifying it by pointing out other people with a low opinion, namely the RT user score and the China box office, right?

And do you also realize that those two indicators are outliers?

The online poll at IMDB showed about an 80% approval compared to RT's 50% (and they had more users 'voting'). So, which is right? What we need is a scientific sampling, and there were three done. Two gave it an 80% approval. And Cinemascore gave it an A.

And the critics' scores from RT and Metacritic was 80%.

So, that takes care of the RT users score. What about China box office? Yes, TLJ tanked in China. And nowhere else. Without China TLJ was tracking internationally at 66% of TFA, which is on par for Episodes 5 and 2 compared to Episodes 4 and 1.

Cherry picking one country and one score to make the point it wasn't well received is hilarious. Even funnier is using China's low box office to make the point that the movie which is currently at number 10 worldwide box office of all time is unpopular.


Well-Known Member
At least it made Disney a ton of money. I’m just worried of over saturation, diminishing returns, and lower quality creativity effectively destroying or devaluing the Star Wars franchise.

I’m starting to agree with the over saturation stance now. Looking back via Facebook (brings up On This Day reminders all the time) I had a ton of posts from 2 years ago about how pumped up I was for TFA, and even again for Rogue 1. I was still excited for TLJ, but not on the same level as TFA. I think there needs to be more time between films. And I was very disappointed to hear that the Solo film will be coming up so quick.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that to bolster your own low opinion of TLJ, that you're justifying it by pointing out other people with a low opinion, namely the RT user score and the China box office, right?

And do you also realize that those two indicators are outliers?

The online poll at IMDB showed about an 80% approval compared to RT's 50% (and they had more users 'voting'). So, which is right? What we need is a scientific sampling, and there were three done. Two gave it an 80% approval. And Cinemascore gave it an A.

And the critics' scores from RT and Metacritic was 80%.

So, that takes care of the RT users score. What about China box office? Yes, TLJ tanked in China. And nowhere else. Without China TLJ was tracking internationally at 66% of TFA, which is on par for Episodes 5 and 2 compared to Episodes 4 and 1.

Cherry picking one country and one score to make the point it wasn't well received is hilarious. Even funnier is using China's low box office to make the point that the movie which is currently at number 10 worldwide box office of all time is unpopular.
Just to clarify, I don’t have a low opinion of TLJ itself as an individual movie. It just felt more like a Star Trek movie than a Star Wars movie. Disney should have given Rian Johnson a stand-alone Star Wars movie first. Frankly, he single-handedly ripped apart and destroyed what could have been a good trilogy. You can’t call it a trilogy now that any plot point that began with TFA had been abruptly aborted, not continued, and mercilessly killed in TLJ in order to make room for brand new plot points and direction with totally new characters (as well as an additional 30 minutes added to the film for the sake of these new characters and plot line). Johnson, as I remember reading, wrote a treatment for Episode 9, which continued the development and plot of his characters. Now, two directors later, Episode 9 has changed the story again, and again. This would be FIFTH time its story treatment was shredded for an entirely new one!

Let’s count:

(1) Lucas’ original story
(2) JJ Abrams’ original outline
(3) Rian Johnson’s now-discarded treatment
(4) Colin Trevorrow’s aborted story concept
(5) JJ Abrams’ second entirely new revision

The completed trilogy may have some coherence of a beginning, middle, and end, but they’re going to have be beyond creative now in order to give it that illusion.


Premium Member
You can’t call it a trilogy now that any plot point that began with TFA had been abruptly aborted, not continued, and mercilessly killed
The MAIN plot point of TFA was finding Luke. To say that they have abandoned or killed plot points is a bit silly considering Luke was found and was a major part of TLJ. Rey and Snokes backgrounds were not plot points in TFA. Not saying that t was you are specifically referring to, but people are loosing their minds because Johnson didnt give them what they wanted. The fact that Rey and Snokes history was not addressed in TLJ does not mean we wont get more info down the road.


Well-Known Member
Apparently some footage was shown for the upcoming Solo movie at a German event and the response was positive. Here’s what one person had to say:

“I just saw a Sneak Peak (EPK reel) of "SOLO - A Star Wars Story" and I must say I'm really really overwhelmed of how freaggin good it looks! (nothing about the story yet)
Alden Ehrenreich is amazing as Han Solo, and so is Donald Glover as Lando, Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson look awesome and it definitely had an "old" Star Wars Feel to it!!
Looks like this could be the `fan-service-movie` some of the older Star Wars fans wanted from Episode VIII ;-)
Can't wait for an official trailer and it's only 4 months (!!) to release! OMG!! (thanks Roland Fischer & Armin Schmidt for making this possible :) )”



Well-Known Member
Apparently some footage was shown for the upcoming Solo movie at a German event and the response was positive. Here’s what one person had to say:

“I just saw a Sneak Peak (EPK reel) of "SOLO - A Star Wars Story" and I must say I'm really really overwhelmed of how freaggin good it looks! (nothing about the story yet)
Alden Ehrenreich is amazing as Han Solo, and so is Donald Glover as Lando, Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson look awesome and it definitely had an "old" Star Wars Feel to it!!
Looks like this could be the `fan-service-movie` some of the older Star Wars fans wanted from Episode VIII ;-)
Can't wait for an official trailer and it's only 4 months (!!) to release! OMG!! (thanks Roland Fischer & Armin Schmidt for making this possible :) )”

Solo: A Newer Hope Star Wars Story


Well-Known Member
The MAIN plot point of TFA was finding Luke. To say that they have abandoned or killed plot points is a bit silly considering Luke was found and was a major part of TLJ. Rey and Snokes backgrounds were not plot points in TFA. Not saying that t was you are specifically referring to, but people are loosing their minds because Johnson didnt give them what they wanted. The fact that Rey and Snokes history was not addressed in TLJ does not mean we wont get more info down the road.
He intentionally didn’t give us fans what we wanted and then joked about it! I saw a twitter post during shooting from him where he held up a sign basically saying “**** your Snoke theories!”


Premium Member
He intentionally didn’t give us fans what we wanted and then joked about it! I saw a twitter post during shooting from him where he held up a sign basically saying “**** your Snoke theories!”
Of course it was intentional. I do not think he could "accidentally" leave it out. I did see the tweet. Perhaps it wasnt very mature, but I am sure there is a reason. And to be fair, the Snoke theories are all over the place. People really want a long detailed background story and I do not think its gonna happen. A few lines of dialogue can explain everything. He is most likely trying to soften the blow.

Dapper Dan

Well-Known Member
He intentionally didn’t give us fans what we wanted and then joked about it! I saw a twitter post during shooting from him where he held up a sign basically saying “**** your Snoke theories!”
This was more of a response to J.J. Abrams' lazy writing for The Force Awakens. Abrams tried to disguise underdeveloped characters and events as deep mysteries to be uncovered later. Since he wasn't supposed to direct any of the later films, it meant someone else would figure out what he was either too lazy or not creative enough to do in the first place. I read a report where Johnson asked Abrams who Snoke was. Abrams said he didn't know, so Johnson decided it didn't matter. He didn't throw out J.J's precious mystery boxes to anger the fans, hee did it because he wasn't going to do J.J. Abrams' homework for him.


Well-Known Member
This was more of a response to J.J. Abrams' lazy writing for The Force Awakens. Abrams tried to disguise underdeveloped characters and events as deep mysteries to be uncovered later. Since he wasn't supposed to direct any of the later films, it meant someone else would figure out what he was either too lazy or not creative enough to do in the first place. I read a report where Johnson asked Abrams who Snoke was. Abrams said he didn't know, so Johnson decided it didn't matter. He didn't throw out J.J's precious mystery boxes to anger the fans, hee did it because he wasn't going to do J.J. Abrams' homework for him.

Sounds like what happened in Lost. Let's have a bunch of mysterious stuff and then try to figure what it means later. You can tell that's what happened a lot, especially between seasons.


Well-Known Member
He intentionally didn’t give us fans what we wanted and then joked about it! I saw a twitter post during shooting from him where he held up a sign basically saying “**** your Snoke theories!”
He didn’t intentionally deprive fans of what they wanted. His intention was to give them a good story.

The fact that it might not matter who snoke is could be just as much a story device as him being anyone in particular.

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