A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


Well-Known Member
My mind is fuzzy since I haven't seen ESB or ROJ in a while, but how much of Palpatine's backstory did we get IN ESB or ROJ? I know he was a prominent figure in the prequels.

Likewise, when we meet Yoda, how much backstory do we get? The rules in trilogies are different than that of a more traditional stand-alone film (I took screenwriting courses too).
It really feels like there should have been another trilogy to explain the 30 year gap between ROTJ and TFA. Show Ben's fall to the Dark Side, Explain who Snoke is.. etc. It really feels like TFA should have been Episode 10.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
Not for me - Lucas walked away at the takeover, Kathy Kennedy shouldn't have needed to be told that it might be a good idea to outline a story for the new trilogy before it began.

Particularly when she's shown a concerning propensity for hiring writers and directors she clearly doesn't trust or know enough about, if her habit of micro-managing and firing them during her relatively short tenure as head of Lucasfilm is anything to go by.
I'm saying that Lucas trusted Kennedy, based on their past history, to successfully keep Lucasfilm a functioning entity. You can no more blame her for where things are than you can blame Lucas who vouched for her to be in charge.


Well-Known Member
Apparently some footage was shown for the upcoming Solo movie at a German event and the response was positive. Here’s what one person had to say:

“I just saw a Sneak Peak (EPK reel) of "SOLO - A Star Wars Story" and I must say I'm really really overwhelmed of how freaggin good it looks! (nothing about the story yet)
Alden Ehrenreich is amazing as Han Solo, and so is Donald Glover as Lando, Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson look awesome and it definitely had an "old" Star Wars Feel to it!!
Looks like this could be the `fan-service-movie` some of the older Star Wars fans wanted from Episode VIII ;-)
Can't wait for an official trailer and it's only 4 months (!!) to release! OMG!! (thanks Roland Fischer & Armin Schmidt for making this possible :) )”


Germans also love David Hasselhoff, bad metal bands and starting World Wars so I'd take this with some salt.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I asked Zahn if his stories were related to the stories Lucas had for the sequels and he wouldn’t discuss it but did tell me that there were certain guidelines he had to be faithful to.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I asked Zahn if his stories were related to the stories Lucas had for the sequels and he wouldn’t discuss it but did tell me that there were certain guidelines he had to be faithful to.
They have treated Zahn better than most EU Authors seeing as how Thrawn ended up being re-canonized. The whole lets throw out the entire EU thing was a major mistake in my opinion. It was better organized than it's detractors say.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
By the way, I asked Zahn if his stories were related to the stories Lucas had for the sequels and he wouldn’t discuss it but did tell me that there were certain guidelines he had to be faithful to.
When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they severed any ties to the mind of George Lucas. They are not beholden to him or any more of his "guidelines". You may not like that, but its a sacrifice he made to finally free himself of SW and find his peace.


Well-Known Member
When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they severed any ties to the mind of George Lucas. They are not beholden to him or any more of his "guidelines". You may not like that, but its a sacrifice he made to finally free himself of SW and find his peace.
I feel it's a shame that he was forced into a position where he had to sell. I hope he is enjoying his retirement.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Yes that's my point, nice of you to call out cherry picking and then say the critics are valid but the people aren't. Very convenient.

Yes it is nice of me because I showed how your cherry-picked stat is an outlier in the face of many other contradictory stats.

By the very definition of what 'cherry-picked' means, you cherry-picked, I didn't. But don't let facts get in the way of you being one of the cool kids hating on TLJ.* You're just very bad at it.

*Not that anyone can't have the opinion that they hated it, but, let that be one's own opinion and not having to validate with Fake News.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
Not true. He developed the backstory before he made the first movie. If you don’t believe me, read the Star Wars novelization. The preface “Journal of the Whills” is taken from it.
I don't think you understood what he said.
The Emperor's backstory was never revealed in a motion picture for over 20 years.
Not everyone reads novelizations.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is nice of me because I showed how your cherry-picked stat is an outlier in the face of many other contradictory stats.

By the very definition of what 'cherry-picked' means, you cherry-picked, I didn't. But don't let facts get in the way of you being one of the cool kids hating on TLJ.* You're just very bad at it.

*Not that anyone can't have the opinion that they hated it, but, let that be one's own opinion and not having to validate with Fake News.

Ha, ok buddy.

You can go put on your reading glasses and find where I hated on TLJ. Go ahead, I'll wait.

But in the meantime, please do continute cherry-picking your online polls and critics as "facts" while dismissing other online polls and critics. It's better entertainment than TLJ at least.*

Ok there, now I ripped on it.

I don't actually mean that. You Star Wars people take things too seriously sometimes.

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