I agree that there's always going to be those who for whatever reasons jump on the bandwagon and fabricate their own stories. But for those who have been through it, the trauma and memories never really leave, not matter how the victim tries to suppress them, and sometimes all it takes is hearing others' accounts to bring those memories back to the surface.
I agree that there is a safety in numbers aspect to this - some people finally feel it's safe - in that they are not going to be shamed, but rather their abuser will be - to reveal things that they've kept bottled up over the years. I'm just concerned about those who have not really suffered abuse joining into the "me too" movement. Even if they are misremembering events after the fact, so believe it really happened. I have seen this happen in my own life. People who tell a story that is absolutely false - yet could pass a lie detector because they truly believe it happened that way. They were so convinced that I started doubting my own personal experience of events.