Clemson was responding to Sherm who is in favor of more regulation of alcohol in WDW specifically. Clemson's comments about legalizing drugs and our current laws with re to drugs/alcohol/speed were in general and as far as i read, he didn't say, "no, instead of regulating alcohol more, WDW should sell it in even more locations and place alcohol menus at eye-level with kids."
He wasn't lobbying in favor of further opening up WDW's policies, which is the impression i gather you took from your response to him.
If he had, then i could see how you would take the opposite opinion, but he didn't. He was merely taking the realist perspective, as opposed to the isolationist perspective to such US laws.
If kids are being exposed to alcohol for the first time at WDW, then people SHOULD be very worried. They should be worried about those parents, and not about Disney's sale of alcohol which is in no way overboard compared to the rest of society. I would be very worried for a kid who has been isolated from discussions about alcohol and its effects, high school parties, and quite a bit of television which displays people who are drunk or on drugs all the time.
Just think about how many tragedies(suicides, overdoses, drinking, Columbine etc) could have been avoided, had parents taken a far more active role in the lives of their children.
Its not always the seller's fault, despite how much bad parenting is masked by such acusations.
Disclaimer: I've spoke in general terms, if you read this and feel i'm accusing you of being a bad parent, i'm not. I'm ranting on society as a whole.