A public grievance, re: accusations on this message board


Well-Known Member
A neighbor of mine just lost a nine year old girl to cancer. I work with someone who lost a brother in Iraq. I have a lump in my throat that, so far, has not been diagnosed.

This forum, just like all things Disney, is for fun and escape. Fun and escape should be cherished. If you feel the need to be rude please find an appropriate place to do it, but not here.

Exactly. The whole point of this board, and actually the main point of Disneyworld, is escape. Fantasy. It's the same reason I read Rowling instead of Vonnegut, the same reason I watch Pirates instead of Schindler's List. The real world is scary, depressing, and serious enough. Anything that can take us away from that and make us feel better SHOULD be cherished.

Having said that, I, too, have been involved in rather heavy (possibly bodering on nasty) discussions on this board. That occurs when something said feels like it hits too close to someone's reality. It would serve us all well to remember why we're on these boards: not as a ing contest, but for fun and comraderie. I'm glad mkt brought this up: it should give us all something to think about (a little at least...).


Well-Known Member
I thought there was a rule against grouping up and doing this type of thing... I remember Mice has a rule against flaming, if so you can only say the post is wrong and nothing against the poster.

well said MKT

The Mom

Premium Member
I appreciate that the majority of people have been able to keep on topic, ie, responding to a SPECIFIC complaint about a SPECIFIC forum (News and Rumors) A valid point was raised that too often other posters attack the messenger when they disagree with the message. I myself have had to step in when a poster only quoted a newspaper, and was treated as if he/she had made the information up.

But if this turns into a "let's bash wdwmagic and everyone who posts there" thread it will not be allowed to continue. If everyone posting really thinks that this, or any other message board, will always be warm and fuzzy, and no one will ever say anything that angers or offends you (or just makes you roll your eyes at ignorance or stupidity), then you really are living in a fantasy land. :rolleyes:


Premium Member
From my perspective, this board has gotten pretty tired.

I started a thread last night commenting on the link between Ratatouille and Epcot and it's been banished to the inner bowels. That's the proverbial last straw for me.

Sorry you think the board is tired, thats a shame you feel that way.

I moved your thread because it was posted in News and Rumors, and was 99% based around a movie. I felt it was better placed in the movie discussion board where people who are looking for movie information would look.


Well-Known Member

Stupid, STUPID curiosity! :ROFLOL:



Granted, Nakasak said it...but if you hadn't posted the way you did to arouse my interest...I never would've looked :lol:

(At first...I thought it may have been Vince's son/daughter!)




Granted, Nakasak said it...but if you hadn't posted the way you did to arouse my interest...I never would've looked :lol:

(At first...I thought it may have been Vince's son/daughter!)

Your puns hurt me physically sometimes.



Well-Known Member
There is a member on these forums who may or may not be an insider. What this person is doing is providing rumors for the News and RUMORS forum. Ultimately, the truth of what is being said will be questioned.


What's your source?



That's the comeback/reply I hate most - "What's your source?" :brick:

In general, most people who know lots more about a subject than you (like WDW) pretty much do not need to answer to anyone.

Read the "rumors" and believe them or not. As MKT said, at least most of us truly appreciate a good discussion around a new idea.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

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