A public grievance, re: accusations on this message board


Well-Known Member
I concur. I actully didn't read said posts after his first ones, because I know those five pages will be full of those type of comments. And I thank ReDisniey E-Dew for his neat little rumors. Because even if they aren't true, they're very entertaining lies, and make my day more interesting!

:lol: Well put!

I can't remember who said this, but it applies:

"It's guilty until proven innocent on WDWMagic." :lol:


I'm OK with people disagreeing as long as they stay respectful. It adds to the fun. Otherwise we'd see some of those "revealing" posts and a bunch of "wow! thank you!" "cool!"

The boards have been a lot of fun lately since this poster came over.


Well-Known Member
Very well said, Rob...

Even if said posts prove to be untrue, I HAVE learned from the most recent of these posts. These posts can be educational if you look for the nuggets!

I really enjoy reading that thread, and I totally agree with you MKT. Just the way some of those people responded, it seemed like they wanted to start a "I'm right, your wrong and that's the way it is." fight. That's really not needed. That thread is a lot of fun, I really hope redisni e dew (I think I spelled it right) continues:sohappy:.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy reading that thread, and I totally agree with you MKT. Just the way some of those people responded, it seemed like they wanted to start a "I'm right, your wrong and that's the way it is." fight. That's really not needed. That thread is a lot of fun, I really hope redisni e dew (I think I spelled it right) continues:sohappy:.

To be fair, and this is just my opinion, I don't really think people on there were being too rude in their disagreement. The threads have remained civil. Like I said over there, when you post a rumor you can't expect everyone will believe you...I think legitimate "insiders" understand that, and are confident enough with their information that they won't get into heated arguments relating to the matter.



New Member
From my perspective, this board has gotten pretty tired.

I started a thread last night commenting on the link between Ratatouille and Epcot and it's been banished to the inner bowels. That's the proverbial last straw for me.

I've made comments on Re-Imagineering that the Imagineers loved, only to get bashed around here by the "sacred cows". While a free-for-all can be fun, there is a defined pecking order on wdwmagic, and I am not among the "elite" (a place in life to which I do not aspire).

I've never revealed my sources or links, but I do know when to be skeptical and when to believe. I've tried not to bash, but mainly to add some good fun to a place that takes itself just a bit too seriously.

But what I find most tiresome is the constant referencing to topics previously discussed. I daresay there is probably no discussion in humankind that has not been previously considered. If we limited our discourse to "new ideas", the world would be very quiet indeed.

So bash away, my friends. In due course it does end up a bit like "Lord of the Flies" anyway.


I guess I really don't care if the rumors are true or not...they're rumors and they let our imaginations run wild. Isn't that what Disney is supposed to be about anyway?

Welcome ReDisniey E-Dew!!! :wave:
I'm not necessarily saying anyone in that thread was flat out rude, but just the tone of certain replies seemed like they were trying to shoot down the OP. No one over there replied in a rude or nasty way( at least none of the posts I have read). I take the posts with a grain of salt, but it's fun and interesting nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
From my perspective, this board has gotten pretty tired.

I started a thread last night commenting on the link between Ratatouille and Epcot and it's been banished to the inner bowels. That's the proverbial last straw for me.

I've made comments on Re-Imagineering that the Imagineers loved, only to get bashed around here by the "sacred cows". While a free-for-all can be fun, there is a defined pecking order on wdwmagic, and I am not among the "elite" (a place in life to which I do not aspire).

I've never revealed my sources or links, but I do know when to be skeptical and when to believe. I've tried not to bash, but mainly to add some good fun to a place that takes itself just a bit too seriously.

But what I find most tiresome is the constant referencing to topics previously discussed. I daresay there is probably no discussion in humankind that has not been previously considered. If we limited our discourse to "new ideas", the world would be very quiet indeed.

So bash away, my friends. In due course it does end up a bit like "Lord of the Flies" anyway.

Your entitled to your opinion. And even though I respectfully disagree...I offer you a hug.

Stick around, things aren't too bad most of the time. :D


Active Member
Well put MKT, so far this thread has survived one mod so it should probably last another day or two until the "unmentioned critisizers" join in and defend themselves when nobody was pointing any fingers. I am also enjoying some of these rumors (and the newer wand ones are seeming true) and almost all of the time I cannot stand when certain people just come on and bash them screaming what are your sources. I know that I have fallen into critiscizing one or two people in the recent past (everybody has at one point in their life, whether on a forum or in regular conversation), but I was not thinking everything trough when I posted it. But I hope that if "ReDisniey E-Dew" is really on the inside that s/he is careful as most of what they are saying seems true but could get them fired if they were really on the inside and not just hearing it from a friend on the inside.


This is really not the most important thing in the world

A neighbor of mine just lost a nine year old girl to cancer. I work with someone who lost a brother in Iraq. I have a lump in my throat that, so far, has not been diagnosed.

This forum, just like all things Disney, is for fun and escape. Fun and escape should be cherished. If you feel the need to be rude please find an appropriate place to do it, but not here.


Well-Known Member
A neighbor of mine just lost a nine year old girl to cancer. I work with someone who lost a brother in Iraq. I have a lump in my throat that, so far, has not been diagnosed.

This forum, just like all things Disney, is for fun and escape. Fun and escape should be cherished. If you feel the need to be rude please find an appropriate place to do it, but not here.

Sorry about all the bad news....good luck! :wave:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Original Poster
A neighbor of mine just lost a nine year old girl to cancer. I work with someone who lost a brother in Iraq. I have a lump in my throat that, so far, has not been diagnosed.

This forum, just like all things Disney, is for fun and escape. Fun and escape should be cherished. If you feel the need to be rude please find an appropriate place to do it, but not here.
This issue isn't the most important thing in life, nothing on this message board is.

If it were to bring my parents back, I'd personally destroy the server this site is hosted on (sorry Steve ;) )

The point is, this is a Disney message board, here for the discussion of all things Disney, positive and negative. None of those things are the most important thing in the world. So, while their importance may be limited in the grand scheme of things, they are important to some of us. Not as important as health, family, and friends, but still holding importance to some of us.

I am truly sorry for your losses and hope the best for you, as that is what is truly important here. Not this thread and not Disney.


here, here MKT!!

that's how rumors get started, from a unreliable source! After that rumors get spread no one cares how/who/when/where it got started, it just fun seeing where it goes or the discussion its sparks!! Well, Mr. WDI guy, i tip my hat for you have spark interest in the rumors forum for me! From being a disney insider, to a total BS, a WDWmagic member trying to spark interest in the rumors forum, or actual WDI person trying to leak rumors for buzz, this person has done his job well and smart. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

btw, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL DADS!!! (especially if a curtain someone still lives with this dad and god bless him for he started my addiction to WDW and i probably got it from him. *or Mom, but only on Mother's day*)

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