A little sad at how things are


Well-Known Member
Things began to really change around here when Steve was forced to add memberships to support the site due to popularity. Unfortunately, some folks, not unlike some Disney Annual Passholders, began thinking their subscription entitled them to a certain amount of control and rights. This is expecially evident when some peoples opnions, who were paying members, were not held by all to be the gospel.

Further to this, some premium members were actually former disney employees with vendettas against the company for one thing or another. They used these forums as their personal rally point to garner support for their veiw of the Disney empire. Many people then did rally around some of these folks and a mafia of sorts was born on these boards which eventually led to cries to suspend ideas, threads and even accounts. Sometimes, this was warranted because of out right abuse. Other times, it seems certain posters developed hate campaign simply because they were not in agreement with the gospel according to whoever.

Outside of abusive situations, I think we must remember there are two sides to every story and for the most part, we will never hear the official Disney versions on many matters internal to the operating of the company. Thus take everything said here with a grain of salt and agree to disagree in a civil manner. There is no need to make this forum look like many other human created institutions.

Wow; sounds like Lord of the Rings or something.


Just wanted to give my kudos for the good post as well. I've been a frequent visitor of WDWmagic since 2002, but only recently got the courage to start posting. Being that I am the only uber-WDW fan in my circle of friends and family, I've always enjoyed the community of fans that is WDWmagic. But, like all things that people are passionate about, things can get heated. I suppose that comes with the territory.

Thanks for bringing this up. Again, great post. :)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to give my kudos for the good post as well. I've been a frequent visitor of WDWmagic since 2002, but only recently got the courage to start posting.

Same here! I haunted the boards for several years before I actually joined and started posting! And I was so apprehensive about my first post! I was like, please don't flame me! :D


Well-Known Member
Same here! I haunted the boards for several years before I actually joined and started posting! And I was so apprehensive about my first post! I was like, please don't flame me! :D
I think many of us started out that way. I lurked for a long time too, but I finally started to figure out whose opinions I valued and who just seemed to come here to complain about petty matters. There are really a lot of wonderful people here, and I'm proud to be a part of this site.


Well-Known Member
I agree w/ your post.
Some fellow posters got a little hostile after I first joined, but it got better.
Maybe they are just trying to test the new members.:rolleyes:
Anyway, I really enjoy this forum & I look forward to receiving & giving new info.!:wave:


I totally agree. I can't tell you how many times i was called names and made fun of for every comment. I'm not saying it's everyone on here, there are plenty of nice people, just a few rotten apples. I think it's time the staff and woners did their jobs and have a little control over this site. I even remember an anti-America posting that stayed up for hours on here without anything being done. I wonder if there even is a staff on this site! I have seen people post things that aren't suitable for children. I think there should be like a star system on this site, where if you get three points for misconduct (not just talking about cursing) you're off. I'm waiting staff of WDWmagic!

We are not employees. We are moderators who volunteer our time. When we are not busy working, or sleeping, or taking care of our families, or cleaning our houses, we come online to check email, surf the net, etc, same as anybody else. And if a problem has been reported to us, we look into it. I hope that clears a few things up.

On the subject of censorship vs free reign of speech, you can see just based on the posts in this thread that people will never be in agreement one way or the other. Some people want us to moderate more; some people want us to moderate less. We have to use our judgment and handle things to the best of our abilities knowing that people will be dissatisfied regardless. I try to stay in the middle of the road as much as possible.

To the OP, I think you've made some very good points. Thank you for sharing your thoughts :) Folks need to remember that this is a place to have fun, share, and learn a few things. At the end of the day we hopefully step away from the computers and go on living our lives. If the internet community becomes a place of stress it is time to step back and re-evaluate what is important.


Well-Known Member
One of the purposes of a forum is to encourage debate.
Differences of opinon lead to stimulating conversations, but respect for others opinions must be a part of it. If everyone here felt the same way about everything things would be pretty boring. But differences need not lead to argument, if everyone's right to their own point of view is recognized and accepted.


Well-Known Member
You're post may be long (not really)... but it's also VERY accurate. It's a shame this forum (and other online communities) has fallen prey to those who denigrate everything... from new rides to announcements to even marketing campaigns and employees / executives. Nothing is out of bounds for their complaints and attacks. They are a very vocal and also very small group. Their views do not align with the majority of guests nor do they often align with what's best for Disney from a business standpoint... only what they personally want for themselves.

Unfortunately, they have ingrained themselves into this and other forums online and many new fans or prospective guests have to wade through their negative posts and their pessimism to find helpful information. Maybe your thread will help bring back some of the optimism and helpful posts that used to be the norm for this forum. We can always hope!

I also agree wholeheartedly about enjoying the magic of seeing Disney through your kid's eyes. There's nothing more magical!
I just want to say .....


Miss you..:kiss:

Oh and to the OP...Good post..But this is really a great forum with a lot of great people..Regardless of post count..not everyone with a lot of posts are rude...there are a lot of AMAZING people here that I consider friends and enjoy chatting with.

There are also alot of people here who like to joke and make light of things and try to remember that..

Smilies are your friends..:D

Just try to ignore the mean people and the ones who complain all the time and just let it be..and do what you came here for to learn and contribute to this great site about a great place that we all love...:)


Premium Member
JDM - This is something that unfortunately is becoming more commonplace here at wdwmagic.com. Perhaps it is a result of its growth, but there are other Disney fan sites out there that are much more allowing of freedom of speech, thought and opinion. (I'd post a link to the site I'm thinking of in particular, but wdwmagic has decided to censor out certain Disney-fan website names. Yet another example of what your talking about!) I've never been very active here, and you've hit upon the main reason why. I hope things shape up here or you find a place that is more open to free speech.

There are very good reasons why some websites are censored out here, and currently there are 3.

1. is an official Disney press site that Disney do not want posting to the general public. So to prevent issues arrising, it is censored.

2. one site that is censored is full of copyrighted MP3s, that I do not wish to be associated in anyway with WDWMAGIC.

3. the other is a website that has demonstrated considerable hostilitiy, and is ran by former banned members from WDWMAGIC.

Compared to other sites who block all other similar sites, I think blocking 3 is more than reasonable, especially when it is for the good of the site.

If you have an issue with this, please feel free to PM me.


Premium Member
I totally agree. I can't tell you how many times i was called names and made fun of for every comment. I'm not saying it's everyone on here, there are plenty of nice people, just a few rotten apples. I think it's time the staff and woners did their jobs and have a little control over this site. I even remember an anti-America posting that stayed up for hours on here without anything being done. I wonder if there even is a staff on this site! I have seen people post things that aren't suitable for children. I think there should be like a star system on this site, where if you get three points for misconduct (not just talking about cursing) you're off. I'm waiting staff of WDWmagic!

Just a reminder.

WDWMAGIC is not a business, it is ran by 1 guy, me. I dont get paid for this, and a considerable amount of my own time and money goes into this.

Secondly, the moderators here do an incredible job of helping me. Again, they dont get paid, but do it to help out what they think is a worthwhile site. Erika, Marcia and Beth dont get anywhere near the thanks they deserve for all the things they do.

Thirdly, we have had to delete over 25 posts of yours in the last few days because they are full of you breaching the rules of posting here, and constantly plugging/promoting your own site. You clearly have a total lack of respect, as you seem to think its ok to come onto someone else's site, and just spam it full of advertising, without first seeking permission or even asking. You have taken up valuable moderators time in dealing with your posts, and all the reported posts it generated. I dont htink you are even remotely qualified to talk about moderators capabilities when you behave like that.

I take your comments about the moderators to be rather insulting, and to be honest, you arent welcome here anymore, so I suggest you leave.


Premium Member
One of the purposes of a forum is to encourage debate.
Differences of opinon lead to stimulating conversations, but respect for others opinions must be a part of it. If everyone here felt the same way about everything things would be pretty boring. But differences need not lead to argument, if everyone's right to their own point of view is recognized and accepted.

You hit on a very important point, everyone will always disagree. There are close on 50,000 people, all with VERY different opinions. You have to have a thick skin sometimes, and accept people will complain, whine, object, argue, and disagree.

Remember, if you feel you are being treated badly in a thread, use the report to moderator feature, and it will get looked at. You may not get a response, but it will be looked at, and action will be taken where needed.

You should never feel afraid to post.


Well-Known Member
I notice that a lot of the long time & frequent posters haven't piped in yet... I hope they share their thougts

Things here are cyclical...some of us are just use to these kinds of posts. People won't always be happy with things...

I honestly haven't been around much lately...but I don't think things have been all that bad....:shrug:


Well-Known Member
JDM - This is something that unfortunately is becoming more commonplace here at wdwmagic.com. Perhaps it is a result of its growth, but there are other Disney fan sites out there that are much more allowing of freedom of speech, thought and opinion. (I'd post a link to the site I'm thinking of in particular, but wdwmagic has decided to censor out certain Disney-fan website names. Yet another example of what your talking about!) I've never been very active here, and you've hit upon the main reason why. I hope things shape up here or you find a place that is more open to free speech.

I think the freedom to cease visiting is and has always been present....the fact that people continue reading and discussing on 'magic' is a testament to the great quality of the site. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I respectfully disagree with your post and its tone....not that it matters or anything....this is the internet after all....



Well-Known Member
Things here are cyclical...some of us are just use to these kinds of posts. People won't always be happy with things...

I honestly haven't been around much lately...but I don't think things have been all that bad....:shrug:
You have a LOT of posts...wow.



Well-Known Member
You hit on a very important point, everyone will always disagree. There are close on 50,000 people, all with VERY different opinions. You have to have a thick skin sometimes, and accept people will complain, whine, object, argue, and disagree.

Remember, if you feel you are being treated badly in a thread, use the report to moderator feature, and it will get looked at. You may not get a response, but it will be looked at, and action will be taken where needed.

You should never feel afraid to post.

This may not be the best of times, but....can you make the sig limit larger so I can quote your post on there....:lookaroun

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