A little sad at how things are


Debate and opinions are why most of us are visiting these boards in the first place- either asking questions to prepare for a coming trip, or sharing our experiences. I try my best to filter the excessive emotion out of a response while still getting that particular opinion. But quite often it is the EMOTION that I need to gauge in an answer to help me in my planning. It's a tough balance, but I enjoy getting everyone's opinion!


Well-Known Member
I do agree with what is being said. I post mostly on another site. It's seems more friendly. But I do like this site for the great info a lot of you post. Don't you normally join these sites because your love of Disney? I don't get the rudeness. You can disagree with things but there's a way to present it.


New Member
I think a lot of heat comes from people double posting or bring up items that have already been talked about. If there is a thread started about the wand, go vent in that thread, don't drag it into a thread about another matter. If people would do a little research i think it would aid in the overall appeal of this forum. I love reading what everyone has to say and everyone is entitled to thier opinions. If someone wants to attack you because you like something they don't; who honestly cares. Its just a forum, its not like someone is dying. There are worse things in life then someone fighting about disney.

Remember, we all have common ground. We love disney otherwise we wouldn't be members of this forum.


New Member
I agree

Very good point OP. I've been a member of these boards a very long time and sometimes I'm weary about posting at all because of the type of responses I'll get. It's gotten to a point where I really never post anymore, I just read. But occassionaly, when I want to say something, I don't because of the thrashing I'll take.

I've sent feedback to site management about the degrading conditions on these boards and really haven't gotten any response, so that has turned me away also. I remember way back when these boards were friendly, and a great place to find information, talk WDW, and make some friends. Now it's more like Ultimate Fighting Championship if you post anything.


Well-Known Member
^^Fair point! However, I think the point the OP is trying to get at is that, it's getting harder and harder to get any good information around here! A quick little poke is O.K. , but when you have people questioning your moral and intellectual stadpoint in life, I think that just crosses the line! You can't ask a simple question anymore without being jumped! The general concensus is, "This is a public message board, if you don't like it leave!" or "I will post as I wish this is a free country and a public message board!" But folks it all boils down to respect. A great number of these "posters with attitudes" don't have the guts to talk to anyone like that in the general public, so this is where they take out their frustrations. I know they wouldn't talk to me like that!:cool:
Let's ask ThinkTink!:lol:
It all depends on how you present yourself.
I started visiting these forums in 1998, I read what everyone had to say, I started to get to know who was posting what. I started to know who would give me valid info. and who was a troublemaker. I found friends here who had "The Love". I've asked a few questions after 5 years of ("stalking/reading") that got a responce of "Do a search!" I've replied the same (sorry to those newcomers!) in the last few years. I've learned to take some information with a grain of salt (and a spoon full of sugar:lol: ). I've met some GREAT people at WDW from these forums at the Parks. Don't let some of "us" ever stop you from ever trying to find your happiness.

We are just like those people that you will meet in the Parks, some have been lots of times, some have just been for the first time, and some want to "spread the Magic".
Take it with that spoonful of salt/sugar or what ever gets you through the day.

P.S. Thank you for bringing this up. Some of us need to know.:wave:


Active Member
*meh* do what i do and ignore them...

they are the ones with the chip on their shoulder not you, infact NEVER make the elitists win, keep posting in the way you see fit.

People tend to judge you because of your age, and post count - more to the point your moral standings (ala the refilable mug
threads a few months/year or so back)

I moderate another forum *yes i can be all growd up too :p* and this pales in comparison - as its another interest of mine - music :)


Really good post.. I think we could all use to examine ourselves from time to time (in general as well, but also very much so on the anonymous forums of the Internet.)


New Member
The anonymity of these boards lends to the abuse. I would guess most people wouldn't say the things they do in a face to face conversation. I've often imagined some of the worst offenders as people that get kicked around at work and then take it out on us when they get home.


Active Member
Something that helps me

I think the internet and the forums help people to connect in a way they probably wouldn't or couldn't in the real world....on the forum, we are just our thoughts ~without gender, age, culture or backgound. I think because of this, communication styles will almost inevitable clash at times. I read lightly and impersonally those posts that do not match my own style of communication and give my attention to those that are insightful, helpful, informative and/or interesting to me. This helps me keep my time on the forum a pleasant experience.



New Member
Thanks for that post OP. And I'm very glad to see that this thread hasn't really been flamed. :) You have to admit, people are being respectful.

But, for the most part I agree with you on how some people here can be (and seem to believe they have some right to be) disresepctful. I don't care who you are - a cast member that spends all their time in WDW, a "newbie" who is looking for information on their very first trip, a WDWMagic-er with 25,000 posts - you should at least treat everyone with respect.

However, I do have to remind myself that this IS just a Web forum.

To be honest, I've spent less time on this Web site recently because I just don't want to get caught up in some of this drama people like to stir up - be it wand-removal or something else. I don't know about everyone else, but I deal with enough stuff in my real life without having to worry about some of the things people get caught up in here. And I just tell myself that - and it makes it a lot easier to just pass over those types of threads and posts. I just try leave them - and the people who posted them - alone. :shrug:


New Member
I'm one of those people that has under 150 posts and believe me, I hear it. I can remember being called "newbie" and getting flamed for my thoughts/opinions.

If this is a forum about the love of Disney, then what should that matter? I'm glad you said something. Some of the posters on this site do need to chill out and relax sometimes. Those are the people who need to get as involved in politics as they do here. Then maybe they will make a real change!

Kudos for your post!


Well-Known Member
I too agree this is a good post. I have given opinions that others didn't agree with. I just ignored them. I have seen some threads get out of control, but I just don't add anything further. I have also seen people get very bent out of shape about repeated threads (what's the weather, crowds like?), and I cannot tell you how many times I've posted my opinion on Pop vs All Stars. I understand there are new folks here that truly need the info, so i just keep posting.

I found this site about 2 years ago and have been here just about every day since. I don't plan on going anywhere else and I will continue to post, even if others don't agree, let's just try to keep the disagreement civil.


Well-Known Member
Personal Opinion and Observation

Things began to really change around here when Steve was forced to add memberships to support the site due to popularity. Unfortunately, some folks, not unlike some Disney Annual Passholders, began thinking their subscription entitled them to a certain amount of control and rights. This is expecially evident when some peoples opnions, who were paying members, were not held by all to be the gospel.

Further to this, some premium members were actually former disney employees with vendettas against the company for one thing or another. They used these forums as their personal rally point to garner support for their veiw of the Disney empire. Many people then did rally around some of these folks and a mafia of sorts was born on these boards which eventually led to cries to suspend ideas, threads and even accounts. Sometimes, this was warranted because of out right abuse. Other times, it seems certain posters developed hate campaign simply because they were not in agreement with the gospel according to whoever.

Outside of abusive situations, I think we must remember there are two sides to every story and for the most part, we will never hear the official Disney versions on many matters internal to the operating of the company. Thus take everything said here with a grain of salt and agree to disagree in a civil manner. There is no need to make this forum look like many other human created institutions.


New Member
I must say, I'm am happy to see someone wrote about this situation. I too have been nervous about posting on here due to the lash-outs of other people. After going to Disney with in December, my love for WDW was renewed. Especially after now having a child, I truly loved seeing all the children in the parks walking around elated, taking in all the magic. With that being said, I certainly hope that the OP's entry hit a couple people and made them think.


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
JDM - This is something that unfortunately is becoming more commonplace here at wdwmagic.com. Perhaps it is a result of its growth, but there are other Disney fan sites out there that are much more allowing of freedom of speech, thought and opinion. (I'd post a link to the site I'm thinking of in particular, but wdwmagic has decided to censor out certain Disney-fan website names. Yet another example of what your talking about!) I've never been very active here, and you've hit upon the main reason why. I hope things shape up here or you find a place that is more open to free speech.

wdwmagic has done whatnow?

laughing place
jim hill media

That's all I can think of at the moment. Admittedly, I am no font of knowledge of all Disney websites.

free speech is alive and well at wdwmagic. :wave:

as to the original post - you are right that there are some crabs and some crooks out there, but overall, these forums are pretty civil and very informative compared to some others I've seen. Don't get discouraged - enjoy the good and ignore the bad, if you can. :shrug:

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