A little sad at how things are


New Member
Original Poster
My Thanks To Everyone

Hi Folks....the "OP" here.......
Just wanted to check in once again to thank all of you for caring enough to respond to this thread, especially after it was moved off the "front page". (not a complaint, by the way)

To clarify for some (particularly Slappy):
I do not wish to give the impression that I blamed "Steve" or the forum moderators in any way for the negativity I cited. I have no quarrel with anything they do and I am not "calling them out". Others suggested censorship, not I. And in fact, except in an extreme instance, I am against it here.

I just wanted (like apparently most people) to remind posters to play the "respect" card a little more often and perhaps censor themselves from time to time.

And I'm pleased to see that out of 100 or so posts, not more than one or two could really be construed as negative and none contained personal attacks (despite Slappy's "a-hole" count--since I didn't say what he(?) thought I said, I don't take it personally!).

I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't gratified to see how many people agreed with me (human nature, after all). That's mostly because it shows that I'm not alone in my concerns and makes me feel encouraged about this site.

So again, thank you all for your kind words and I hope to see (read) your posts more in the future!


p.s. to SLAPPY: I actually like most of your posts and the "Island of Misfit Threads" comment was hysterical!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I am a member of a couple of Disney forums and quite a few computer hardware and overclocking forums and I can say that WDWMagic is simply the best run and moderated forum I have ever been on and I am proud to say that I am a WDWMagic member and supporter.

So who is up for Dole whips and Figaro fries?
well said, save a seat for me.

I got an "a-hole" count of 16 in slappy's post... is that what everybody else came up with? :lookaroun

Or am I the only one who counted? :lookaroun
NICE. ill take your word for it.

I don't know who will be reading this post now that the thread's been moved to Chit Chat, the "Island of Misfit Threads," if you will, but I wanted to add my irrelevant opinion.....
dang, it moved to chit chat... well then im not posting, i wont get any credit in my post count, and im working on 5K :rolleyes:


what i find myself being guilty of is lashing back a little if i get flamed. that is such the wrong character and wrong way to diffuse a flamed thread.


I have not read all of the nearly 100 posts but this topic comes up from time to time so I will weigh in with my opinion on the matter.

I am a member of a couple of Disney forums and quite a few computer hardware and overclocking forums and I can say that WDWMagic is simply the best run and moderated forum I have ever been on and I am proud to say that I am a WDWMagic member and supporter. If you want to see hostility go into nearly any overclocking forum and you will see people berated and called names that would get a movie a R rating for simply asking about a particular video card water block. The majority of the active members at WDWMagic are kind, helpful and open minded. As in any large group of people you will find people that are lees than pleasant and feel it is their duty to point out how much more educated, cultured, moral and or Disney wise than others out there.

All I can do is make sure that I am the former. To quote ClemsonTigger "Lead by example". If I see a 5th gate thread I glance at it and if it the same old stuff I ignore it. If someone asks how to get from MK to FW I try to help out. If someone misspells a word or uses incorrect grammar I ignore if. If I find a post extremely offensive I report it and let the moderators do their jobs. Until Steve makes me a moderator I will not pretend to be one.

So who is up for Dole whips and Figaro fries?

boy is that so true!!! go to tech forum and question someones logic in choice of hardware and be prepared to BRACE YOURSELF!!!

i couldn't have said it better...this is the best run forum and i believe it is because of in part the members as well as the staff running it.

the people here feel like family! and i just joined! thank you for your support

this thread will make me more conscientious in my posts. i am glad it was written

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
dang, it moved to chit chat... well then im not posting, i wont get any credit in my post count, and im working on 5K :rolleyes:


JDM, my beef was mainly that yours was a thread that possibly (probably) could've been more effective as a PM. Maybe you only meant it to be constructive criticism, but it started looking more and more like a dogpile on the mods. Constructive feedback is never a bad thing. Problem with threads like yours is that it's entirely likely some of the people who agreed with you might be people others would consider to be "the problem." One of the admin's posts in this thread is indicative of this; someone who cheered you on has been causing all sorts of grief to the site owner & mods. It's like diehard Republicans OR Democrats who can only point out the troublemakers and lawbreakers on the other side of the table, explaining away or flat-out ignoring major indiscretions from their side. The people upsetting you either don't believe or don't care about your opinion, and the truly polite members could start to second-guess everything they write for fear of upsetting the delicate nature of others, and the forum becomes blander than white bread dipped in water.

There are always people who have a beef with the people calling the shots. Happens at work, happens with security at bars & arenas, happens with police and politics, happens in familes, and a generic "this place could be so much NICER" thread only encourages people with axes to grind who don't care what they hit with those axes. People that had their feelings hurt by a jerk, people who misinterpreted a joke, people who spend their whole lives thinking everyone's out to get them, people who spout controverisal - possibly insulting - opinions and then don't have the courage to explain or defend those opinions.
As I said before, there will always be jerks (or, if you prefer, a-holes) on this forum. Better to learn how to deal with them, give as you get, and know that if someone really gets out of hand, they will be handled.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
this kind?

and this is the reason i have stayed clear of you and 1 other person on these boards since we obviously dont get along. so ill go back to my corner since it isnt worth the time. :wave:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
If you need to be annoyed, AND if you can find them, maybe you can hire...

The A*Holes

DUH, duh-DUH, DUH-duh, DUH...duh-de DUH duh DUH duh...DUH, de-DUH-duh DUH..


New Member
Original Poster

YES, I meant it as constructive and in NO WAY was I dumping on the moderators (which I thought should be clear by now). Perhaps I'll say it again, just to make sure: I have no beef at all with the moderators of WDWMAGIC.COM.

And yes, I'm well aware that the worst offenders don't give a hoot for my opinion. That's unfortunate, but expected. I haven't been attacked personally. I just don't like to see others do it, especially on the "Happiest Forum On Earth". (okay, not as good a phrase as "Island of Misfit Threads", but I'm trying!)

Believe me, I have a thicker skin than you give me credit for.
And I'm certainly not expecting everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Just show a little respect.

But in the absence of that, to those who insist on being rude, I'll just quote my dad:
"I've been called worse things...by better people."

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member

I understand what you meant. But regardless of your intention, you started a post you knew was going to be controversial and inflammatory telling people how you wished they'd behave. Can't be surprised if anyone takes umbrage (and based on your disclaimer, I'm sure you're not). It's fine to have that opinion, I'm not even (really) telling you have no right to voice that opinion. I'm saying that it would've been more effective another way. Your heart was in the right place, I get it.


New Member
Original Poster

I understand what you meant. But regardless of your intention, you started a post you knew was going to be controversial and inflammatory telling people how you wished they'd behave. Can't be surprised if anyone takes umbrage (and based on your disclaimer, I'm sure you're not). It's fine to have that opinion, I'm not even (really) telling you have no right to voice that opinion. I'm saying that it would've been more effective another way. Your heart was in the right place, I get it.

Fair enough. No worries. Take care.

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