Well-Known Member
Maybe the Magic Kingdom expansion CONFIRMED isn't much a rumor after all. They said MAGIC KINGDOM. Never said WHICH Magic Kingdom they were talking about. Now HKDL is getting an expansion to their Magic Kingdom. Hmmm.
Once again, WDW left in the cold. But, this is part of the new sheriff's master plan.
Sure ... after DCA ... and after HKDL now ... and after Shanghai ... and the new resorts in Hawaii and D.C. ... and after the new DCL ships join the fleet ... and after DL' 55th ... and after the additions at DSP and then DLP's 20th ... and after ... (c'mon everyone join in ...) ... after all that stuff gets done, then the new Sheriff will take care of WDW (put in your own qualifiers about economy, world conditions and who wins Idol in 2016)