A couple of other random John Lasseter/Pixar thoughts.
First, he doesn't run Imagineering. He is a largely a creative consultant. And he has had almost nil impact on the parks beyond Anaheim (his baby). While he absolutely cares and is the closest thing to Walt the company has had, he isn't all powerful. And all it will take is one flop (not likely, but possible ... especially from WDFA) for that power to shrink.
Nobody claimed JL runs WDI.:shrug:
Second, Disney has mandated they want films that can be leveraged across many platforms and more importantly, sell merchandise.
Welcome to the 21st century. You just figured this out? Congradulations and next time tell us something not so...um.....common knowledge.
Cars did that ... but Ratatouille and WALLE didn't. And UP? Doesn't look promising.
So Pixar, which never wanted to do sequels, has Toy Story 3 coming up (a no-brainer, really but) ... and Cars 2 and Monsters 2 ... and you better believe there will be a Nemo 2.
All the recent amazing original films from Emeryville may have been very original and unique, but they also came forth during a time when it seemed as if Pixar and Disney were going to split and go their separate ways. Now with Mousedates from Burbank about selling plush and toys and lunchboxes and costumes, one would wonder how many more films about a rat who wants to be a fine chef or a robot in post-apoclyptic earth (where people who now resemble WDW guests on ECVs live in space) or an old man who flies his house to South America to fill a promise made to his dead wife will get the green light.
Love the idea of using cynicism to make a point, to bad you failed to make a point. I guess your saying you are more creative than Pixar now.
It's much easier to top fish with more fish or monsters with more monsters ..