1986 - The House of the Future: Week 2

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
What if we did something to tie everything together cohesively. Has anyone read Swiss Family Robinson? Not seen the movie, like actually read the book? This island is legitimately a combination of every single feasible biome, animals from every continent, blah blah blah.

We could invent an island that is a combination of a bunch of biomes and make it something with mostly original properties. We could have a backstory that traders were marooned on their way from Saudi Arabia to India in the Indian ocean on an island that seems to be impossible. We could set up a village created by the marooned people and could explore different biomes with that idea in mind.

We could also make it an actual island and have boat transportation from the hub here since we don't have a train

Our island could have a volcano-themed attraction in the center (could be Journey to the Center of the Earth or something wholly new), with rivers surrounding it and splitting up the biomes. We could do one biome for a desert, one for dense jungle, and (in my opinion something that would be insanely cool) a tundra area.

The village could change architecture as we enter the different areas, allowing us some unique looks but also a good way to transition. The tundra area could be a cave while the desert area is on the other side of the island. We could do so much with a concept like this, with or without IP. It could be called Adventure Isle or something. I'll expand further if need be

My pitch for Adventureland:
In line with my earlier suggestion for a more "nuanced" Disneyland, I think Adventureland needs more... "Adventure". My suggestion: do something different, a Beastly Kingdom Adventureland.

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In the 1800s, British Explorers discovered a distinct island just off the Gulf of Guinea. This island is separated from most evolution, home to creatures of various African mythologies. This is a place unlike any other. It rewards exploration and those in seek of Adventure. Centered around the Base Camp, which is closely guarded by the British settlers, guests may journey off the main trail into many smaller paths, creating the illusion of exploring the jungle. Along the way, they will encounter these mythological creatures... most friendly, except for a few guests will have to ride the attractions to see.

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I think this would give us a really unique story and setting (similar to what we established with Harbortown) while also be respectful to African cultures, something we want to be super mindful of if we set this in South Africa.
These ideas get my vote.

I especially like PerGron’s initial, very simple idea of a lost island in the Indian Ocean with a history of craziness. Strange evolutionary beasts for our Jungle Cruise variant. Ancient civilizations carved by natives worshipping the monsters - very Skull Island that is. Remnants of the medieval Arabian traders who shipwrecked here. The hideaway of a lone Robinson Crusoe type built into an overturned junk ship or something. Newer 1930s era explorers just now exploring, with a diving bell ride to the coral reefs & sunken wrecks surrounding the island. Plus all the biomes PerGron lists. There’s plenty to play with here!

My interests turn to genuine islands in the Indian Ocean which could inspire our specific aesthetic, and help make this unique from the usual Adventurelands. Islands like Socotra, the Seychelles, Mauritius, Sri Lanka...






Well-Known Member

Okay so Shanghai splits Adventureland into two distinct lands, Adventure Island for your standard Adventureland, and Treasure Cove for your Piratey Adventureland. If they are going to split Adventureland into two areas based on THAT minor difference, I don't see why we can't split it up into a Desert and Jungle biome, respectively. Making it two separate landscapes allows us to put a river between, unique from the volcano but still distinctive for spacing.



Well-Known Member
Honestly I feel like the two ideas being separate lands is far more disjointed than my proposal. Not to get too “my way or the highway” here, but why split up what could be a unified thematic land with a central theme and story? Especially where we’ve delved into nuanced storytelling already once?


Well-Known Member
Honestly I feel like the two ideas being separate lands is far more disjointed than my proposal. Not to get too “my way or the highway” here, but why split up what could be a unified thematic land with a central theme and story? Especially where we’ve delved into nuanced storytelling already once?
In Harbortown and in Outbound’s proposal, I don’t think knowledge of the backstory is as necessary as in your proposal... if this was its own park, my vote would be yours everyday because I think it’s a super cool idea, but I think throwing a nuanced story per land at guests, especially when knowing this one is so important to fully enjoying the land, isn’t a great idea


Well-Known Member
Personally I think this is too soon to vote. We have tons of conflicting opinions and I think it would be better to resolve some compromise before picking out of a plurality.

My favorite idea remains a Beastly Kingdom / African mythology reimagining of Adventureland, but I understand it might be too different for some. I think my “twin lands” proposal satisfies both the Desert and Jungle crowd, but I’ll admit it’s not ideal, and we’d probably have to craft two separate backstories for each world.

My concern with PerGron’s idea is similar to the ones posted above where the backstory seems hard to grasp and likely to lead to confusion for guests. It is fantastic for a park but not the best for a land.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think this is too soon to vote. We have tons of conflicting opinions and I think it would be better to resolve some compromise before picking out of a plurality.

My favorite idea remains a Beastly Kingdom / African mythology reimagining of Adventureland, but I understand it might be too different for some. I think my “twin lands” proposal satisfies both the Desert and Jungle crowd, but I’ll admit it’s not ideal, and we’d probably have to craft two separate backstories for each world.

My concern with PerGron’s idea is similar to the ones posted above where the backstory seems hard to grasp and likely to lead to confusion for guests. It is fantastic for a park but not the best for a land.
I agree... I voted but usually the idea kinda reveals itself the longer we talk. I don’t think having it decided now versus in a few hours is a major difference, especially if we have a better understanding of what we’re doing


Well-Known Member
Personally I think this is too soon to vote. We have tons of conflicting opinions and I think it would be better to resolve some compromise before picking out of a plurality.

My favorite idea remains a Beastly Kingdom / African mythology reimagining of Adventureland, but I understand it might be too different for some. I think my “twin lands” proposal satisfies both the Desert and Jungle crowd, but I’ll admit it’s not ideal, and we’d probably have to craft two separate backstories for each world.

My concern with PerGron’s idea is similar to the ones posted above where the backstory seems hard to grasp and likely to lead to confusion for guests. It is fantastic for a park but not the best for a land.
I agree... I voted but usually the idea kinda reveals itself the longer we talk. I don’t think having it decided now versus in a few hours is a major difference, especially if we have a better understanding of what we’re doing
True. I will leave it up there for people to vote just in case by tonight we are still going back and forth with ideas.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I’ve reworked my proposal, just because I really really don’t like two separate disjointed lands, so I’m gonna do my best to not go that route haha.

So I’m much more of a story guy than I am land design, so I’ve taken a bit of @D Hindley and @Outbound concepts and combined them into a general story. I agree, multiple biomes may be a bit much, but I still think having one United land is crucial.

So our story would feature some Arabic merchants sailing to India (or vice versa we could have som Tamil merchants sailing to Arabia) who get marooned on a mysterious island. This island has a bank of fog around it or something that prevents sailors from discovering and charting it. The wildlife here would be incredibly unique, as would the biomes. Rather than multiple disjointed biomes, it would be biomes found on islands within the Indian Ocean. I took a lot of inspiration from Madagascar, having forests of giant trees while huge rock pillars jut out around it.

We could have a population of Maori settlers who already settled the island, bringing some Polynesian influence. They took in our marooned merchants and taught them about the land. About how it was like nowhere else on Earth. The trees grow upside down (they could be like Madagascan Baobab trees) and how the caves underground are rich in jewels and riches. Of course, our merchants want to start harvesting it all, but the settlers say that we are only to take what we need or else the island “punishes you”. That means cut down trees only for shelter and boats, harvest rocks only for building and hunting, kill only what you need.

Over time, more and more people would settle the island and (taking influence from Jules Verne with maybe a bit of a steampunk style) ships and machinery comes to the island. Despite the Settlers warnings, they tear apart the island, harvesting its resources, so the island has punished them. It traps them in time, allowing no technology to develop. Soon, people begin to leave, so when we find it, it is a mostly abandoned village with some people remaining.

We would find the village with old abandoned mining vehicles, marooned steamships, etc. The few people that remain have turned the island into a tourist stop, giving tours of the mysterious jungles and biome of the island, while merchants set up shop, etc. etc.

This concept is a bit different than my first, but it would also keep my story in tact, work in Outbound’s mysterious jungle ideas, and also get to play in a biome that aren’t straightforward jungle/desert while all being unified.

it’d work like Pandora where you don’t need the whole story to grasp what’s going on, but the story will be rich and nuanced for those looking for it.

If this fails, I’ll lay off, but I really don’t want the jungle and desert different lands haha

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