1986 - The House of the Future: Week 2


Well-Known Member
My pitch for Adventureland:
In line with my earlier suggestion for a more "nuanced" Disneyland, I think Adventureland needs more... "Adventure". My suggestion: do something different, a Beastly Kingdom Adventureland.

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In the 1800s, British Explorers discovered a distinct island just off the Gulf of Guinea. This island is separated from most evolution, home to creatures of various African mythologies. This is a place unlike any other. It rewards exploration and those in seek of Adventure. Centered around the Base Camp, which is closely guarded by the British settlers, guests may journey off the main trail into many smaller paths, creating the illusion of exploring the jungle. Along the way, they will encounter these mythological creatures... most friendly, except for a few guests will have to ride the attractions to see.

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I think this would give us a really unique story and setting (similar to what we established with Harbortown) while also be respectful to African cultures, something we want to be super mindful of if we set this in South Africa.

I feel like its pretty obvious how much I love the idea of beastly kingdom and everything.

I also wanna throw out rainforest as a setting idea


Well-Known Member
I agree it would stand out, but tbh, I'm having a hard time picturing what the transitions would look like. It seems more like four separate lands around a volcano than one land.
This is true... and something else to consider is size... if there’s like 4 sub lands, each of them is going to have to be tiny or else Adventureland is gonna be massive, like on a scale that may be disproportionate to the rest of the park


Well-Known Member
My concern with a Volcano based Adventureland is it reminds me a lot of Team Brava’s (Myself and @D Hindley for sure) Brazil Disneyland



Well-Known Member
This is true... and something else to consider is size... if there’s like 4 sub lands, each of them is going to have to be tiny or else Adventureland is gonna be massive, like on a scale that may be disproportionate to the rest of the park
...That is a good point. We'd probably have to focus it down.

Maybe the volcano at the core, with a split between desert and jungle.


Well-Known Member
I agree it would stand out, but tbh, I'm having a hard time picturing what the transitions would look like. It seems more like four separate lands around a volcano than one land.
To argue against that, I think having the different biomes would be wholly unique and would flow well through the central village. The central village would be where much of the story is told to tie it all together. I wouldn’t want each land to be disjointed, not super large in and of themselves.

It’d all be in the story, something more nuanced for guests to pick up on. The village would help to transition between the biomes and we could have some really unique stuff that is all tied together through a central mission statement of the land, which should be Adventure. Exploration and adventure through different but tied together biomes could be super unique and prove to the horrid mish-mash of MK’s Adventureland that different biomes can be done


Well-Known Member
To argue against that, I think having the different biomes would be wholly unique and would flow well through the central village. The central village would be where much of the story is told to tie it all together. I wouldn’t want each land to be disjointed, not super large in and of themselves.

It’d all be in the story, something more nuanced for guests to pick up on. The village would help to transition between the biomes and we could have some really unique stuff that is all tied together through a central mission statement of the land, which should be Adventure. Exploration and adventure through different but tied together biomes could be super unique and prove to the horrid mish-mash of MK’s Adventureland that different biomes can be done
But then it feels like the story would almost need to be known for the land to make any sense... like in most lands (that aren’t IP centric), the backstory just enhances the experience but doesn’t define it.
Granted, a lot of this is going to come down to park design philosophies, but I feel like having separate stories that are required to understand each land is kinda overkill... thinking about lands like Africa in Animal Kingdom, even then, you can enjoy the land without understanding the backstory, even though the backstory is so central. The more I think about it, the more I think that this may end up being something, from the pov of someone who doesn’t know the story, where it looks like we just threw a bunch of different ideas together to make something cool but with questionable cohesiveness.
Not to say the idea isn’t great, it just needs more fine-tuning in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Good ideas coming from everyone! It would make sense to have the land be based off of literature considering that's basically the running theme for the whole park.

I'm not 100% on-board with swiss family robinson due to the fact that its definitely prevalent in the irl parks.

I still think something Africa related would work great, and there's plenty of literature regarding the subject (e.g. heart of darkness)


Well-Known Member
I get the holdup about multiple biomes. Personally I think just jungle or just desert Adventureland just inspire much creativity as both have been done to death, I was going a best of both worlds scenario. That being said, if that’s not the route we wanna go, then that’s fine, just early spitballing here!

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