13.1 Magical Miles: A 2011 Princess Half Marathon Trip Report!

Hi everyone!

We’ve just returned from a hectic, way too short weekend at WDW for (obviously) the 2011 Princess Half Marathon!

The cast includes:

THE RUNNERS: myself (Princess Shannon, 26) and my brother Craig (aka Princess Craiggy, 24).



THE BUMS (just kidding): our mom Kriss and my husband Will (25).


A little background on our Disney history…this was my and Will’s 3rd trip to WDW together after our honeymoon and a short November 2009 trip that apparently I didn’t deem trip report-worthy…for shame! This also marked Will’s first time traveling with my family…what a trooper! As for my mom and brother, this was their first return visit to the World since our first family vacation to WDW, a miserably hot week at AS Sports in August 1995 (although I believe my brother did take a day trip to the Magic Kingdom sometime over the past 2 years. Now that I think about it, I remember him calling for tips on how to work the Fastpass machines and claiming that they wouldn’t work without a Key to the World card since they apparently weren’t taking his one-day paper ticket). :hammer:So he and my mom were, for all intents and purposes, Disney newbies!

This trip has been in the making for quite awhile. I’ve been running off and on for almost 3 years now just to try to keep somewhat active (I sit in a cube all day for my job) and use local races as motivators to keep up with it. I started out using the Couch-to-5k plan (really great for beginners) and entered a few local 5ks (3.1 miles), eventually working my way up to a 10k (6.2 miles) in 2009 and a 10-miler in 2010. A half seemed like the next logical step, and I really wasn’t aware of the Disney endurance series until I read Holly’s marathon report…like a lot of people here on these boards that report got the wheels turning (Holly, they really need to give you a cut of their profits!), and this trip - and consequently this admittedly wordy trip report - was born.

I mentioned the race to Princess Craiggy, and he was in! Will was in too, but in cheerleader form only – his hatred for running far outweighs his love of character photos :shrug: Once my mom (a biker, not a runner) got wind of the trip she wanted to come too…hooray! My brother moved to Florida from home (Ohio) about 7 years ago (he currently lives in Western Florida) and we don’t get to see him very often - maybe twice a year - so I was pleased that the trip could come together this way.

Being the hyper-organized, borderline-OCD planner of the family, I immediately began to work out the trip logistics and signed up for the race the minute registration opened :o. Will works in education, so he cannot take multiple personal days in a row or use them to make 4-day weekends :mad:, which restricted the trip to a jam-packed 3-day event (3.5 days if you count Friday evening…which I don’t, since we had no park time that day). We would fly down on Friday the 25th after work and return home Monday evening (the 28th), with Will taking just that Monday off. With the flight times available to us, that would only leave us 2 full days and some change in the World. I whine, but for awhile it looked like Will wouldn’t be able to make the trip at all due to school conflicts, and I’d much rather have him there for a shorter trip than go on a slightly longer trip without him. WDW just wouldn’t feel right without him there with me. :D Plus we’ll get our longer trip soon…we have our next trip (June 2011) booked and paid for!

Anyhoo, less whining and more planning! We would, like I said, fly down Friday after work and check into our digs at Port Orleans Riverside, probably not until around midnight (ah, the best laid plans…more on this later :dazzle:). My mom actually flew down Thursday to check out my brother’s apartment and see where he works…together they then made the trip to Orlando, about a 4-hour car ride I think. Here’s a text message conversation I had with my mom about their plans for that first day (if I could take a screenshot of this conversation on my Droid, I would…I’m just not savvy enough):

Me: What are your plans for Friday?
Mom: gonna rent a car & leave as early as possible & go to the afirca thingy
Me: …it’s called Animal Kingdom!
Mom: oh yeah…hope we 2 c off kilter

Etc. etc. :ROFLOL:
Initially I was bummed that I wouldn’t get to be there with them during their first park visit – I really wanted to see their reactions – but it ended up sort of not mattering. More on that later, too.

Oh, right…I also started using a training plan. I’ll address that a little later on in the report…lots of coming attractions!

A few weeks before the trip, my mom called to tell me she’d fully paid off the trip and was starting to get really excited! I was relieved to hear this because until that point I’d had a hard time gauging whether or not she was looking forward to it. I think the reality that it was so close had finally hit her…I should have known though. She really enjoyed looking at the pictures from our honeymoon trip and kept saying she was jealous, it looked like so much fun, etc. Then I saw her the Sunday before we were due to fly out and she had a file folder labeled “Disney” with every crazy planning email I’d sent her printed out, along with a highlighted copy of the half marathon course. Ah-ha! So that’s where some of my urge to plan comes from! :D In the weeks leading up to the trip I realized more and more that I kind of felt some pressure to make sure the trip was great for everyone, especially the sort-of newbies, since this whole thing was my idea (eek!), so it was fun to see that she was excited, too.

Maybe it was good that I could focus on these concerns, because it helped distract me from being nervous for the race itself. That nervousness inevitably crept in, but at the same time I was, of course, REALLY looking forward to it after almost a year of anticipation and weeks of training for it. I didn’t have any goals beyond finishing within the pace requirements while not feeling like death, and of course, getting loads of character pictures! And like everyone else that runs these things, I was super excited to get that finisher medal! It’s all about the bling.

So here we go! Thanks for reading so far!


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If we do end up staying at Riverside again, the boat will definitely be my preferred method of travel to Downtown Disney. The travel time was, I thought, comparable to taking the bus, but the ride was so much nicer.

Anyway, here's the loot (I took these at home, not in the World):

WALL*E and Eve (Will and I love that movie!)


And my half marathon ornament! I was curious to see if they had any sort of official ornament in the merchandise area at the expo (they didn't...not that I saw anyway, and even if they did, I wouldn't have waited in the line). I then decided that since Ariel was on my bib, I'd find an ornament with her on it and get it personalized. I think it turned out pretty well! The people who do the personalization at Disney's Days of Christmas really do some nice work.


Close-up of the personalization:


LOL! When we have stayed at POFQ (twice) that boat ride to DtD kills me. It's soooo slow! Or maybe it just seems incredibly slow to me because I'm so impatient to begin with. The only other boat I ever ride in is Tracey's and it's a bass boat...you know, the kind these fishermen HAVE to have so they can outrun the fish :lookaroun. Yeah, slooooow boat to DtD. I always get annoyed thinking: "Dang. We coulda been there and back 4 times by now." LOL!

Looooove your ornaments! Fab-o choice for your princess ornament!


On the way over, I finally got a nice shot of the medal:


Ack! I have that Pop Princess wristlet/clutch thing! I use it with my matching bag as a cosmetics case. I haven't used my Pop princess set since Christmas and now I'm missing it!!! Time to switch back! LOL!

Loooove your Princess bling! Gorgeous!

A pic of Belle AND Beast is totally on my list of must-haves! I neeeeed this!!!! Y'all are adorable!


Well-Known Member

The critters look like they were playing peek-a-boo with you! LOL!

The one time I stayed at the Poly with my brother I really liked it. I didn't think it would be one I'd want to revisit since I'm not that much of a beach person but the theming is so relaxing. I just know this would be an unexpected favorite for Tracey, too. When he's at WDW his biggest goal is relaxation.

Loved the report! Soooo awesome! Thanks so much for such a killer adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment!



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Thanks! Looking back, I still can't believe that something didn't go wrong before the trip, between the weather and the constant exposure to germs! I really, really thought I was going to get sick. Now that you mention it, I do remember reading your TR where you were sick! The one with your neices, right? Ugh, that's the worst.

Yep, that was the one I semi-reported and was so miserably sick from cooties I caught from DH's sick co-workers who infected him. Ugh! I was so mad! I did WDW sick once before that, in January 2005 I think it was. We got there and I immediately got slammed with flu-like symptoms...fever, etc. It was horrible.

THANKS! :D Before I started the TR, I decided that I needed to somehow include a picture of him. We just love to show him off! We missed him sooo much...I don't know how we're going to handle it in June (we're going on a week-long trip! :D)...oh and I totally baby-talk to him all the time. Just can't help it!

I miss Riley when we're away, too. When our friends kept her we'd text & get updates. Having her at Best Friends on property was nice because we could visit but then I also worried about her being lonely. Her frantic behavior early on was weird. Also, halfway thru the trip we noticed she was losing weight. By the end of the trip it really showed but she bounced right back after we got home. I don't think it was the facility or any of the staff there because they totally rocked. I think it's just my neurotic little pooch who's totally attached to me at the hip. Baby-talk...how can we not? I love getting nose-to-nose with my little girl and goo-goo talk about how she's my "Little Lovey" and all sorts of mush. She eats it up, too.

I knew you would appreciate it! :D I also had my sketch bag with me, but didn't take it around to the parks, so it didn't show up in any pictures. Love those bags! I think I forgot to mention it in the TR, but when we were going through security on our departure day, the TSA agent was like "I love your bag!" and we chatted about it for a few minutes (before the pat-down :lol: :lookaroun).

I think they did have the 40th WDW pattern...yes, they definitely did, because Will was asking me what it was. They're funky!

Hmm...so DCL or 40th? That's a tough one. I'd say go for the DCL since that's the trip you have coming up, but the 40ths will probably only be around for so long...you're right, I do think they have it in for you! :eek:

I totally get random comments and stuff about my Disney Dooneys all the time! It's cool. I spot them from time to time and have had a few conversations with other DD ladies like we're long-lost friends. It's funny the things that can connect us girls, huh?

Nice! The issue with my ornament was that if the text wrapped around, it would be seen through the bell part. I was glad they were able to squeeze everything in!

Those artists are GREAT at squeezing a lot of lettering into small spaces. They're definitely good at what they do. I love love love my personalized ornaments. They're up there on the same level as my ceremic balls that they boys each did in 2000 (3 & 4 years old) with their little hand prints on them as if they had held the ball. They're family keepsakes. :D


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Had to stop to respond to this one. Can I just say "thank you" for posting this? I *want* to be able to run a 5k or half marathon but then it seems like such an impossible goal. I get my momentum on my running then something gets in the way and I always seem to fall off. Getting back to running is harder than maintaining the schedule because I beat myself up for falling off to begin with. All the excuses in the world don't make it easier. I love what you had to say and I really appreciate it. (((((big hugs))))))

You're welcome!! :D (((hugs right back!))) If you want to run a 5K, go for it! Or maybe try to find a shorter race and start there (I did a 2-miler once, so maybe you can look for something like that?)

I remember feeling like such an outsider at my first race...it was a 5k held at work. I remember thinking, "Ugh, what am I doing here?? I'm so slow! Everyone's looking at me!" But I was really struck at how supportive everyone was. They counted down to the start and I was so surprised when all of the runners cheered! The environment was great, and it's been the same at every race I've done since then.

I just went and looked up my time from that first race (May 2008) and it took me 37:25. It was rainy and I remember walking more than I wanted, but I was just so proud to finish.

I totally know what you mean about falling off the wagon. In one of my rambling paragraphs I mentioned that I hurt my back last year - no running for a month and a half. It was so tough to come back from that! I think the thing that motivated me was that I was already signed up to do a race, and I didn't want to waste my entry fee. I think that's the best way to get motivated - find a race and just sign up for it. I've heard people say that it's important to schedule your runs and make them a priority, which is true, but it's hard! We all have so much else going on, especially you since you're a mom and have the home-schooling (and the pup!) to deal with. In my case, I decided that this was something I wanted to do FOR ME, and no one else, so I did my best to make it a priority to get out and get my runs done.


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Sweet Holy HECK!!!! I'd sooooo give anything for a pic with Tiana, Naveen, AND Louis!!!!

I was sooo excited to see them! After seeing them in Holly's report I was really hoping that they would be out again this year!

Good thing you were running with your brother. I know if I was on that course with my old man and we passed an empty bed (sweat or no-sweat) he'd have some...uh...adult-ish comment for me. :lol:

You know, now that you bring it up, I'm sort of surprised that my brother didn't come up with something like that. His mind definitely works that way! :lol: :lookaroun

Awwww...I'm lovin' the ducks, too. I sooooo want a pic with both of them together! Daisy in princess garb is so freakin' awesome! I love this pic of y'all, too. Um, and this last one is pretty stinkin' awesome. Congratulations!!!!

THE DUCKS! Man was I excited!! Now that I think of it, I don't know that I've seen them together before, but then again, I'm a much less experienced character hunter than many others on these boards :D And thanks for the congrats!

Gotta tell ya, you look great for having just run a half marathon! If/when I ever get to run a half you're all gonna get a good laugh because my face is always beet-red when I run. I hate it but what can I do? I don't see myself wearing make-up to run...or maybe I could.... hhmmmmm........

Really?? Thanks! :D ((hug!)) I actually felt really great at the end, except for my knee, which was shocking. To tell you the truth, my face normally turns beet-red as well...maybe it was all the starting and stopping for character photos along the way. If it was any hotter out, I assure you taht I would've looked like a tomato. Oh, and...I'm ashamed to admit this...but I actually did have a bit of make-up on :o Just some mascara and stuff on my eyebrows. Without those, I look like some sort of alien person because my lashes and 'brows are blond and practically invisible to the naked eye. Not like you can even tell that I had the stuff on in the pictures anyway! :lol: :hammer:Plus it probably just rubbed right off in the first half mile or so.


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LOL! When we have stayed at POFQ (twice) that boat ride to DtD kills me. It's soooo slow! Or maybe it just seems incredibly slow to me because I'm so impatient to begin with. The only other boat I ever ride in is Tracey's and it's a bass boat...you know, the kind these fishermen HAVE to have so they can outrun the fish :lookaroun. Yeah, slooooow boat to DtD. I always get annoyed thinking: "Dang. We coulda been there and back 4 times by now." LOL!

I know what you mean, but honestly, the bus ride didn't seem any faster to me between going around to the other Riverside stops and then going to Typhoon Lagoon first :shrug: We were just enjoying the relaxation at that point! [/QUOTE]

Looooove your ornaments! Fab-o choice for your princess ornament!
Thanks! :D My first thought, after not finding an official Princess 1/2 ornament, was to look for a pink Mickey head to have personalized (not even sure if they come in that color). But I think the Ariel one is much more appropriate!

Ack! I have that Pop Princess wristlet/clutch thing! I use it with my matching bag as a cosmetics case. I haven't used my Pop princess set since Christmas and now I'm missing it!!! Time to switch back! LOL!

I was totally thinking of you when we picked it out, because I remembered seeing you with the princess purse in your last TR! Woohoo! I still haven't heard whether or not my brother's lady friend likes it...I hope she does!

Loooove your Princess bling! Gorgeous!
I love it too! Right now it's hanging from our mantel and Archie keeps trying to grab it and make it his new chew toy :eek: I need to find a better way to display it ASAP!

A pic of Belle AND Beast is totally on my list of must-haves! I neeeeed this!!!! Y'all are adorable!

Thank you! :D We'd met Belle a few times, but not the Beast yet. He was listed in the Times Guide though...I think we saw him at 5:30 in Belle's normal spot in France. Put it on your to-do list for your next trip!

The critters look like they were playing peek-a-boo with you! LOL!

I know! I think that was one of the better safaris we've had. It was probably around 9AM, and I agree with people that say that they are better in the morning!

The one time I stayed at the Poly with my brother I really liked it. I didn't think it would be one I'd want to revisit since I'm not that much of a beach person but the theming is so relaxing. I just know this would be an unexpected favorite for Tracey, too. When he's at WDW his biggest goal is relaxation.
I agree, I'm not really a beach person either, but I instantly felt relaxed the moment we walked in. I didn't think I would like it so much.

Loved the report! Soooo awesome! Thanks so much for such a killer adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment!


Thanks! I really enjoyed writing it. I think I'm going to do a wrap-up post or two and that'll be it!

Yep, that was the one I semi-reported and was so miserably sick from cooties I caught from DH's sick co-workers who infected him. Ugh! I was so mad! I did WDW sick once before that, in January 2005 I think it was. We got there and I immediately got slammed with flu-like symptoms...fever, etc. It was horrible.

This drives me nuts. It's just so inconsiderate of people to come to work sick! The flu at WDW sounds like a nightmare...ugh.

I miss Riley when we're away, too. When our friends kept her we'd text & get updates. Having her at Best Friends on property was nice because we could visit but then I also worried about her being lonely. Her frantic behavior early on was weird. Also, halfway thru the trip we noticed she was losing weight. By the end of the trip it really showed but she bounced right back after we got home. I don't think it was the facility or any of the staff there because they totally rocked. I think it's just my neurotic little pooch who's totally attached to me at the hip. Baby-talk...how can we not? I love getting nose-to-nose with my little girl and goo-goo talk about how she's my "Little Lovey" and all sorts of mush. She eats it up, too.
There's no way we could have Archie at Best Friends and be able to focus on the vacation. I remember reading that Riley was having trouble and it made me so sad for her, and for you! That must have been really hard. Archie is pretty neurotic too...he greatly enjoys barking at, well, nothing. Really great to hear a beagle howling for no reason. :rolleyes: Dogs are funny, aren't they?

I totally get random comments and stuff about my Disney Dooneys all the time! It's cool. I spot them from time to time and have had a few conversations with other DD ladies like we're long-lost friends. It's funny the things that can connect us girls, huh?

I haven't used my Dooney as much yet (I'm planning on busting it out for the spring/summer :D) but I get tons of compliments on my Disney Visa, so I imagine it'll be the same for the purse...maybe even better because purses are fun!

Those artists are GREAT at squeezing a lot of lettering into small spaces. They're definitely good at what they do. I love love love my personalized ornaments. They're up there on the same level as my ceremic balls that they boys each did in 2000 (3 & 4 years old) with their little hand prints on them as if they had held the ball. They're family keepsakes. :D
They're super talented. Whenever they ask me what color I want on the ornaments I just mark "Artist's choice." I trust them to do a great job, and they always do! The cermaic balls sound adorable...we'll have to do that with our kids somewhere down the line...you know, when we have them :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the rest of the trip was great. Congrats again on finishing the Princess. I love the picture with Cavalier Donald Duck and the lovely Princess Daisy, and I have to say the pictures of you with the bags of ice tied to your knee really take me back. To an unhappy (yet humorous) place. :ROFLOL:

I'm looking forward to reading your June report!


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Sounds like the rest of the trip was great. Congrats again on finishing the Princess. I love the picture with Cavalier Donald Duck and the lovely Princess Daisy, and I have to say the pictures of you with the bags of ice tied to your knee really take me back. To an unhappy (yet humorous) place. :ROFLOL:

I'm looking forward to reading your June report!

Yes it was...just way too short! Thanks again for the congrats. I was excited for the picture with the ducks, they looked adorable!

Yep, the ice :(...what can ya do?


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Final Thoughts (non-race)

Port Orleans Riverside: This was our first time staying at this resort, and first time at a moderate in general, and we really liked it. We got a great location (room 9012 – ground floor in Oak Manor) that was close enough to the lobby to not seem like a hassle, but tucked away enough that it was very quiet. The resort being spread out can be an issue for some people, I think, but we liked exploring the grounds and just taking in the whole environment. I mentioned before that the only thing we didn’t like in the room was the shower and the fact that we had 2 double beds (but I knew going in that the chance of us getting a king bed room was pretty slim), but the room was clean and the one double bed that we squeezed into was nice. I’m pleased that they were able to put us in the same building as my mom and brother though – that was the most important thing, and I appreciate that they accommodated that (they were in room 9009). We had great luck with the buses, waiting no more than 10 minutes for a bus to come all weekend (mostly it was more like a 5 minute wait). The rides weren’t too bad, except that, as is usually the case (I think), going to and from Downtown Disney felt like it took forever. In our opinion, the boat was the way to go to get there, and we enjoyed the one ride we took. I regret that we didn’t get more time to spend at the resort – in particular, I wish we’d had more time to look around the Alligator Bayou section, enjoy the pool, and hit up the River Roost Lounge. Maybe some other time! We’d stay here again, but we’re completely spoiled by the Boardwalk’s location, specifically being able to walk to 2 parks. That’s still our #1 resort, but we were very happy with our stay at Riverside.

Food: Riverside Mill, Earl of Sandwich, Wolfgang Puck Express and Kona Café were all new to us on this trip. Riverside Mill was fine, but the other 3 really exceeded my expectations. We’ll definitely be returning. This was our third time eating at both Chefs de France and Le Cellier, and while both were good, as usual, I’m excited to try more new places when we go back in June.

Tables in Wonderland/Dining Plan: This was our first trip not being on the dining plan, and it was nice. It was great to be able to just split food (like we did at Wolfgang Puck, Le Cellier, and Kona) and not feel at all restricted in what we could order. The mom and bro had free dining, and I think they liked it, but we always ended up splitting their desserts between the 4 of us, which worked out well. Having said that, we’ll probably go back to the dining plan in the future, just because I don’t think we’ll always be AP holders (too hard living in Ohio) and I just don’t think we’ll want to pay out of pocket for every meal without the Tables in Wonderland discount.

Merchandise: I completely see what people are saying about the merchandise being standardized. I mentioned that I was on a mission to replace our coffee mugs…I was hoping to get a Riverside mug in Fulton’s, and they didn’t have any. Just the same stuff you’d find in any other store. Nothing resort-specific. I know this is old news, but there you have it. I did see resort-specific stuff in the Grand Floridian, so maybe they just reserve that for the deluxes? Anyway, I got a couple of things I really wanted (the wristlet, ornaments, a different coffee mug) and didn’t spend too much, so I was proud of myself for that! My one merchandise regret is not getting a Princess Half Finisher t-shirt. The front said “13.1, I did it!” or something, and I just sort of passed it by, but the back, which I didn’t look at, had a course map. For some reason, I really wanted the shirt after seeing the back, but I didn’t actually see the back until I was in the airport, about to board our flight home! D’OH!

The Parks: I thought everything looked great. Every Cast Member we encountered was super friendly, and there weren’t too many obnoxious guests around. Hooray! I was really surprised at all the work going on in Magic Kingdom – it’s one thing to read it here, quite another to see it in person. There were scrims up on Main Street, on the back end of the castle, and screens up in the hitchhiking ghost portion of Haunted Mansion (just realized there’s a thread about this in the New section), and of course, the construction walls up around Fantasyland. I think initially I was disappointed to see all this work, but it has to happen sometime, right? It’s good that they are on top of the maintenance. Speaking of maintenance…Splash needs some help. Sad. :( Goals for the next trip include more character meets (specifically Tomorrowland Mickey and Minnie!), more time in the World Showcase, and more relaxation in general.

Disney in February: …was fabulous! The weather was perfect and the lines were short. I wish we could come at this time of the year every year!


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Princess Half Marathon thoughts

This was my first race at Disney (7th race overall) and it was a blast. I’ll echo what everyone else says after doing their first…these things are addicting!

Training: Like I said, I used a Jeff Galloway plan, and while I think I’ll use something different plan for my next race, this one did the job. I felt prepared on race day and pretty good once the race was over, save the ITB pain.

Expo: Not fun, and like I said, I’m not sure how they can improve it beyond moving it to a bigger space. Too hot and crowded for my taste. The goody bags were just okay – mesh bag, tech shirt, a small Luna bar sample, some coupons and ads for other races. According to dreamfinder’s report in the running forum, last year’s goody bags had socks and a camera as well. Hmm. Due to this I didn’t get to look at many booths, except Sweaty Bands – I’m totally hooked now! – and the official merchandise area, which was a zoo. Getting to the Wide World of Sports was a bit of a pain, but it was cool to see once we actually did get there. The good thing about the expo was that it was easy to make any changes – my brother exchanged his shirt (a medium for an XL – men, if you do this race, the t-shirts are in WOMEN’S sizes!) and changed his corral placement, and both of those tasks, which I thought would be monumental pains, took minutes. So that was really nice. My advice for the expo: get there early, don’t wait until the day before the race if possible, bring proof of time if you have it (we were supposed to send them in by January 11 I think, but we were still able to make the corral change), and print your waiver beforehand and bring it with you. By arriving with our waivers in hand, we avoided the additional line people had to wait in to print theirs out.

Pre-race: One weird thing that really worked out in my favor was the insane travel day we had on the 25th and not getting a nap the afternoon of the 26th. Because of this, I was able to get to bed the night before the race pretty early and slept like a rock, which was lucky. In the months leading up to the race I was definitely more scared of the 2:50AM wake-up time than running the race itself, but it turned out to be fine. I thought the race was pretty well-organized for the start…plenty of porta potties of all that. Just wish they all had Purell! (Some did, some didn’t.) :hurl:

The race: It was awesome! More characters than I expected by far. The sloped roads killed my knee though, and the constant widening and narrowing of the course was slightly difficult to deal with. The on-course entertainment was great though – definitely made the miles fly by - and the volunteers were so wonderful. I wish I could thank all of them. We got lucky with the weather – not too cold at all, any hotter and I think there would have been problems.

Post-race: Nice food/water spread, I just wish there were more characters to meet and that they’d advertised the med tent a little better!

Transportation: Surprisingly good. We didn’t wait long for buses to/from the expo/race at all…same goes for mom and Will. Families of runners were easily transported to the race, which was nice.

I’ll say it again – if anyone out there is thinking about doing one of these races, DO IT. You’ll have a blast! And if you do it, be sure to wear your medal around the parks afterward. It was so fun to get congratulations from Cast Members and to chat with other runners!

I am really hoping that the Marathon Relay will introduce a wider variety of distances so that more people can experience a race at Disney. :sohappy:

Future Trips

As I’ve mentioned many times, Will and I are going back to WDW in June…bring on the crowds and heat! :cool:

And in the beginning of the report I mentioned I did a 5k, then a 10k, then 10-miler…so the next logical step seemed to be a half marathon. So what comes next after that?...

…I’m not 100% sure yet, but hopefully I’ll be back for 26.2 Magical Miles in 2012! :sohappy:

See ya real soon! :wave:


Well-Known Member
By the time the monorail pulled into the station, Wishes had ended.

It was odd...the race had only ended that morning, but it already felt like it had happened a lifetime ago.

I probably missed something on this, but what happened to the hitchhiking ghosts at the end? There was definitely some sort of temporary screen up and they just had projections of the ghosts flying around. Is this part of the new technology they are trying to add to the Magic Kingdom?

...until the woman in front of me turned around and said to the character attendant "isn't your line closed?" while sort of jerking her head in our direction. :mad: Ouch. The CM, who'd been chatting with someone else, promptly kicked us out of line. I understand that they need to close the lines at some point, but still...thanks a lot, lady.

Ugh, we managed to miss Wishes this trip too...:cry:

I know what you mean about the race^^^ We drove home the day of and by the time we got back it felt like it had happened a week before or something.

We saw the different hitchhiking ghosts too...for a second we thought we missed the regular ones! It will be interesting to see where they are going with this.

That lady was so rude about the M&M meet n greet line! Geez, it's not necessary to have an attitude like that.

At one point, I looked up and was surprised to see a woman walking on a bridge above me! Is this part of the new Africa trek?



^^^ Cool pictures! I missed this footbridge! I wonder if it is part of the tour too. We did see the trucks though and these huts that appeared to be new, and related to the new tour.

Glad you had a great weekend! Sorry it was so short! But at least you can start a whole new countdown already! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the wrap-up. Now I want to go hit the treadmill...sorta.... :lol:

Uh...yeah...that M & M meet lady with the snarky comment irked me just reading about it. I don't know that I would've been so nice. I woulda come out with a loud response like, "Well I guess they're ending the line with heiffers today...okay. Thanks!" :wave:


Active Member
Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your half marathon experience. You are totally up for the full marathon in 2012!

You sure crammed quite a lot into a quick weekend, made me tired just reading it.

Kudos to your brother for running a "princess" 1/2!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ugh, we managed to miss Wishes this trip too...:cry:

UGH...that's too bad. You know, I don't think I've EVER properly seen Wishes. The one time we did watch it we were sitting in Adventureland - we didn't know we needed to look at the castle straight-on to get the full effect, and we couldn't here the music. Just whatever music they play in Adventureland. It wasn't quite as magical that way :hammer:

I know what you mean about the race^^^ We drove home the day of and by the time we got back it felt like it had happened a week before or something.
Yes, it completely messed up my internal clock...it was nice to be done and have the whole day ahead of us though. I can't wait to read about your half experience! :wave:

We saw the different hitchhiking ghosts too...for a second we thought we missed the regular ones! It will be interesting to see where they are going with this.
I totally thought that too! We came around the corner and I was just like "Wait, this wasn't like this before, was it??"

That lady was so rude about the M&M meet n greet line! Geez, it's not necessary to have an attitude like that.
I know! :cry: I mean, I do know that they need to close the lines eventually, but by then I think I was starting to get a little crabby from lack of sleep, so I took it kind of hard...

^^^ Cool pictures! I missed this footbridge! I wonder if it is part of the tour too. We did see the trucks though and these huts that appeared to be new, and related to the new tour.
Thanks! I think the bridge was right after the hippo area. We've been on the safari maybe 4 times, so it was pretty jarring to see a person AND a truck out there. We spotted the huts too...I'm curious to see someone's review of the tour.

Glad you had a great weekend! Sorry it was so short! But at least you can start a whole new countdown already! :sohappy:
Thanks! In a way it was good that it was so short, because it made me think of so many things I'm looking forward to on the next trip that we didn't get to do. I can't wait to read the rest of your report! :D

Thanks for the wrap-up. Now I want to go hit the treadmill...sorta.... :lol:

Uh...yeah...that M & M meet lady with the snarky comment irked me just reading about it. I don't know that I would've been so nice. I woulda come out with a loud response like, "Well I guess they're ending the line with heiffers today...okay. Thanks!" :wave:
And thank you for all the nice comments!

Honestly, I was too stunned to even say anything to the lady or the character attendant. Your heifer comment made me laugh! Thanks for reading, and I'm really looking forward to your next report. I hope you guys can make your September trip happen!

Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your half marathon experience. You are totally up for the full marathon in 2012!

You sure crammed quite a lot into a quick weekend, made me tired just reading it.

Kudos to your brother for running a "princess" 1/2!

Thank you for reading! Yep, I'm really looking forward to the full already! Registration opens in 10 days...:eek:

I think I was too hyped up on adrenaline to feel very tired, until it came time to wait for the Magical Express back to the airport...then I totally crashed.

I think my brother enjoyed running with the ladies quite a bit! He even began to strike some princess poses in the pictures...nice. :D I'll pass along your kudos!


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous that you got to leave Ohio in February. We live not even five minutes from Akron canton airport, and I wanted to leave the snow even for a few days like you. At least the end of the winter is in sight! We used to have season passes to sea world too. Funny how that's what your mom compared it to.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm so jealous that you got to leave Ohio in February. We live not even five minutes from Akron canton airport, and I wanted to leave the snow even for a few days like you. At least the end of the winter is in sight! We used to have season passes to sea world too. Funny how that's what your mom compared it to.

Well the bad thing is now I want to have a little late-February getaway every year! Not really in the budget though :(

My mom flew out of Akron-Canton...I wish we could too, it's just so much smaller and more manageable than CLE. But too far to drive for us.

My mom comparing Animal Kingdom to Sea World was a little concerning to me...I mean, Sea World holds a special place in my heart and everything, but it made me feel like she didn't fully take everything in :shrug: Oh well.

Good luck surviving the rest of winter, thanks for reading! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed your log! What a blast.
It seems as though I enjoy other people's trips and vacations almost as much as my own.
Thanks for posting!
See you in June ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I really enjoyed your log! What a blast.
It seems as though I enjoy other people's trips and vacations almost as much as my own.
Thanks for posting!
See you in June ;)

Thank you! It really was a great experience...so great that I just signed up for the WDW full marathon in 2012! :eek:

I totally know what you mean about enjoying other trip reports. I think it's especially helpful when you're still in the mourning stages of a trip being over, as I am :cry:

Hope you enjoy your June trip, and post a report! When will you be there?

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