13.1 Magical Miles: A 2011 Princess Half Marathon Trip Report!

Hi everyone!

We’ve just returned from a hectic, way too short weekend at WDW for (obviously) the 2011 Princess Half Marathon!

The cast includes:

THE RUNNERS: myself (Princess Shannon, 26) and my brother Craig (aka Princess Craiggy, 24).



THE BUMS (just kidding): our mom Kriss and my husband Will (25).


A little background on our Disney history…this was my and Will’s 3rd trip to WDW together after our honeymoon and a short November 2009 trip that apparently I didn’t deem trip report-worthy…for shame! This also marked Will’s first time traveling with my family…what a trooper! As for my mom and brother, this was their first return visit to the World since our first family vacation to WDW, a miserably hot week at AS Sports in August 1995 (although I believe my brother did take a day trip to the Magic Kingdom sometime over the past 2 years. Now that I think about it, I remember him calling for tips on how to work the Fastpass machines and claiming that they wouldn’t work without a Key to the World card since they apparently weren’t taking his one-day paper ticket). :hammer:So he and my mom were, for all intents and purposes, Disney newbies!

This trip has been in the making for quite awhile. I’ve been running off and on for almost 3 years now just to try to keep somewhat active (I sit in a cube all day for my job) and use local races as motivators to keep up with it. I started out using the Couch-to-5k plan (really great for beginners) and entered a few local 5ks (3.1 miles), eventually working my way up to a 10k (6.2 miles) in 2009 and a 10-miler in 2010. A half seemed like the next logical step, and I really wasn’t aware of the Disney endurance series until I read Holly’s marathon report…like a lot of people here on these boards that report got the wheels turning (Holly, they really need to give you a cut of their profits!), and this trip - and consequently this admittedly wordy trip report - was born.

I mentioned the race to Princess Craiggy, and he was in! Will was in too, but in cheerleader form only – his hatred for running far outweighs his love of character photos :shrug: Once my mom (a biker, not a runner) got wind of the trip she wanted to come too…hooray! My brother moved to Florida from home (Ohio) about 7 years ago (he currently lives in Western Florida) and we don’t get to see him very often - maybe twice a year - so I was pleased that the trip could come together this way.

Being the hyper-organized, borderline-OCD planner of the family, I immediately began to work out the trip logistics and signed up for the race the minute registration opened :o. Will works in education, so he cannot take multiple personal days in a row or use them to make 4-day weekends :mad:, which restricted the trip to a jam-packed 3-day event (3.5 days if you count Friday evening…which I don’t, since we had no park time that day). We would fly down on Friday the 25th after work and return home Monday evening (the 28th), with Will taking just that Monday off. With the flight times available to us, that would only leave us 2 full days and some change in the World. I whine, but for awhile it looked like Will wouldn’t be able to make the trip at all due to school conflicts, and I’d much rather have him there for a shorter trip than go on a slightly longer trip without him. WDW just wouldn’t feel right without him there with me. :D Plus we’ll get our longer trip soon…we have our next trip (June 2011) booked and paid for!

Anyhoo, less whining and more planning! We would, like I said, fly down Friday after work and check into our digs at Port Orleans Riverside, probably not until around midnight (ah, the best laid plans…more on this later :dazzle:). My mom actually flew down Thursday to check out my brother’s apartment and see where he works…together they then made the trip to Orlando, about a 4-hour car ride I think. Here’s a text message conversation I had with my mom about their plans for that first day (if I could take a screenshot of this conversation on my Droid, I would…I’m just not savvy enough):

Me: What are your plans for Friday?
Mom: gonna rent a car & leave as early as possible & go to the afirca thingy
Me: …it’s called Animal Kingdom!
Mom: oh yeah…hope we 2 c off kilter

Etc. etc. :ROFLOL:
Initially I was bummed that I wouldn’t get to be there with them during their first park visit – I really wanted to see their reactions – but it ended up sort of not mattering. More on that later, too.

Oh, right…I also started using a training plan. I’ll address that a little later on in the report…lots of coming attractions!

A few weeks before the trip, my mom called to tell me she’d fully paid off the trip and was starting to get really excited! I was relieved to hear this because until that point I’d had a hard time gauging whether or not she was looking forward to it. I think the reality that it was so close had finally hit her…I should have known though. She really enjoyed looking at the pictures from our honeymoon trip and kept saying she was jealous, it looked like so much fun, etc. Then I saw her the Sunday before we were due to fly out and she had a file folder labeled “Disney” with every crazy planning email I’d sent her printed out, along with a highlighted copy of the half marathon course. Ah-ha! So that’s where some of my urge to plan comes from! :D In the weeks leading up to the trip I realized more and more that I kind of felt some pressure to make sure the trip was great for everyone, especially the sort-of newbies, since this whole thing was my idea (eek!), so it was fun to see that she was excited, too.

Maybe it was good that I could focus on these concerns, because it helped distract me from being nervous for the race itself. That nervousness inevitably crept in, but at the same time I was, of course, REALLY looking forward to it after almost a year of anticipation and weeks of training for it. I didn’t have any goals beyond finishing within the pace requirements while not feeling like death, and of course, getting loads of character pictures! And like everyone else that runs these things, I was super excited to get that finisher medal! It’s all about the bling.

So here we go! Thanks for reading so far!


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Excellent report...I'm exhausted just reading it! My knee never would have held out, but major props to you and your bro!

Btw...my wife and I are very close friends with the Barbosa you met on the race! I had to laugh when I saw the picture!!

Thank you! I was really worried about how I was going to feel after having gotten up so early, but there was so much adrenaline and excitement that I didn't feel tired at all until we were back in the room...then I was dead to the world.

How funny that you know that Barbosa! Please tell him he did a great job and that we were excited to meet him! :wave:


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Ha! That's funny. Sometimes I look others' pictures on this site and wonder if I'll spot myself in the background...hasn't happened yet. So are you not in the picture then? Which talk did you listen to?
We heard them talking to the Survivor people while we were in line checking out.

We just stuck the kid there with my iPhone while we my wife registered.

Congrats on the race!


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We hopped on the monorail to the Magic Kingdom around 8PM. As we got closer to the MK, I was surprised, and disappointed, to see that Wishes had already started! I think I thought that it would be later since there were Evening Extra Magic Hours that night. D'oh!

By the time the monorail pulled into the station, Wishes had ended.


At this point, my mom and brother decided that they just wanted to walk around, "see everything," and head back to Riverside. They were pooped.

But Will and I weren't! We entered the Magic Kingdom, and it was like we were salmon swimming upstream. Everyone was leaving.

After walking through a few stores to avoid the crowds, we headed into Tomorrowland. As we walked, I blabbed on about where we'd run that morning. I was glad that he could see where we'd been. It was odd...the race had only ended that morning, but it already felt like it had happened a lifetime ago.


We made a beeline for Space - only a 20-minute wait! We'll take it. Unfortunately, just as we got in line, a CM came out to announce that Space was down and they had no idea when it would be up again. Boo!

Fantasyland was next on our list. We stopped briefly to check out the new Storybook Circus construction wall art. I have a photo, but it's really bad - super blurry. The one on the front page of this site is much better.

Hey, a somewhat decent night shot!


Next up on our tour was the Haunted Mansion...a walk-on!


I probably missed something on this, but what happened to the hitchhiking ghosts at the end? There was definitely some sort of temporary screen up and they just had projections of the ghosts flying around. Is this part of the new technology they are trying to add to the Magic Kingdom?

Anyhoo, we hit up Splash Mountain next.


On the way to the MK, I'd told Will how Mickey and Minnie now have temporary meet and greets in Tomorrowland, Liberty Square and Frontierland. My hope was that we could meet them all that evening! Of course, just like with Wishes, we were there too late, according to the Times Guide. So imagine my surprise when, while walking through the Splash line, I saw them! Mickey and Minnie, still meeting and greeting, just to the ride of the Splash queue! (It looked like Mickey was wearing the same outfit he has on in Garden Grill.)

We hopped out of the Splash line and into the M&M line. I was quite giddy...until the woman in front of me turned around and said to the character attendant "isn't your line closed?" while sort of jerking her head in our direction. :mad: Ouch. The CM, who'd been chatting with someone else, promptly kicked us out of line. I understand that they need to close the lines at some point, but still...thanks a lot, lady.

After that disappointment, we re-entered the empty Splash line. Last chance to exit...


...and we totally should have. Something was off with Splash that evening. First we thought the audio was cutting out and skipping in some places. It was sort of weird, but not enough to ruin the ride or anything like that. Then we got completely stopped, both before and after the big drop. I wish I'd taken a picture - there were easily 8-10 logs backed up at the end of the ride. I was disappointed that such a great ride was having issues.

After Splash, we headed over to Big Thunder (also a walk-on, not broken!) and Will annouced that he was hungry. We headed over to Pecos Bill's, where Will happily munched on a taco salad.


We decided to give it a go on Space Mountain, and it was up and running! Horray!

Upon returning from Space, it was almost time for the park to close.


We managed to get on a bus right at 11 and got back to Riverside quickly. We were in bed by midnight...last sleep at WDW :cry:


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We heard them talking to the Survivor people while we were in line checking out.

We just stuck the kid there with my iPhone while we my wife registered.

Congrats on the race!

Ah, I see. I wonder how many people actually do attend those talks?

Thanks for the congrats!...and congrats to your wife! (and you too of course, if you ran) :D


Well-Known Member
Congrat on finishing the race!!! :sohappy: One day I WILL train and run in one of the marathons down at Disney. I promise myself that! OMG my son would be having a field day seeing all those characters!

Great report!


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Congrat on finishing the race!!! :sohappy: One day I WILL train and run in one of the marathons down at Disney. I promise myself that! OMG my son would be having a field day seeing all those characters!

Great report!

Thank you! You should totally do a race. It was so much fun, and such a great feeling of accomplishment! :sohappy:


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Day 3 – February 28, 2011

Departure day. We’ve all been there. Woof.

We were up at 6:40 and ready to check out (we’d packed up most of our stuff the previous afternoon). Mom and Craig would not be joining us at Animal Kingdom - they needed to head back out West. Bye-bye family!

After storing our carry-on bags with the bellhop, we grabbed some breakfast from Riverside Mill and hopped on a bus to Animal Kingdom for Morning Extra Magic Hours.

Everest was up first that day…only about a 5 minute wait!



I'm starting to think I need a lens hood...some of these pictures are looking pretty washed out.

Anyhoo, after our visit with the Disco Yeti, we headed to Africa for an early morning safari!



At one point, I looked up and was surprised to see a woman walking on a bridge above me! Is this part of the new Africa trek?



Chomp chomp chomp!


Running away to hide:



Hidden, but curious.



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More safari pictures!


"No photos, please."





The lioness was looking pretty relaxed...


...but then was staring right at us as we went around the corner!


Back to relaxing.



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After the safari, we headed over to Camp Minnie Mickey to meet some friends…


…but they weren’t there!


On the way in we passed Pocahontas, so we went back to meet her while waiting for the others to arrive. We were behind a mother with her son and daughter…the daughter was excited to meet Pocahontas, the son, not so much. But she and the photopass guy had a trick worked out. The photopass guy suggested that Pocahontas step to the back so that he could get a shot of just the family, and the boy agreed to be in it. Then at the last minute, Pocahontas ran into the shot and struck a perfect pose! Sneaky lady.

When it was our turn, Pocahontas was very interested in my tech shirt and asked me to explain what a half marathon was. Our conversation ended with her saying that maybe we could meet in the woods to run some day. Perhaps!



When we headed back to the greeting trails, they were still empty. What’s going on here???


But not for long! Suddenly the characters were coming out. Mickey’s line was predictably long, so we decided to visit everyone else first.

We started with Minnie. There were a bunch of purple flowers on the ground (you can sort of see them in some of these pictures), so Minnie lifted her skirt a bit and gingerly tip-toed around them. Very cute.


Next up was the Goof. He blew me a kiss and I blew one back and he was so embarrassed! Hehe.


Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Ah! The last time I visited WDW, I stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside. It is indeed beautiful, an oasis of greenery and waterways. Thanks for the great pics! They bring back very fond memories!


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Donald was up next. He noticed the Mickey on Will's hat and pinched his nose (which I am laughing at in the picture)!


After we met Donald, we were leaving his trail and I noticed that he was following us (no one else had been in line at that point). Donald spotted a little boy that was excited to meet him. Donald waved to him...


...and then tried to wave him over...


...and suddenly the boy began to have an epic crying fit! Oops!

And then finally we were able to meet the mouse!


Next up was Thumper and Miss Bunny. While waiting in line, we struck up a conversation with the CM, who was from Dayton. Basically we talked about how crappy the weather was in Ohio and how pleased she was to not have to go back that evening, like we did. Bleh. :(

But we met the bunnies! They were very cute.



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After meeting all of our furry friends, we made our way toward Dinoland.


Just in time for the 10:30 showing of Finding Nemo!




We love this show. Is it just me, or has it changed slightly? I can't come up with a specific example, but some parts seemed a little different compared to the last time I saw the show. :shrug: Either way, it was still great.

At this point, we had sort of an awkward amount of time to kill before our lunch reservations. We decided that a nice, relaxing way to end the vacation would be to check out some resorts. Will decided he needed a snack, so while he waited for popcorn, I sat on a nearby bench and was entertained by this little guy.


Meanwhile, this one was contemplating jumping up and stealing Will's popcorn!


TTFN, Animal Kingdom! See you in June!



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Just as we got to the bus area, a bus to the Grand Floridian pulled up.


I've always been curious to see this resort, and since our lunch reservations were at the Poly, I figured we could check out the GF lobby and pool, then hop on the monorail to lunch. The bus stopped first at the Wilderness Lodge...another place I've never been. I'm planning to see it on our next trip!

The lobby of the Grand Floridian sure is...grand. Yuk yuk yuk. Seriously though, it was very beautiful.


We walked through the shops and I peeked into 1900 Park Fare...the food smelled awesome.



The beach was quite lovely. It would be so nice to just relax out there on a lounger. Aahhh...


Once my curiosity was satisfied, we caught the monorail to the Polynesian, our first visit to that resort.


Since I've never been to the Poly, I have to admit that I've never understood why people passionately declared their love for this resort. It won me over instantly though. As soon as I walked in the lobby, I felt completely relaxed and transported to another place entirely. It was really, really nice.


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Ah! The last time I visited WDW, I stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside. It is indeed beautiful, an oasis of greenery and waterways. Thanks for the great pics! They bring back very fond memories!
I completely agree with your description of Riverside. One of the many problems with such a short trip is that I didn't really get to explore the resort as fully as I wanted to. Hopefully I'll get to do it some other time. Glad you're enjoying the pics! Thanks for reading! :wave:


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It was a teeny bit early, but we were seated right away when we checked in at the Kona Cafe podium.


This ADR was a last-minute addition. When I originally booked our flight home, it was supposed to leave around 5:30. This would have had us getting on the Magical Express around 2:30. About a month before the trip, the flight got pushed back to 7:30 - we wouldn't need to catch the Magical Express until 4. So I thought it made some sense to try to have a bigger lunch, rather than depend completely on the airport food (this turned out to be a good plan - there weren't many options in our terminal).

Our server Jackie was great. Very helpful and nice, and just fun to talk to. She recommended the Island Chicken sandwich, and we both took her advice. It was delicious! My favorite part was the onion straws.


(Will got his with fresh cut chips on the side...they were soooo good.)

We ordered dessert :slurp: and Will excused himself to use the bathroom. When he came back, he said "What can you tell me about the restaurant 'Ohana?" I hadn't realized that 'Ohana was right around the corner. Will had spotted the restaurant and thought it looked cool. I couldn't tell him much, just that I knew it was really popular. At that point I remembered that we had one evening in our June trip without an ADR, so we pulled the 'Ohana menu up on my phone to check it out. It looked good, so I went on the WDW Dining site to see if there were any openings, not really expecting to find one at such a popular place. But lo and behold, there was a 7:05 available! I couldn't believe it! I quickly snagged the ADR...so we'll be checking out 'Ohana on our next trip! Hooray! :sohappy:


Then dessert came out...


Kilauea Torte. Oh my. This was amazing. Will's not really a big sweets person, and even he thought it was incredible. YUM...:D

Overall I was very pleased with the dining on this trip. All three new places we tried - Earl of Sandwich, Wolfgang Puck, and Kona Cafe - were excellent. Chefs de France and Le Cellier are always good, but like I said, we're probably done with Le Cellier now that it's Signature. We're trying a lot of new places in June, so this experience made me even more excited for the dining we have planned for our next trip!


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I am NOT gonna forget everything I want to say as I read! I'm not! So I'll reply more than once so I don't overload myself with quotes then forget what I wanted to say for each. I know that makes no sense. If you have no memory it's not important to be clear when talking to yourself. Onward...

But evil February wasn’t going to let me go that easily. While sitting in the cube farm at work in the weeks leading up to the trip, I began to hear disturbing noises. Sniffling. Phlegm-y hacking. Blowing of noses. Constant throat clearing. Horror of horrors! Everyone around me was sick! :eek: And these weren’t even the worst cases…apparently there was some gnarly flu going around that struck a good number of people in my department. All I could do was hide in my cube and try to avoid contact with the walking zombies around me. Even poor Will was hit – not with the flu luckily, but he did stay home from work on Wednesday with a small head cold.

Somehow I made it to Thursday without being infected. In your face, sickness! That morning I was in my cube, typing away and happily dreaming of WDW, when I got The Email:

Not exactly ideal flying conditions…this made me very nervous that our flight would be delayed, or worse canceled. In my mind I could hear February laughing cruelly…I was still in its clutches. Son of a %$*&#.

I love how you told this little pre-trip blurb! So funny! I know these concerns all too well...plus I got sick on departure day for May '09. The bolded part made me laugh. Better words could not have been chosen. LOL!

Anyhoo, I had the day off as well, so we decided to divide and conquer – Will stayed home taking care of some last-minute stuff (cleaned up a bit, packed, etc.) while I ran out to buy race-day breakfast and drop the Monster-pup off at doggy camp around noon. Here he (Archie) is, all packed and ready for camp…hasn’t quite realized that he’s going yet:


But now he knows! And he’s very excited.


Awwww...love Archie!!! What a super-duper cutey! I wanna snuggle him and rub his widdle ears and go into one of my mindless baby-talky rambles just like I do with our little Riley Belle. Had to send a shout out to the pooch! Your fur-baby is adorable!

I struck out on the LGM keychain, so we moved on to the World of Disney store. Will had forgotten his sunglasses at home and was tired of squinting in that glorious sun, so he wanted a replacement pair. And I wanted this little beauty!

(Dedicated to Kelly, aka sweetpee! :D)


Woohoo! I got a 10% discount on it, but I forget why (AP or Disney Visa, not sure which one). Anyway, this thing is the perfect size – fits my cards and phone splendidly, and it’s adorable! Will didn’t fare as well as I did – none of the sunglasses appealed to him.

Our last stop in Downtown Disney was Disney’s Days of Christmas. Everyone has that one thing that they want to get on every trip – my thing is a personalized Christmas ornament. I was in the market for something that would appropriately represent the Princess Half, and I found just the thing!

Thanks, girl! ((((fist bump)))) I freakin' love the balloon print DDs. My closest Cabbage Patch buddy whom I always buy pins for on our Disney trips (she collects them) got me that same wristlet for Christmas. What a sweetheart. Did they have the WDW 40th Dooneys out while you were there?! I saw them on eBay and I'm trying so hard to resist the urge. I loved the similar print when they did the Disneyland 55th bags but I've never been to DL so it wasn't hard to put them out of my head. Ugh. I think Disney & their Dooneys have it in for me. I **want** (note: I didn't say "need") a WDW 40th bag! But then our next (prospective) adventure we recently booked for September (crossing fingers that it doesn't get derailed between now & then) includes a short Dream cruise and I knooooow I'll want a DCL DD now that I have an excuse to carry one. :lol: What to do?!?!

OMG! Personalized ornaments are our must-have, too!!! I love them! I should get pictures of all of them sometime. BTW, did you know that the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" counts as only 1 word when they do the personalization and it almost completely wraps around the glass Mickey ball ornaments? Well, at least in 2006 it counted as just 1 word. :D

Okay. I'll shut up and go read the next 2 pages. :wave:


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After lunch, we wandered around in the lobby some more and checked out Boutiki.



We went out back to check out the pool next. It looked really fun!



View of the Grand Floridian from the beach:


The castle peeking out over the trees:


By then we decided that it was probably time to think about leaving WDW :( We hopped on a monorail to the Magic Kingdom and grabbed a bus back to Riverside.



One thing's for sure, after visiting the Poly, we'd love to stay there sometime. Better start saving now! :eek:

The weekend finally caught up to me on the bus back to Riverside. I'd been doing okay up until then, but suddenly I just could not keep my eyes open. After picking up our carry-ons from bell services around 2:45, I promptly plopped down on a couch in the lobby and fell asleep sitting up! It was glorious. Will woke me up at around 3:30 so that we'd have plenty of time to change into warmer clothes to go home and still be able to make our 4PM bus. We were at the stop early, but the bus was a bit late - at 4:15, we were on our way to the airport...and just like that, our weekend was over.


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I am NOT gonna forget everything I want to say as I read! I'm not! So I'll reply more than once so I don't overload myself with quotes then forget what I wanted to say for each. I know that makes no sense. If you have no memory it's not important to be clear when talking to yourself. Onward...

Sounds good! Fire away! :lol:

I love how you told this little pre-trip blurb! So funny! I know these concerns all too well...plus I got sick on departure day for May '09. The bolded part made me laugh. Better words could not have been chosen. LOL!

Thanks! Looking back, I still can't believe that something didn't go wrong before the trip, between the weather and the constant exposure to germs! I really, really thought I was going to get sick. Now that you mention it, I do remember reading your TR where you were sick! The one with your neices, right? Ugh, that's the worst.

Awwww...love Archie!!! What a super-duper cutey! I wanna snuggle him and rub his widdle ears and go into one of my mindless baby-talky rambles just like I do with our little Riley Belle. Had to send a shout out to the pooch! Your fur-baby is adorable!

THANKS! :D Before I started the TR, I decided that I needed to somehow include a picture of him. We just love to show him off! We missed him sooo much...I don't know how we're going to handle it in June (we're going on a week-long trip! :D)...oh and I totally baby-talk to him all the time. Just can't help it!

Thanks, girl! ((((fist bump)))) I freakin' love the balloon print DDs. My closest Cabbage Patch buddy whom I always buy pins for on our Disney trips (she collects them) got me that same wristlet for Christmas. What a sweetheart. Did they have the WDW 40th Dooneys out while you were there?! I saw them on eBay and I'm trying so hard to resist the urge. I loved the similar print when they did the Disneyland 55th bags but I've never been to DL so it wasn't hard to put them out of my head. Ugh. I think Disney & their Dooneys have it in for me. I **want** (note: I didn't say "need") a WDW 40th bag! But then our next (prospective) adventure we recently booked for September (crossing fingers that it doesn't get derailed between now & then) includes a short Dream cruise and I knooooow I'll want a DCL DD now that I have an excuse to carry one. :lol: What to do?!?!

I knew you would appreciate it! :D I also had my sketch bag with me, but didn't take it around to the parks, so it didn't show up in any pictures. Love those bags! I think I forgot to mention it in the TR, but when we were going through security on our departure day, the TSA agent was like "I love your bag!" and we chatted about it for a few minutes (before the pat-down :lol: :lookaroun).

I think they did have the 40th WDW pattern...yes, they definitely did, because Will was asking me what it was. They're funky!

Hmm...so DCL or 40th? That's a tough one. I'd say go for the DCL since that's the trip you have coming up, but the 40ths will probably only be around for so long...you're right, I do think they have it in for you! :eek:

OMG! Personalized ornaments are our must-have, too!!! I love them! I should get pictures of all of them sometime. BTW, did you know that the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" counts as only 1 word when they do the personalization and it almost completely wraps around the glass Mickey ball ornaments? Well, at least in 2006 it counted as just 1 word. :D Okay. I'll shut up and go read the next 2 pages. :wave:

Nice! The issue with my ornament was that if the text wrapped around, it would be seen through the bell part. I was glad they were able to squeeze everything in!


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Lastly, I really realized that a little determination can go a long way. I never thought I would be a runner, and Will likes to remind me that when I first started a few years back, I would say to him, “I’d really like to finish a 5K someday. It would be cool if I could do that.” That was my ultimate goal. And here I am writing my half marathon trip report!

So if anyone is on the fence about trying one of these things, I say go for it! You just may end up surprising yourself. I sure did.

Okay, so training is done…and it’s race day! Let’s get to it! :D


Had to stop to respond to this one. Can I just say "thank you" for posting this? I *want* to be able to run a 5k or half marathon but then it seems like such an impossible goal. I get my momentum on my running then something gets in the way and I always seem to fall off. Getting back to running is harder than maintaining the schedule because I beat myself up for falling off to begin with. All the excuses in the world don't make it easier. I love what you had to say and I really appreciate it. (((((big hugs))))))


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Tiana, Louis and Naveen were up ahead! I told my brother we were stopping for a picture and his response was “okay, but who are the people with the crocodile from Peter Pan?” Apparently someone hasn’t seen Princess and the Frog yet! :lol:


(Naveen kept saying "You're almost there!" No we're not, Naveen. Not by a long shot!)

Sweet Holy HECK!!!! I'd sooooo give anything for a pic with Tiana, Naveen, AND Louis!!!!

...we came to a little Sleeping Beauty set-up.


Good thing you were running with your brother. I know if I was on that course with my old man and we passed an empty bed (sweat or no-sweat) he'd have some...uh...adult-ish comment for me. :lol:

...and some ducks! By far my favorite picture of the race! :sohappy:



Awwww...I'm lovin' the ducks, too. I sooooo want a pic with both of them together! Daisy in princess garb is so freakin' awesome! I love this pic of y'all, too. Um, and this last one is pretty stinkin' awesome. Congratulations!!!!

Gotta tell ya, you look great for having just run a half marathon! If/when I ever get to run a half you're all gonna get a good laugh because my face is always beet-red when I run. I hate it but what can I do? I don't see myself wearing make-up to run...or maybe I could.... hhmmmmm........

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