13.1 Magical Miles: A 2011 Princess Half Marathon Trip Report!

Hi everyone!

We’ve just returned from a hectic, way too short weekend at WDW for (obviously) the 2011 Princess Half Marathon!

The cast includes:

THE RUNNERS: myself (Princess Shannon, 26) and my brother Craig (aka Princess Craiggy, 24).



THE BUMS (just kidding): our mom Kriss and my husband Will (25).


A little background on our Disney history…this was my and Will’s 3rd trip to WDW together after our honeymoon and a short November 2009 trip that apparently I didn’t deem trip report-worthy…for shame! This also marked Will’s first time traveling with my family…what a trooper! As for my mom and brother, this was their first return visit to the World since our first family vacation to WDW, a miserably hot week at AS Sports in August 1995 (although I believe my brother did take a day trip to the Magic Kingdom sometime over the past 2 years. Now that I think about it, I remember him calling for tips on how to work the Fastpass machines and claiming that they wouldn’t work without a Key to the World card since they apparently weren’t taking his one-day paper ticket). :hammer:So he and my mom were, for all intents and purposes, Disney newbies!

This trip has been in the making for quite awhile. I’ve been running off and on for almost 3 years now just to try to keep somewhat active (I sit in a cube all day for my job) and use local races as motivators to keep up with it. I started out using the Couch-to-5k plan (really great for beginners) and entered a few local 5ks (3.1 miles), eventually working my way up to a 10k (6.2 miles) in 2009 and a 10-miler in 2010. A half seemed like the next logical step, and I really wasn’t aware of the Disney endurance series until I read Holly’s marathon report…like a lot of people here on these boards that report got the wheels turning (Holly, they really need to give you a cut of their profits!), and this trip - and consequently this admittedly wordy trip report - was born.

I mentioned the race to Princess Craiggy, and he was in! Will was in too, but in cheerleader form only – his hatred for running far outweighs his love of character photos :shrug: Once my mom (a biker, not a runner) got wind of the trip she wanted to come too…hooray! My brother moved to Florida from home (Ohio) about 7 years ago (he currently lives in Western Florida) and we don’t get to see him very often - maybe twice a year - so I was pleased that the trip could come together this way.

Being the hyper-organized, borderline-OCD planner of the family, I immediately began to work out the trip logistics and signed up for the race the minute registration opened :o. Will works in education, so he cannot take multiple personal days in a row or use them to make 4-day weekends :mad:, which restricted the trip to a jam-packed 3-day event (3.5 days if you count Friday evening…which I don’t, since we had no park time that day). We would fly down on Friday the 25th after work and return home Monday evening (the 28th), with Will taking just that Monday off. With the flight times available to us, that would only leave us 2 full days and some change in the World. I whine, but for awhile it looked like Will wouldn’t be able to make the trip at all due to school conflicts, and I’d much rather have him there for a shorter trip than go on a slightly longer trip without him. WDW just wouldn’t feel right without him there with me. :D Plus we’ll get our longer trip soon…we have our next trip (June 2011) booked and paid for!

Anyhoo, less whining and more planning! We would, like I said, fly down Friday after work and check into our digs at Port Orleans Riverside, probably not until around midnight (ah, the best laid plans…more on this later :dazzle:). My mom actually flew down Thursday to check out my brother’s apartment and see where he works…together they then made the trip to Orlando, about a 4-hour car ride I think. Here’s a text message conversation I had with my mom about their plans for that first day (if I could take a screenshot of this conversation on my Droid, I would…I’m just not savvy enough):

Me: What are your plans for Friday?
Mom: gonna rent a car & leave as early as possible & go to the afirca thingy
Me: …it’s called Animal Kingdom!
Mom: oh yeah…hope we 2 c off kilter

Etc. etc. :ROFLOL:
Initially I was bummed that I wouldn’t get to be there with them during their first park visit – I really wanted to see their reactions – but it ended up sort of not mattering. More on that later, too.

Oh, right…I also started using a training plan. I’ll address that a little later on in the report…lots of coming attractions!

A few weeks before the trip, my mom called to tell me she’d fully paid off the trip and was starting to get really excited! I was relieved to hear this because until that point I’d had a hard time gauging whether or not she was looking forward to it. I think the reality that it was so close had finally hit her…I should have known though. She really enjoyed looking at the pictures from our honeymoon trip and kept saying she was jealous, it looked like so much fun, etc. Then I saw her the Sunday before we were due to fly out and she had a file folder labeled “Disney” with every crazy planning email I’d sent her printed out, along with a highlighted copy of the half marathon course. Ah-ha! So that’s where some of my urge to plan comes from! :D In the weeks leading up to the trip I realized more and more that I kind of felt some pressure to make sure the trip was great for everyone, especially the sort-of newbies, since this whole thing was my idea (eek!), so it was fun to see that she was excited, too.

Maybe it was good that I could focus on these concerns, because it helped distract me from being nervous for the race itself. That nervousness inevitably crept in, but at the same time I was, of course, REALLY looking forward to it after almost a year of anticipation and weeks of training for it. I didn’t have any goals beyond finishing within the pace requirements while not feeling like death, and of course, getting loads of character pictures! And like everyone else that runs these things, I was super excited to get that finisher medal! It’s all about the bling.

So here we go! Thanks for reading so far!
Just wanted to let you know that I just spent the last hour reading your trip report and I am loving it. I should have made notes on what I wanted to comment on so I wouldn't forget anything but I didn't. So, let's see if I can remember some of what I wanted to say.

Sorry, but I had to laugh when you posted about the time change. I always forget about the time change too.

I loved how your mother referred to Animal Kingdom as the "Africa thingy". So something my mother would have said.

Yay for getting a room just three doors down from your mother and brother. The room was really pretty.

I can't believe that Toy Story Mania was virtually a walk-on. I have never seen short lines there.

The Race Expo crowds would have stressed me out to the max! Yikes at all the people!

Hum......what else? Oh yeah, Remy was simply adroable.

Oh and I also chuckled when you said everybody thought you were writing a blog because you were taking so many pictures. It's hard for those who don't read trip reports to understand those sorts of things.:D

Like I said, I know I've missed something that I wanted to comment on. Looking forward to more.


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I grabbed some Powerade from the first aid station (yelled to my brother to grab some and he declined) and came upon mile marker 2, just before turning onto World Drive.


Arr! There be pirates! But guess who didn’t want to stop for pictures? :rolleyes:


At this point, I was getting irritated. If he wanted to run the race for time, that’s fine, go ahead and do that. But we’d had multiple phone conversations where we’d both agreed that we were going to run this race at a more relaxed pace, and that we’d stop for photos and have fun. He’d been very agreeable to this plan, claiming that he hadn’t trained AT ALL for the race (that’s right, no training, nothing. We’ll see how that works out!).

I had a serious conversation with myself – I’d worked too hard to not enjoy this race completely. Things were going to be different from now on!

We ran under the parking gates to the Magic Kingdom…woohoo! And mile marker 3 was up next.



Right after mile marker 3, I spotted a little blue guy and his human friend. Enough was enough. I told my brother in no uncertain terms that if he wanted to keep going to go right ahead, but that from now on, I was stopping for photos, darn it! :eek: He sort of slowed down and walked ahead.

Meanwhile, I went on a Hawaiian rollercoaster ride!


Love the Elvis suit.

After the picture, I caught up to my brother (who actually stopped to wait for me) and we split a pack of Gu chomps for fuel just before mile marker 4.


After passing the entrance to the Transportation and Ticket Center, we found a huge group of drummers. They were great! You can't see her on the end, but there was a little girl drummer, maybe 5 or 6, dressed in a princess costume. Adorable.




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Just wanted to let you know that I just spent the last hour reading your trip report and I am loving it. I should have made notes on what I wanted to comment on so I wouldn't forget anything but I didn't. So, let's see if I can remember some of what I wanted to say.

Sorry, but I had to laugh when you posted about the time change. I always forget about the time change too.

I loved how your mother referred to Animal Kingdom as the "Africa thingy". So something my mother would have said.

Yay for getting a room just three doors down from your mother and brother. The room was really pretty.

I can't believe that Toy Story Mania was virtually a walk-on. I have never seen short lines there.

The Race Expo crowds would have stressed me out to the max! Yikes at all the people!

Hum......what else? Oh yeah, Remy was simply adroable.

Oh and I also chuckled when you said everybody thought you were writing a blog because you were taking so many pictures. It's hard for those who don't read trip reports to understand those sorts of things.:D

Like I said, I know I've missed something that I wanted to comment on. Looking forward to more.

Thanks for reading!

Honestly, we are still kicking ourselves over the time change. Once we realized what had happened, we did get a good laugh out of it.

I thought that "the africa thingy" was hilarious too! She's very silly.

We really liked the room overall. We mostly stay in deluxes, and I don't know what I was expecting, but I was surprised at how nice Riverside was! It's definitely a place we'll consider returning to in the future.

I've never seen Toy Story like that either! We had great luck with the wait times on this trip...Will just kept saying how great it was and how he could get used to this! Somehow I don't think it'll be like that when we return in June :eek:

The expo...oy. It stresses me out just looking at the pictures!

I love what they did with Remy at Chefs de France. He's just perfect! We've seen him a couple of times now...it's always fun to see other people react to him, especially children.

Yes, the mom and brother were definitely giving me weird looks all trip long! But by the end they were saying that they want me to send the report to them so they can read it! I think they're catching on! :D

Thanks again for reading and for the nice comment! :wave:


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After the drummers, we passed a couple of trampolinists! Very cool.


I thought about passing the next water stop but changed my mind quickly – there wouldn’t be another one until we were out of the Magic Kingdom, and it was starting to warm up a bit! I thought it felt really humid out during the first mile, but by now it seemed okay. I think we got lucky with the weather (sunny and mid-high 60s)…any warmer may have been a problem.

We made our way over to the Contemporary and went down the road that’s under the water bridge. A DJ perched on top of the bridge kept saying “you’re running under water right now!” We went down the hill and I’m proud to say that I powered up the other side! I was feeling pretty good. I think my brother was starting to break down slightly…he just kept saying “this hill is going to kill me!"

Mile marker 5 was right in front of the resort.


Next thing I knew, we were backstage at the Magic Kingdom! We entered the park, took a right, and were on Main Street! The first thought that crossed my mind was that I was shocked to see so many construction walls on Main Street. I think I read about the working going on somewhere on these boards but forgot about it.

And then I saw the castle! (And my brother’s dome.)


The volunteers to the right of our path (in the yellow shirts) were fabulous. So energetic and encouraging. There were quite a few spectators on the other side, but they didn’t see quite as enthused. Oh well.

We took a right and crossed the bridge into Tomorrowland.


Buzz Lightyear was out meeting runners in front of the Lunching Pad. I was sort of disappointed – I’d been hoping for a more classic character.

We passed him up and headed into Fantastyland. At this point, a younger girl (I say girl but she must’ve been 18) ran up next to me, and we had the following conversation:

Girl: “I don’t know how I got talked into this! I’ve never run more than 5 miles!”
Me: :eek:...quickly changed to :D “You’re doing great! Keep it up! This is so much fun!”

Hope she finished and had a blast!

I then shouted to my brother that I was going to stop for a photo…and he joined me!


Now he’s catching on! :D (I liked their little plastic clappers…very silly)

We headed through Fantasyland and I spotted the one line on my must-get list…the line to meet Minnie and Mickey!

We hopped in the HUGE line and my brother actually asked to get his photo taken…he’s converted!


(Was not successful.)

Speaking of not successful…after the Sword in the Stone picture, a character attendant informed us that Mickey and Minnie were going to switch out with Cinderella and Prince Charming 3 people in front of us! Devastating. We sadly got out of line and I walked up to the mice. Minnie was kind enough to give me a sweet wave. I was so sad not to meet them…they looked great.



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The trumpeters on the castle laughed at our misfortune…mwahahaha!


We ran through the castle and were greeted with a crowded Main Street…it was amazing to see all of the spectators!


Upon entering Liberty Square, we found mile marker 6:


Tiana, Louis and Naveen were up ahead! I told my brother we were stopping for a picture and his response was “okay, but who are the people with the crocodile from Peter Pan?” Apparently someone hasn’t seen Princess and the Frog yet! :lol:


(Naveen kept saying "You're almost there!" No we're not, Naveen. Not by a long shot!)

Continuing on through Liberty Square, we found a couple of Haunted Mansion ladies. They were both wearing microphones and were making lots of “all this running is making me DEAD tired”-type puns.



(You can’t tell in the picture, but Madame Leota’s tombstone was behind us.)

Frontierland was up next, and we stopped for a picture with Jessie! Craig was excited for this one.


Up next was Horace Horsecollar! There’s a classic for ya.



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After exiting the MK, we came to a backstage area…it was character-palooza!

“Friend Like Me” was blaring from the speakers and I was enjoying singing along!


Hook and Smee:


And this fine trio!



Sadly it was time to exit the Magic Kingdom. I couldn’t believe how many characters we’d met…it was great! This is the first time I remember feeling a little worn down…I think all of the starting and stopping took a bit of a toll, but it was completely worth it. That feeling went away pretty quickly and I was back to chugging along.

Mile Marker 7!


Next up was the longest line I’d seen all day next to Mickey and Minnie, and I really, REALLY wanted to wait for it, but decided to pass. I’m no expert on character meet and greets, but isn’t Gaston kind of rare? I've certainly never seen him out doing meet and greets before.


Love the facial expression!

After passing this random gentleman (surely he was switching out with someone…not sure who it was)…


...we came to a little Sleeping Beauty set-up.


This was sort of gross (to me, anyway). While waiting in line for the character photo, people would lay in the bed and have their picture taken. Being covered in my own sweat is one thing…laying in the sweat of a bunch of other people is quite another. Plus, if I laid in that bed, there’s no guarantee that I’d get up. I’ll pass.

Plus, why lay in a bed when you can meet some fairies??


Next up was Golfer Goofy just before mile 8.




Well-Known Member
OMG what an incredible TR!!! Congrats on running in the marathon! It is so my goal to partake in the event one day!!!

AKL is such a beautiful resort! We stayed at Jambo House in Dec. Of course we were there during the cold spell, so we didn't get to enjoy the pool as much as we liked! And I so agree, I was shocked at how much smaller the lobby in Kindani was!

oh and love the dooney clutch! I have the same one! :animwink:


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I can't wait to read more! I also ran the Princess Half Marathon with my DH! The characters were awesome, and it was the most fun I've ever had running a race!:sohappy: We were also at the Expo on Saturday. It was quite the madhouse. Lesson learned...we will forever visit the Expo on Friday, not Saturday. Corrals..We didn't even submit a time and we were put in Corral D. That must mean a lot of people didn't submit times. Yet we found that there were a lot of walkers to pass. So I think you are right, and the situation runs that quite a few people don't submit a race time. One gripe I had was that the Expo needed to be in a larger building, it was way too cramped. And another was the walk from the staging/family meeting area to the Corrals. I don't think the walk part was unreasonable, but I think the Port-a-Potty placement was ludacris! It took forever for people to walk to the corrals just because the lines to the Port-a-Potties made it so difficult for the crowd to progress forward.

Oops, somehow I didn't see the rest of your comment!

You're right about the expo...when I was going home I was talking to a woman in the airport who said that the expo wasn't as bad on Friday. I thought we were doing such a good job getting there just after opening on Saturday, but no dice. And I completely agree that it would greatly benefit everyone to move the expo to a larger building!

I think you're right about people not submitting times...that's the only way to explain how my brother was assigned to Corral D. We actually had a lot of walkers to pass in C too though...I think a lot of people were doing the run/walk method.


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Holy moley moo-moo cows! You're meeting all sorts of wonderful characters. Love it!

I know!! YAY! Are there are still more to come! :D

OMG what an incredible TR!!! Congrats on running in the marathon! It is so my goal to partake in the event one day!!!

AKL is such a beautiful resort! We stayed at Jambo House in Dec. Of course we were there during the cold spell, so we didn't get to enjoy the pool as much as we liked! And I so agree, I was shocked at how much smaller the lobby in Kindani was!

oh and love the dooney clutch! I have the same one! :animwink:

Thank you so much! You should totally do one of these events...it was, by far, the most fun I've ever had running a race.

Too bad about not getting to use the AKL pool...it looked so nice. I loved the landscaping. We are so excited to stay at Kidani in June!

Yay for the Dooney clutches! Originally I wanted it in black, but seeing it in person, I liked the white so much better. It's just so cute!


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We made it back to the hotel around 4PM. Will promptly laid down and fell asleep, while I inspected my sunburn (I got lucky...it wasn't too bad) and got to work laying out all of my race-day essentials.


That's funny. You could have taken a similar picture in my room just before the Marathon in January.

Same Resort
Same Shoes (but men's)
Same Garmin 305
Same D-Tag
Same Body Glide
Different food, but still, a zip lock bag with granola bars and a bagel in it. :)



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That's funny. You could have taken a similar picture in my room just before the Marathon in January.

Same Resort
Same Shoes (but men's)
Same Garmin 305
Same D-Tag
Same Body Glide
Different food, but still, a zip lock bag with granola bars and a bagel in it. :)


Nice! We all have our routines, don't we? I'll need to print this picture out and take it with me the next time I do one of these things! :D


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Just beyond mile 8, we found Meeko! (I had to explain who he was to my brother.)


We also passed by the only food station set up on the course. I think they were handing out Clif gels…I’ve never tried them myself, I just go with Gu because that’s what my local running store carries. I did try Hammer Gel once, and it was disgusting – way too watery for my taste. Anyway, I’ve heard over and over that you should not change any part of your normal routine during race day (FYI: it is not in my normal routine to wake up at 2:50AM :dazzle:), and the routine for me is to take Gus. So we bypassed the food stations and kept on running. I heard people around me saying that the gel was disgusting, or that it was tasty, or that “it tastes really mocha-y!”

Mile Marker 9 was up next!


Further down I got a nice surprise – the gentlemen that I’d passed up earlier in the morning were still out! This time, we hopped in line.

At this point, I admitted to my brother that I’d been feeling some knee pain. I was starting to get a little worried because it was in the exact same place that had bothered me so much during the last long training run – left IT band. I think it was for the same reason, too – a lot of those roads on the Disney course are sloped, but this time it actually felt better to run on it instead of taking walk breaks :shrug:. This was disappointing, because I felt fantastic otherwise – not at all tired, in good cardiovascular shape, and properly fueled and hydrated. Weirdly enough, my brother was having the same issue, also in his left knee.

Anyhoo, we got to meet the men! It was sort of funny…Prince Eric asked how I was doing, and I looked down and was incredibly shocked by the amount of make-up he was wearing. Yikes! Anyway, my response was something like “I’ve been better” and he got really concerned and was like “Are you going to make it??” Of course I am, you silly prince! I guess he was being chivalrous?


(I couldn’t figure out who the guy in green was – that’s Flynn from Tangled, right? I need to see that movie, stat!)

A little further down, Atta was still waiting for us!


As we moved on from Atta, Craig was starting to really break down. He kept saying “I can’t wait for this to be over” and “I’ll feel so much better once I see the Epcot ball!”

There it is! Oh no, wait…never mind. Fake out!


Arr! There still be pirates out!


After Mr. Sparrow, some Disney Gents welcomed us to double-digitland.


I could hear someone shouting orders over a loud speaker – it was a Toy Story soldier! Unfortunately he decided to go hide in his RV right as we approached…darn!


After the RV, we began climbing an on-ramp, and Craig was not pleased, to say the least. The farthest he’s ever run is, I guess, 10 miles, and since he really had not trained at all, his body was starting to quit on him. A lot of people were really breaking down at this point.


Well-Known Member
Congrats again on the finish, Shannon! Okay, so work was cruel to me today and took me away from your trip report. How dare they?! :lol: So I just finished up through Day 2 and wanted to post before I continue...

I love that your brother has been dubbed Princess Craiggy! Great information on the corral placement. You know, it would've been smart for Brett and I to submit our full marathon finish times for the Princess Half last year but it never really crossed our minds. I think I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to keep up, but it sounds like that wouldn't have been too much of a problem.

You know what? I grew up in Ohio and when I was a kid we went to the Sea World in Aurora, like, every summer! I have very fond memories of the place, but I'm sure the one in Orlando blows it away.

I'm the one who posted the Little Green Man keychain! I picked it up for Brett when I took my mom on her first trip last summer. I'm sorry you guys weren't able to find one.

Okay... back to reading!


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Congrats again on the finish, Shannon! Okay, so work was cruel to me today and took me away from your trip report. How dare they?! :lol: So I just finished up through Day 2 and wanted to post before I continue...

I love that your brother has been dubbed Princess Craiggy! Great information on the corral placement. You know, it would've been smart for Brett and I to submit our full marathon finish times for the Princess Half last year but it never really crossed our minds. I think I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to keep up, but it sounds like that wouldn't have been too much of a problem.

You know what? I grew up in Ohio and when I was a kid we went to the Sea World in Aurora, like, every summer! I have very fond memories of the place, but I'm sure the one in Orlando blows it away.

I'm the one who posted the Little Green Man keychain! I picked it up for Brett when I took my mom on her first trip last summer. I'm sorry you guys weren't able to find one.

Okay... back to reading!

Come on, work! There are trip reports to be read! Priorities!! :D

The corral stuff ended up confusing me. I don't think I mentioned it much in the report, but we did have a lot of walkers around us. I think a lot of people were doing the Galloway method (run 3 minutes/walk 1 or something like that). So we ended up bottlenecking a bit anyway. :shrug:

I didn't know you grew up in Ohio! We had season passes to Sea World every year for, like, 5 years, and that was my first job. Lots of memories. The only information I have on the Orlando Sea World is what I read in the Unofficial Guide a few years back, but it sounded like the two wouldn't even compare.

That was you with the Little Green Man keychain?! Where did you get it?? The Lego Store? It was one of those things that I sort of wanted, but then I couldn't find it and suddenly it was my mission. Hopefully I can find one in June!


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A few stilt walkers welcomed us to mile 11 and I took my last handful of Gu chomps (I also took some around mile 7…I think I forgot to mention that).


After talking with Craig about the knee pain, I’d decided that I wanted to stop at the next med tent to get a little tape job going on. I wasn’t hobbling around or anything, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.

The tent didn’t have tape, but they did have…

Biofreeze! (This picture is dedicated to Holly, the ultimate lover of Biofreeze :D)


I slapped some on my knee (I was surprised to see that it was green!)…I’m not sure if it helped, but at least it was something!

After flexing our muscles with Mrs. Incredible…


…it was time to diiiiiiiig a little deeper at mile marker 12! :D


Craig was still majorly hurting at this point and took a walk break every 0.25-0.5 miles…but he perked right up when he saw Mushu!


I forgot that he really likes Mulan…knows the songs and everything.

I want to take a pause and say that I’m not trying to throw my brother under the bus here…this is just what was really happening. His body was just starting to break down, and I was trying my best to encourage him and keep him going.

Spaceship Earth suddenly appeared…we were in the home stretch!


We entered Epcot and I was surprised to hear someone calling my name…it was Will and my mom! It was so great to see them, and I am kicking myself for not getting a picture.

The night before the race, Will and I had a short conversation about him trying to make it to the various spectator areas. Since we’d been going on so little sleep that weekend, I insisted that he just try to meet us at the finish – he’d get to sleep in that way, and he’d still see us at some point. I thought it was just too stressful for him to try to navigate around property, hoping to catch a glimpse of us for a second or so. I’d texted him twice to let him know where we were, at miles 6 and 10 (it felt SO bizarre to be texting on a race course), and the timing worked perfectly!

I know he felt guilty for not try to see me more during the race, and while I insisted that he come to the finish, he kept saying that he didn’t want to seem unsupportive. The truth is, his support during training, for all those months, meant so much more to me than seeming him at some random point during mile 8 or whatever. He was willing to shift his schedule around to accommodate my going out on runs, and he always made it a point to ask how they went, how I was feeling, etc. I was just happy that he was there in WDW with me, period. Having said that, it was very exciting to see him and my mom out on the course! :D


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My, oh my, there's so much for me to comment on. Fabulous character turnout!!!!!!! I'm not gonna lie, my character lovin' heart is a bit green with envy over Elvis Stitch, Golf Goofy, and Flora, Fauna and Merriweather. :D I really like how you incorporated some training info into your trip report (good call) and I'm sorry to hear about the ITB pain. Brett dealt with that a lot during our "training." I hope it doesn't continue to affect you.

I'm so glad you took control and got your brother in line! I was sad to hear you passing up characters early on. And I'm happy to see that the heroes were still out on your second pass down World Drive.

Honestly, the saddest thing ever is that you missed Royal Mickey and Minnie by a minute. My heart broke for you as I read that, what a letdown.

I loved your conversation with the girl who'd only ran 5 miles. It cracked me up how you turned from shocked to cheerleader in an instant!

I believe your "insane frog" ran the race last year, too!

Be still my beating heart... it's Gaston! Swooooooooon.

Come on, work! There are trip reports to be read! Priorities!! :D

That was you with the Little Green Man keychain?! Where did you get it?? The Lego Store? It was one of those things that I sort of wanted, but then I couldn't find it and suddenly it was my mission. Hopefully I can find one in June!

Yep, the LGM keychain was from the Lego store. I believe you can order him online, although I know that's not quite the same as buying it at Disney. Brett's LGM is looking a bit rough. Two of his eyes are now closed (rubbed off). :lol:


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The tent didn’t have tape, but they did have…

Biofreeze! (This picture is dedicated to Holly, the ultimate lover of Biofreeze :D)


OMG!!! You totally just made my day, Shannon! My favorite person to see on the race course... a smiling volunteer with an industrial size bottle of biofreeze!

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