13.1 Magical Miles: A 2011 Princess Half Marathon Trip Report!

Hi everyone!

We’ve just returned from a hectic, way too short weekend at WDW for (obviously) the 2011 Princess Half Marathon!

The cast includes:

THE RUNNERS: myself (Princess Shannon, 26) and my brother Craig (aka Princess Craiggy, 24).



THE BUMS (just kidding): our mom Kriss and my husband Will (25).


A little background on our Disney history…this was my and Will’s 3rd trip to WDW together after our honeymoon and a short November 2009 trip that apparently I didn’t deem trip report-worthy…for shame! This also marked Will’s first time traveling with my family…what a trooper! As for my mom and brother, this was their first return visit to the World since our first family vacation to WDW, a miserably hot week at AS Sports in August 1995 (although I believe my brother did take a day trip to the Magic Kingdom sometime over the past 2 years. Now that I think about it, I remember him calling for tips on how to work the Fastpass machines and claiming that they wouldn’t work without a Key to the World card since they apparently weren’t taking his one-day paper ticket). :hammer:So he and my mom were, for all intents and purposes, Disney newbies!

This trip has been in the making for quite awhile. I’ve been running off and on for almost 3 years now just to try to keep somewhat active (I sit in a cube all day for my job) and use local races as motivators to keep up with it. I started out using the Couch-to-5k plan (really great for beginners) and entered a few local 5ks (3.1 miles), eventually working my way up to a 10k (6.2 miles) in 2009 and a 10-miler in 2010. A half seemed like the next logical step, and I really wasn’t aware of the Disney endurance series until I read Holly’s marathon report…like a lot of people here on these boards that report got the wheels turning (Holly, they really need to give you a cut of their profits!), and this trip - and consequently this admittedly wordy trip report - was born.

I mentioned the race to Princess Craiggy, and he was in! Will was in too, but in cheerleader form only – his hatred for running far outweighs his love of character photos :shrug: Once my mom (a biker, not a runner) got wind of the trip she wanted to come too…hooray! My brother moved to Florida from home (Ohio) about 7 years ago (he currently lives in Western Florida) and we don’t get to see him very often - maybe twice a year - so I was pleased that the trip could come together this way.

Being the hyper-organized, borderline-OCD planner of the family, I immediately began to work out the trip logistics and signed up for the race the minute registration opened :o. Will works in education, so he cannot take multiple personal days in a row or use them to make 4-day weekends :mad:, which restricted the trip to a jam-packed 3-day event (3.5 days if you count Friday evening…which I don’t, since we had no park time that day). We would fly down on Friday the 25th after work and return home Monday evening (the 28th), with Will taking just that Monday off. With the flight times available to us, that would only leave us 2 full days and some change in the World. I whine, but for awhile it looked like Will wouldn’t be able to make the trip at all due to school conflicts, and I’d much rather have him there for a shorter trip than go on a slightly longer trip without him. WDW just wouldn’t feel right without him there with me. :D Plus we’ll get our longer trip soon…we have our next trip (June 2011) booked and paid for!

Anyhoo, less whining and more planning! We would, like I said, fly down Friday after work and check into our digs at Port Orleans Riverside, probably not until around midnight (ah, the best laid plans…more on this later :dazzle:). My mom actually flew down Thursday to check out my brother’s apartment and see where he works…together they then made the trip to Orlando, about a 4-hour car ride I think. Here’s a text message conversation I had with my mom about their plans for that first day (if I could take a screenshot of this conversation on my Droid, I would…I’m just not savvy enough):

Me: What are your plans for Friday?
Mom: gonna rent a car & leave as early as possible & go to the afirca thingy
Me: …it’s called Animal Kingdom!
Mom: oh yeah…hope we 2 c off kilter

Etc. etc. :ROFLOL:
Initially I was bummed that I wouldn’t get to be there with them during their first park visit – I really wanted to see their reactions – but it ended up sort of not mattering. More on that later, too.

Oh, right…I also started using a training plan. I’ll address that a little later on in the report…lots of coming attractions!

A few weeks before the trip, my mom called to tell me she’d fully paid off the trip and was starting to get really excited! I was relieved to hear this because until that point I’d had a hard time gauging whether or not she was looking forward to it. I think the reality that it was so close had finally hit her…I should have known though. She really enjoyed looking at the pictures from our honeymoon trip and kept saying she was jealous, it looked like so much fun, etc. Then I saw her the Sunday before we were due to fly out and she had a file folder labeled “Disney” with every crazy planning email I’d sent her printed out, along with a highlighted copy of the half marathon course. Ah-ha! So that’s where some of my urge to plan comes from! :D In the weeks leading up to the trip I realized more and more that I kind of felt some pressure to make sure the trip was great for everyone, especially the sort-of newbies, since this whole thing was my idea (eek!), so it was fun to see that she was excited, too.

Maybe it was good that I could focus on these concerns, because it helped distract me from being nervous for the race itself. That nervousness inevitably crept in, but at the same time I was, of course, REALLY looking forward to it after almost a year of anticipation and weeks of training for it. I didn’t have any goals beyond finishing within the pace requirements while not feeling like death, and of course, getting loads of character pictures! And like everyone else that runs these things, I was super excited to get that finisher medal! It’s all about the bling.

So here we go! Thanks for reading so far!


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We began to make the loop around Future World. Our first stop was for a picture with Phineas and Ferb:


You can kind of tell from the way my brother is standing that he’s hurting :eek: He was looking for any excuse to stop at this point. P&F isn’t one I’d normally stop for, but I felt bad that he felt so crappy, so why not? Plus, he’d come around earlier to all of my character photos, so it was time to repay the favor.

We got to the turn around point and stopped for a picture with Duffy (again, not one I’d normally stop for). Behind Duffy there are some new (to me) topiaries for the Flower and Garden Festival – flags from the World Showcase!


On our way out of Epcot, we passed a gospel choir…


…just before mile marker 13!


The finish line was in site! But first…

A picture with a Goof…


...and some ducks! By far my favorite picture of the race! :sohappy:


I sprinted across the finish line, and just like that, it was over. We were half marathoners!



The end of the race was bittersweet for me. I was glad and incredibly proud to be done, but sort of sad that it was over at the same time. I’ve never had so much fun, and smiled so much, during a race.


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My, oh my, there's so much for me to comment on. Fabulous character turnout!!!!!!! I'm not gonna lie, my character lovin' heart is a bit green with envy over Elvis Stitch, Golf Goofy, and Flora, Fauna and Merriweather. :D I really like how you incorporated some training info into your trip report (good call) and I'm sorry to hear about the ITB pain. Brett dealt with that a lot during our "training." I hope it doesn't continue to affect you.

I could not believe how many characters there were! I wasn't expecting that many at all. When we were in the Magic Kingdom, it just seemed like they were everywhere. :D

The ITB pain was a huge problem a couple of years ago, and I actually went to a doctor for it. She recommended some $25 orthodics that pretty much fixed the problem...no pain at all until that one run. It seems like it's gone now though...fingers crossed! If you guys do another race, I hope it's not a problem for either of you!

I'm so glad you took control and got your brother in line! I was sad to hear you passing up characters early on. And I'm happy to see that the heroes were still out on your second pass down World Drive.
I think he was a little upset with me...initially I think he decided he really wanted to run fast, so we did but heads a bit early on. I straightened him out! :D He actually sent me a text yesterday saying "Awesome pictures!" so it's nice to know that he came around!

Honestly, the saddest thing ever is that you missed Royal Mickey and Minnie by a minute. My heart broke for you as I read that, what a letdown.
I know! Ugh. I tried not to get my hopes up too high for that one, but it was still disappointing. I should have asked how often they switch out. :cry:

I loved your conversation with the girl who'd only ran 5 miles. It cracked me up how you turned from shocked to cheerleader in an instant!
I felt so bad for her! One thing I just thought of...she seemed to be alone. So who in the world talked her into the race and then ditched her?? :eek:

I believe your "insane frog" ran the race last year, too!
Really! That's so funny! I definitely would not have survived in that outfit.

Be still my beating heart... it's Gaston! Swooooooooon.
I know!! Now I'm kicking myself for not stopping for that one :mad:

Yep, the LGM keychain was from the Lego store. I believe you can order him online, although I know that's not quite the same as buying it at Disney. Brett's LGM is looking a bit rough. Two of his eyes are now closed (rubbed off). :lol:
Ah, thanks for the tip. I might have to check up on that! Sounds like you guys have really put yours through the ringer!

OMG!!! You totally just made my day, Shannon! My favorite person to see on the race course... a smiling volunteer with an industrial size bottle of biofreeze!

:D I saw that guy and totally thought "Holly would appreciate this!" He seemed very pleased to pose for the photo, which makes me think I was not the first to ask him to do that!


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After being adorned with our hard-earned bling :D we made our way through the finisher’s chute.

So here’s something sort of funny…this is a photo of my Garmin after the race:


(Apparently I started it a little early and took some of the turns wide...thus the 13.19 distance.)

I have it set to Auto Pause – when I stop moving, the Garmin stops timing. I think its actual use is for being stopped at red lights, but in my case, it had stopped every time I stopped to take a picture of a mile marker or get a character photo. Both of our chip times were 3:02:52 (exactly the same!), so our actual time spent running was 2:34. By my count we added almost 30 minutes to our time by stopping for photos! Totally worth it. :D

We found ourselves back in the staging area, where there was a pretty nice spread laid out for the runners: Powerade, water, bananas, oranges, muffins and Luna bars. One thing I learned during training is that I need to eat almost IMMEDIATELY after long runs. Consequences (nausea, shakiness, general misery, etc.) would be dire otherwise.

Banana to the rescue!


After inhaling my banana, I checked the official merchandise tent for the coffee mug I’d been eyeing at the expo (they didn’t have it :() and met up with Will pretty quickly…cell phones are a beautiful thing. My mom wasn’t with him – apparently they saw me during the race, but somehow had not seen Craig, even though he was right behind me. I guess my mom assumed I'd ditched him along the way and that he was far back behind me, so she was still waiting to see him on the course. In reality he was sitting here on the ground, stuffing his face.

While we waited for her to find us, I scanned the staging area in search of a med tent. My knee actually felt pretty good, (whew) but I knew I should probably get some ice on it, just to be safe. This was one of my gripes with the finisher area – where they were keeping the ice was not very well advertised, which seemed like sort of an oversight to me. Will mentioned that he saw people walking around with ice bags, so I just decided to find someone with one and ask where they got it. Turns out the ice was hiding in the tent marked INFORMATION. Hmm.

Knee iced, I roused Princess C. from the concrete to get a photo!


Mom found us!



Princesses were out meeting and greeting runners in front of their castle screens (the ones we’d posed in front of about 5 hours earlier), but the lines were HUGE. I saw Jasmine and Ariel, but not the other two. We decided to pack it in and grab a bus back to Riverside. We got one right away and headed back to the resort.


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So in your picture of the expo floor, my kid is sitting in one of the chairs in front of the stage! :lol:

Ha! That's funny. Sometimes I look others' pictures on this site and wonder if I'll spot myself in the background...hasn't happened yet. So are you not in the picture then? Which talk did you listen to?

Excellent reporting! I'm excited to see the race end!
Thanks! :wave: I'm really enjoying re-living it all!


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We got back to Riverside by about 10AM ("we" being myself, my brother and Will. Mom wanted to stay at Epcot to watch Off Kilter).

We arrived at the bus stop, I stood up from my seat and…OUCHIES. :eek: My knee has majorly tightened up during the short bus ride. :( I hobbled down the stairs and my brother (slowly) took off for his room…a nap was in the near future. Will and I carefully made our way to Fulton’s for a bag of Chip & Dale’s Mickey-shaped pretzels…delicious!


The walk back to the room was, by far, the worst I’d felt all day. I’m sure I looked like a complete idiot – the only way my knee wasn’t hurting was to keep it completely straight, so I limped the whole way back to the room. However I also had some awesome chafing on my legs, so the walk was a combination of the limping and looking like I’d just ridden a horse for 2 hours or something. I’m sure anyone who saw me walking got a good laugh. :lol:

Once we were in the room I immediately plopped down on the ground, took some Aleve, and continued to ice my knee. After icing I took a long, hot shower, which felt amazing; the heat loosened my knee up and it felt so, so much better. I stretched my quads, hamstrings and ITB (the area of my knee that had been bothering me so much…stretch #1 on this site helped a lot) - it hurt when I was doing it but I felt better afterwards. While stretching, I frantically scribbled notes for this trip report! :D

Having been up for a little over 7 hours at this point, I kept thinking it was later than it really was. I’d ask Will when he wanted to go to lunch and he’d say whenever I wanted was fine, but was I sure I wanted to go at 10:15, 10:30? Oops. :shrug:

At 10:45, I couldn’t take it anymore. It was time for a nap! I was out cold within minutes, and Will decided to take that time to check out the resort. I woke up at about noon and gingerly took a few steps. I had expected the knee to tighten up again during the nap, but it was feeling pretty good! Woohoo! :sohappy:

After making myself look presentable, I woke up the bro and let him know that Will and I were going to Downtown Disney for lunch, in case he wanted to join us. He said he’d meet us at the boat dock.

After making it to the boat dock at a more normal speed, I decided I wanted to look around a bit while waiting for my brother to catch up to us.





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Some more photos!



Modeling the bling! :king:


Checking out the pool, which we never got around to using. I bet the hot tub would've felt amazing! :(





Didn't get to this place either! Darn!



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At this point, my brother texted to say that he was waiting for us at the boat dock, so we made our way to the other side of the river.




We found my brother sitting on the ground...without his medal! :eek: He'd forgotten to wear it and said there was no way he was walking back to the room to get it...he was hurting too much. Oops!

Our ride arrived soon after.



The boat ride was so nice...very relaxing, and it was fun to see the Treehouse Villas and Port Orleans - French Quarter.



The best part of the ride was (with the encouragement of our boat captain) heckling a few golfers that were out on the course! The one guy was setting up to tee off, and we all started yelling "FORE!" He looked right at us and yelled "FIVE!" Then our captain slowed the boat down so we could all watch him take his shot...I think he majorly sliced it, but we all applauded him anyway. It was fun!

Coming up to Downtown Disney, I got my first glimpse of the work that's going on. I'm very curious to see how Hyperion Wharf turns out.



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If we do end up staying at Riverside again, the boat will definitely be my preferred method of travel to Downtown Disney. The travel time was, I thought, comparable to taking the bus, but the ride was so much nicer.


Lunch today was at Wolfgang Puck Express!


I can't quite remember when we arrived - maybe 1PM or so? - but the place was pretty empty. Quite a change from our experience at the Earl the previous day.

This was our first time eating at Wolfgang Puck, and our lunch was delicious! My brother chose the chicken alfredo and creme brulee:



All that food for one counter service credit! Can you believe it?? It was really, really good too.

Will and I split a Greek salad and pepperoni pizza:



Everything was incredibly good. I'm so glad we tried this place! We'll definitely be back in the future.

After lunch, we headed to Disney's Days of Christmas to pick up our ornaments. One problem - we were supposed to bring our receipt, and I'd forgotten it in the room! D'oh! Luckily the ladies were able to look me up using my driver's license, so we were okay! I'd actually come really close to forgetting to pick up the ornament, which I mentioned to the Cast Member, and she said that sometimes people will buy ornaments and forget them, and they'll sit in the store for 3-4 years before being thrown out! Yikes!

Anyway, here's the loot (I took these at home, not in the World):

WALL*E and Eve (Will and I love that movie!)


And my half marathon ornament! I was curious to see if they had any sort of official ornament in the merchandise area at the expo (they didn't...not that I saw anyway, and even if they did, I wouldn't have waited in the line). I then decided that since Ariel was on my bib, I'd find an ornament with her on it and get it personalized. I think it turned out pretty well! The people who do the personalization at Disney's Days of Christmas really do some nice work.


Close-up of the personalization:



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After picking up the ornaments, we cruised around a bit more through Downtown Disney. Will finally found some sunglasses he liked at Team Mickey, I grabbed an iced caramel latte at Ghiradelli :slurp:, and Craig grabbed a margarita from...somewhere. Not sure where he found it.

While looking in Goofy's Candy Co., my brother mentioned that he wanted to pick up a souvenir for his lady friend. I held up my new Mickey balloon wristlet - would she like something like this? He thought so, so we headed back to World of Disney, first stopping to look in Tren-D (he didn't like the wristlets they had out there).

On the way, he mentioned he wanted to get the lady friend something princess-themed (apparently he calls her "princess"...it's hard to imagine my brother ever calling someone that!), so we looked at the Disney Princess-patterned wristlets, which were 25% off as part of the Princess Half Marathon weekend! He picked the one that he liked, the CM rang it up, and I was surprised to find that even at 25% off, the wristlet cost more than the one that I'd bought the previous day! Hmm.

Anyhoo, here it is!


Hope she likes it!

After our retail successes in Downtown Disney, we decided it was time to head to Epcot. We caught a bus heading to the Yacht Club/Boardwalk/Swan and Dolphin (the bus driver made the bro throw out his margarita...he was not pleased).

On the way over, I finally got a nice shot of the medal:


Isn't it pretty? I love it! There's a space on the back where you can get a time engraved, but I probably won't do that.

The first stop on the route was at the Swan and Dolphin, so we hopped off there.

Evil Swan!


After a quick bathroom stop, we continued on through the lobby...


...and out back, over the bridge to the Yacht and Beach Club.




I'm just noticing how crooked these photos are...oops! :o


Thanks so much for posting this wonderful report! We were there from the 22nd to the 28th and I was so curious about the Half Marathon! You did a wonderful job reporting all the details of the race. How great to see all the pictures and all the characters along the way! Maybe I'll take up running. I am quite a walker, but never could get the breath to run longer than a half mile. This could be my incentive. Cheers!


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We entered Epcot through the International Gateway and met up with Mom in England. Mom and the bro wanted to grab a drink at the pub, but we met up with some furry friends first!


At this point, we split up. Mom and bro were off to the pub, and Will and I were headed to France in hopes of meeting the Beast. I had decided that there were 1. Too few non-race character pictures and 2. Too few pictures of Will and myself for my liking at this point. Time to change that!


We hopped in line for Belle and the Beast around 5PM and got to witness a really hilarious character interaction. The first kid in line was maybe 10 years old and had some sort of physical disability. Belle talked to him for a good 5 minutes or so, which was really nice. She ended up saying to the kid's mom, "I love him!" and then told him that she wanted to go on a date with him. Without missing a beat, the kid goes "What time?" :lol: After getting his photo, he headed back to his parents, and Belle yelled "Don't forget about our ice cream date on Thursday!" and the kid, who I noticed had gotten a kiss on the cheek from Belle (you could see her lipstick) simply replied "It's on!" :ROFLOL: Nice!

When it was our turn, Belle congratulated me on finishing the Half. Hooray!


After our photo, we headed back to England to find Mom and Craig, stopping for cups of ice water on the way. I very much appreciated the CMs at the counter service location in England (the one just to the right of Rose & Crown) who gave us the big, free cups of ice water. It was greatly needed. We found Mom and Craig sitting on the public patio near the lagoon and found a spot in the shade. It was really nice to relax for a bit before dinner.


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Thanks so much for posting this wonderful report! We were there from the 22nd to the 28th and I was so curious about the Half Marathon! You did a wonderful job reporting all the details of the race. How great to see all the pictures and all the characters along the way! Maybe I'll take up running. I am quite a walker, but never could get the breath to run longer than a half mile. This could be my incentive. Cheers!

Aw, thanks for such a nice comment! :o

Glad I could provide a little info as to what was going on! I could be wrong, but I do think that quite a few people sign up to walk the race. Disney requires racers to keep a 16 min/mile pace, so if you can keep that, you're all set. You should definitely do it! :sohappy: If you want to start running, check out the Couch-to-5K plan. That's what I used when I first started out. It's great for beginners.

I was so thrilled by all the characters out along the course! Taking all those photos really helped me remember little things that happened during the race, and let's face it, it was fun! :D


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We headed to Canada to check in a wee bit early for our reservations at Le Cellier.


I believe they switched over to Signature status a couple of days after we ate there. It'll be interesting to see how the switch affects the crowds.

Anyhoo, we got seated right away, and the people at the table next to us congratulated me on completing the half! This had been happening all day (I think it really bummed my brother out, since he'd forgotten his medal in his room! :(). So for anyone that runs one of these races at Disney, wear your medal afterward! It's fun! I think I forgot to mention that people were wearing their Beauty and the Beast 5K medals as well, so those were fun to see.

So we chatted with the people at the table next to us (1 guy and 2 ladies). Turns out the guy had run the race as well...remember how I said there was "insane frog" and "runner frog"? This guy was runner frog! It was like meeting a celebrity! I told him I really liked his outfit, and we chatted about the race a bit. It's fun to meet people at WDW!

Everyone decided on their meals pretty quickly. Mom got the salmon, which she said was really good. Craig got the mushroom filet with more mushrooms on the side, and he loved it. Will and I split a bowl of the cheddar cheese soup, asked for extra pretzel bread, and both ordered the gnocchi.

Apologies for the poor picture quality...it just doesn't work for me in that place!


Was halfway through before I remembered to take a picture...d'oh! But that goes to show how big the portion was.


We all shared Mom and the bro's desserts. Mom got the s'more:


And for the bro, the chocolate moose!


This will probably be the last time we dine at Le Cellier. Don't get me wrong, it's good, and the staff is always wonderful, but I just don't think it's Signature material (to be fair, the only Signature we've been to at this point is Jiko, which is amazing). The menu doesn't seem to have changed all that much, except for the prices. Oh well.

While waiting for our check, we got a surprise from Runner Frog and his friends...3 Soarin' fastpasses that they couldn't use! It worked out great, because Mom didn't want to ride anyway. Woohoo!

We headed out and back to France so that I could indulge in a tasty treat...a Grand Marnier Orange Slush!

3 free fastpasses and a tasty drink...a winning combination!


On our way to Future World, we took a peek in the new caramel shop in Germany *drools* before making our way to The Land.

No more fastpasses? No problem! Thanks, Runner Frog!


We got a seat in the front row (yay!) and had a lovely flight. I have to agree with everyone else though - this ride would be so much better if the film was cleaned up. Maybe someday.

After Soarin', we made our way to the front of the park to catch the monorail to the Magic Kingdom.

Nighty-night Epcot! See you in June!



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Lots of notes:

~I'm so sorry about the Mickey/Minnie trade out! When I got in line for them the CM came down the line to let us know they'd be leaving in about 15 minutes...which ended up being when I was about 3 people back. So Cinderella and Prince Charming came out and M&M tried to leave, but they kind of got mawled by ladies running to them saying, "Will you just take it really quick?!", to which M&M stayed for I'm not sure how long. This was awesome for me, becuase my picture includes all four; M&M and C&PC

~Ewww, that Sleeping Beauty bed WAS gross! At first I didn't "get it"...I was like, What's up with the bed and bare mattress?...I thought it was gross too.

~I also have left ITB band issues too. I slapped tons of biofreeze on it at the end of the race. There was a medical tent right past where they were handing out medals with lots of biofreeze and icing materials.

~Mushu! That's awesome! Mulan was there when we came through. I would have loved to meet Mushu!

~Goofy and the Ducks were so awesome at the end! When I ran through it was Mickey and Minnie so I didn't stop. I think at that point I just wanted to finish!

~Our times were very similar. I think mine was 3:08: something

~I was so unaware at the end with searching for my DH I didn't realize the princesses were all set up with meet n greets! I would have like to get a picture with Ariel at least as she was my princess/color scheme outfit

~I have to agree too that my times were way off, as far as what time of day it was. I was ravenously hungry for lunch at like 10am and felt like it was 2pm

~I love your ornament! I always get an ornament too but never got around to it this trip :( Unacceptable! I need to order one before I forget.

~I love your medal picture! Do you mind if I use it in case mine didn't turn out very well(I haven't gotten that far into my editting yet).



Active Member
Excellent report...I'm exhausted just reading it! My knee never would have held out, but major props to you and your bro!

Btw...my wife and I are very close friends with the Barbosa you met on the race! I had to laugh when I saw the picture!!


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Lots of notes:

~I'm so sorry about the Mickey/Minnie trade out! When I got in line for them the CM came down the line to let us know they'd be leaving in about 15 minutes...which ended up being when I was about 3 people back. So Cinderella and Prince Charming came out and M&M tried to leave, but they kind of got mawled by ladies running to them saying, "Will you just take it really quick?!", to which M&M stayed for I'm not sure how long. This was awesome for me, becuase my picture includes all four; M&M and C&PC

Thanks, we were pretty bummed. :cry: Sounds like you hit the jackpot thought! I'm looking forward to seeing that picture!

~Ewww, that Sleeping Beauty bed WAS gross! At first I didn't "get it"...I was like, What's up with the bed and bare mattress?...I thought it was gross too.
I KNOW. Ugh. It makes me shiver! :hurl:

~I also have left ITB band issues too. I slapped tons of biofreeze on it at the end of the race. There was a medical tent right past where they were handing out medals with lots of biofreeze and icing materials.
Ugh, isn't that the worst? It's such an annoying issue to have.

~Mushu! That's awesome! Mulan was there when we came through. I would have loved to meet Mushu!
Yeah, Mushu! :sohappy: This was my first time meeting him! He was so cute.

~Goofy and the Ducks were so awesome at the end! When I ran through it was Mickey and Minnie so I didn't stop. I think at that point I just wanted to finish!
They were awesome! I had high hopes that there would be some really good characters at the finish, so I was very pleased. Mickey and Minnie at the finish, you say? Hmm, I wonder what they were wearing! I totally know what you mean about just wanting to finish, after getting the photos I turned around and got across the finish line as fast as possible! (Which wasn't very fast at that point.)

~Our times were very similar. I think mine was 3:08: something
Woohoo! Way to go! :sohappy: Maybe that's just how long it takes when one is stopping for all of the character photos :D

~I was so unaware at the end with searching for my DH I didn't realize the princesses were all set up with meet n greets! I would have like to get a picture with Ariel at least as she was my princess/color scheme outfit
Yep, did you see where the castle screens were in the morning? Near where the DJ was set up? That's where they were. I saw Ariel and Jasmine from afar, and read in another thread that Rapunzel and Snow White were out as well. I would've liked to meet Ariel too, but I also just wanted to get out and get in the shower!

~I have to agree too that my times were way off, as far as what time of day it was. I was ravenously hungry for lunch at like 10am and felt like it was 2pm
Yep, that was weird, wasn't it? At the same time, it was nice to finish and still have the whole day ahead of us.

~I love your ornament! I always get an ornament too but never got around to it this trip :( Unacceptable! I need to order one before I forget.
Thanks! Ugh, sorry you didn't get one on this trip. Maybe you can get 2 next time.

~I love your medal picture! Do you mind if I use it in case mine didn't turn out very well(I haven't gotten that far into my editting yet). :wave:
Thank you! Sure, you can absolutely use it...I'm flattered! :o Can't wait to read more of your report!!

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