11 Night Mediterranean Cruise – Mouse style!

11 nights in the Mediterranean!! With the Mouse!!:sohappy:

I got a last minute travel agent special too great to pass up! Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love Disney cruises. This was my fifth! When this deal came out, I was scrambling to make it work.

Dh couldn’t get off work for two weeks, but he was beyond sweet and told me to go ahead! I knew the kids would love it too, but there was no way Ds15 could miss two weeks of high school. Dd12 however, no problem! I talked to Ds who insisted he could go at first. After a week passed, I decided to talk to him again.

The conversation went like this –

“So, about this cruise…” – Me
“Mmhmm” – Him
“You know there’s no way you can miss two weeks of school, don’t you?” –Me
“Yeah, I know.” – Him
“So you won’t be bitter if I go?” – Me, sounding hopeful
“No, I guess not.” – Him
“Would you be bitter if I took your sister?” – Me
After an eternal silence – “No, but you’re going to have to buy me off.” – Him (obviously my child):lookaroun

Now, who else to bring? My parents were tempted, but Mom felt like it was someone else’s turn since she took advantage of the last travel agent special cruise with me. I started talking to friends, and one, Debbie, didn’t hesitate, she was in! She didn’t mind taking her dd14 out of school for this kind of opportunity. And bonus, she has a ds17 who could commiserate with my ds15 while we were gone. We talked to the girl’s teachers and got the green light. Woo hoo!

My parents were still toying around with going. I checked the military specials and there was a great one. They got a category 5, verandah, for an 11 night cruise for $2300. Total. For two people. :eek: Pretty amazing!
I realized my in-laws wouldn’t want to pass that up either, so they booked a verandah too.

Here we all are. These photos are your teasers for different parts of the trip!

Dd and I:

Debbie and her dd:

My parents:

My inlaws:

The scene was set, we were ready to plan! And we only had about 6 weeks to do it!

About three weeks before the cruise, we got our room assignment. A verandah!! I couldn’t believe it! With all of my cruises, we’d never splurged for one before. We’ve always been happy enough with our portholes. I was crazy excited to try a verandah, though. What a perfect cruise to have one on!:sohappy:

About a week before we left, the Icelandic volcano started to erupt, shutting down European airspace for days. We were flying directly into Barcelona, which thankfully wasn’t immediately shut down. I was pretty worried we weren’t going to make it, and incredibly thankful we purchased trip insurance. I DID NOT want to use it, but it sure provided some piece of mind.

I have to tell you, of all the reasons I thought we might have to use our trip insurance, illness, flight delays, etc., a volcano in Iceland never crossed my mind!:lol:

I had also devised about 13 alternate plans to get there, including – flying into Madrid if it was still open, flying anywhere in Europe we could get to, flying into Morocco and taking the train/ferry/train to Barcelona, and meeting the cruise at any port we could get to.

Well, thankfully, about two days before we left, everything started to open again. Woo hoo, indeed!

After several days spent researching ports and excursions, little bit of shopping, and lots of packing, the big day had finally arrived!


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Ah, Pompeii! Bringing me back to Greece and Rome: The Foundations of Western Civilization.. loved that class, and my prof was a complete Classics nerd with crazy red hair and a bald spot. He would love these pictures! Hahha


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Ah, Pompeii! Bringing me back to Greece and Rome: The Foundations of Western Civilization.. loved that class, and my prof was a complete Classics nerd with crazy red hair and a bald spot. He would love these pictures! Hahha

It reminds me of history class too! My dd's in ancient history right now, and her teacher didn't give her a lick of homework. He was like, nope, you're good!:)


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Pompeii is AMAZING and I'm totally looking forward to Rome. Count me in on this group cruise and you can take turns holding mine and Louella's hands on the flight over. :eek: I guess I'd have to bring Vic along too though. :lol:

I know, right? There's no way Brett would let me leave him home for this one, especially with all those characters! However, this group cruise we've got going seems to be all ladies. Hmmmm, which do I want more: girl's trip to the Mediterranean or a future husband?! Decisions, decisions. :ROFLOL:

Fabulous update, Tammy!


Active Member
It reminds me of history class too! My dd's in ancient history right now, and her teacher didn't give her a lick of homework. He was like, nope, you're good!:)

As someone with a degree in history, I have to say that her teacher is right on the money about not giving her homework, why bother when she's about to see everything in the book anyhow.


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I know, right? There's no way Brett would let me leave him home for this one, especially with all those characters! However, this group cruise we've got going seems to be all ladies. Hmmmm, which do I want more: girl's trip to the Mediterranean or a future husband?! Decisions, decisions. :ROFLOL:

Fabulous update, Tammy!

Hmmm, decisions, decisions.:lol:

As someone with a degree in history, I have to say that her teacher is right on the money about not giving her homework, why bother when she's about to see everything in the book anyhow.


Lots and lots of liquor so we better go over a day or two in advance so I can sleep it off. :lookaroun



Active Member
Lots and lots of liquor so we better go over a day or two in advance so I can sleep it off. :lookaroun

well i suppose if there are enough of us on one flight, then i could just drink, but i am with coree. we must go a day or so ahead of time, to sleep it off. :snore: that would work for me also.

but hey i don't want to be the only single one going. i doubt i could take noah out of school for that length of time.


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I say adults only. That way I can leave the kids at home and Sam could hang out with any men that are along- Vic and Brett and whoever. :lol:


Active Member
Total rebels! I actually saw one red door!! Scandalous!:lol:

Thank you for reading erstwo!! War Eagle back at you! Would you believe he got a War Eagle while we were strolling through Malta?:lol:

Enjoying the report! It's amazing the places you will have people greet you with "War Eagle" I don't think I've been on a trip in 10 years without saying or having some say it to us, including small islands in the Caribbean :lol:

War Eagle!


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Amazing trip report!!!!!!! Loved the camel pictures they were awesome!

Thank you, Jasmine!

Enjoying the report! It's amazing the places you will have people greet you with "War Eagle" I don't think I've been on a trip in 10 years without saying or having some say it to us, including small islands in the Caribbean :lol:

War Eagle!

It is amazing!! I have learned not to wear an Auburn T-shirt unless I'm ready for someone to shock me by screaming "War Eagle" at me!:lol:


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Thursday, April 29th, Day 8 – Civitavecchia- Rome!

After a super long day of walking yesterday, today was going to be another one. My in-laws decided to take a Disney excursion, but we went on our own yet again.

We ate a quick breakfast and got off at 7:30. The walk to the train station was easy, but we just missed the 8:00 train. The streets were empty except for the cruise travelers. The street was filthy, not sure what happened there the night before!


We bought all day public transportation tickets. For 9 Euros, we got to ride the train to and from Rome and then use the metro and bus as often as we liked. It was a great deal!

The train ride took about 45 minutes and we got off at the Vatican. The Vatican was packed and beautiful.





It was a little difficult to figure out where to go at first. We had bought our tickets before hand, and since my in-laws decided to take a last minute excursion, we looked for someone we could give their tickets to. I offered them to two Italian women who spoke no English and it took about 10 minutes to convince them I was just giving it to them and not scamming them.:lol:

St. Peter’s Basilica was amazing.






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The walk to the Sistine Chapel was so, so long. We wound through halls and halls of artwork.



There were signs all over saying no pictures in the chapel so I refrained. I think I was the only one though!

One more Vatican picture:


Afterwards we hopped on a bus and got off at the Trevi Fountain stop. We bought some ham and cheese calzone type things and ice cold cokes (!) in a little café and ate on the street.


The Trevi Fountain was beautiful and packed.



Afterwards we walked to the Coliseum taking in the beautiful sights along the way. I loved being on our own for this. It was awesome to wander through the streets of Rome!





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We had extra tickets for the Coliseum as well, and the couple we offered them to happened to be from our cruise! No communication problems there.










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After we walked around the Coliseum we caught a bus to the Pantheon. On the way we stopped for some gelato!


Next we walked to the Spanish Steps. They were also packed, and beautiful.



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