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  1. Keyblader Ax

    The end of friendship at WDW

    I can't say anything like this has happened to me (i'm too young). But my mom has told me the story of when she backpacked through europe with a "friend". The friend ended up parting ways with my mom when she "fell in love" with a guy in greece. The friend didn't even speak greek! Later on she...
  2. Keyblader Ax

    Eisner Spotted

    What featurs would you like to see on the ipod that i doesn't have? It has everything i'd want in a music player. Yes, DRM sucks, but that's not the ipod, that's the RIAA, all music downloading services have DRM, that's just the way it is for now. And jobs is anti-DRM by the way. Customer...
  3. Keyblader Ax

    Music that gives you that "Disney feeling"

    Any rendition of the song "True Colors" gets me thinking about Epcot, same as "Promise" and the "Reflections of Earth" music. Alot of the time, songs without any words will just do it for me too, don't know why.
  4. Keyblader Ax

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Ebay, man, ebay.
  5. Keyblader Ax

    Kingdom Hearts II

    If I can't get it Wednesday, then I will suffer the greatest irony of all time. I WON'T BE ABLE TO GET IT BECAUSE I'LL BE IN DISNEY WORLD! and then the Disney Cruise! Oh cruel fate of the world! How it picks on me!
  6. Keyblader Ax

    Staying at the Swan & Dolphin & the Resorts on Hotel Plaza Blvd

    While I can't really have an opinion as to whether it's better than the other resorts, as I haven't actually stayed in any, I have been going to the Dolphin for every Disney trip since I was four, and the only downside i've found is that I was unable to get an on-property discount at...
  7. Keyblader Ax

    Best Restaurants

    I'm heading to DLR over the dates of Dec. 30- Jan. 1 (line hades!) I was wondering what the best restaurants are around the resort, can you guys give me a list of the good ones? I'm looking for ones that are more upscale. Also, how do I go about making reservations at these restaurants...
  8. Keyblader Ax

    Are they Coming to the Kingdom?

    Where does the name Bald Mountain come from anyway?
  9. Keyblader Ax

    Favorite Disney Keepsake

    A triceratops my parents bought me when I had the chicken pox on what would've been my first trip to AK.
  10. Keyblader Ax

    GTA San Andreas

    The classic rock station is K-DST
  11. Keyblader Ax

    Sonny Eclipse MIA and other MK news

    That's exactly what i was going to say.
  12. Keyblader Ax

    Kingdom Hearts Fans

    It worked for me. maybe it's because i have windows media player and not realplayer. It also may need a codec.
  13. Keyblader Ax

    Kingdom Hearts Fans

    Fixed the link. try it again.
  14. Keyblader Ax

    Kingdom Hearts Fans

    New Movie Unfortunately, the movie Bill posted is the one from the tokyo game show, and not E3, E3's includes battle scenes inside the Beuty and the Beast mansion and the Underworld from Hercules, to view it and the Chain of Memories trailer, click here
  15. Keyblader Ax

    What's up with Animation Tour at MGM??

    For the record, they HAD to replace kitchen kabaret with food rocks because craft dropped the sponsorship.
  16. Keyblader Ax

    How do they make the 3D objects in MP go back into the screen?

    I think he means when a character (Donald in this case) jumps out of the screen, and is pulled back into it.
  17. Keyblader Ax

    'Tigger' arrested on molestation charges

    Who here thinks this'll get thrown out for lack of evidence?
  18. Keyblader Ax

    Retaurant that never was

    I have this book of Disney trivia (can't remember the name) but it mentioned something called "David Copperfield's magic underground" or something like that, and it was coming to the studios. why does this not exist? can someone clear this up for me? thanks:)
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