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  1. dhsaddict83

    Christmas and New Year 2013 capacity phased closings and wait times

    I'd be interested to read how long the post-midnight exit/commute to take (from countdown/ball drop end to the time you get back to your onsite/off-site room) at the MK/Epcot? vs. DHS/DAK? Assuming most will stay until after midnight, I'd expect it to be a zoo with everyone leaving the parks at...
  2. dhsaddict83

    Favorite ride in all of Disney?

    It's awfully hard to pick just 1, but my top 3 would be: 1. TSMM 2. RnRC if I get "2FAST4U" 3. Tie for 3rd: RnRC anything other than 2FAST and ToT (3rd used to be Space Mountain,... until they just recently ruined it w/ the unnecessary addition of the brakes :mad: )
  3. dhsaddict83

    This weekend.

    Here are some dates to keep in mind... - November 7th-8th: Most New Jersey state schools will not be in session. - November 11th: Veteran's Day - Any day of the year: Murphy's Law Put the top two together, and I'd predict at least moderate crowds (heavy more likely). Add in the last item, and...
  4. dhsaddict83

    Disney Offers A Park All To Yourself..

    DHS for sure - can't beat the "Big 3" (TSMM, ToT, and RnRC) - during the fall (semi-dry season cause I don't like carrying ponchos/umbrellas and the mid-summer's FL humidity+warm temps = killer).
  5. dhsaddict83

    How intense is RnRC?

    Putting a numeric rating on an attraction IMO isn't all that helpful because it's all relative (my idea of a given value will be different that someone else's), but I'd put it this way: I suffer from what I purport to be undiagnosed moderate motion sickness and I'm able to ride RnRC without any...
  6. dhsaddict83

    No fastpasses available today?

    +1 to this. I'm sure others (not saying any names) will disagree here, but this really is the most viable solution to the current wait times problem, and yes, there's not a snowball's chance in an oven that Disney will ever erradicate FP/FP+. FP+ is here to stay (and I seriously doubt Disney...
  7. dhsaddict83

    No fastpasses available today?

    I'll confess that I haven't read all 43 pages here, but from what little I have read, I understand the complaints of the system being slow, etc., but there's a few more negatives w/ the new FP+ that I don't see how Disney will (or can) fix: 1. I noticed several folks having to borrow a pen to...
  8. dhsaddict83

    I've come to the conclusion we'll have to change our tactics at Disney from now on.

    Trust me, I have my fingers (and toes) crossed hoping we APs get them (and I remember reading that in Mickey's Monitor when it first came out too)!!! And I like to consider myself much an optimist, but I dunno... I guess I just have unsettling fears about my worst nightmare coming true (of the...
  9. dhsaddict83

    I've come to the conclusion we'll have to change our tactics at Disney from now on.

    Having read this (and the other 36 page thread titled "No Fastpasses available today"), I'm truly concerned with how Disney is planning on handling their APs like myself. This is the 1st year I've bought an AP and that was after staying at the Contemporary in 2011 for a Labor Day weekend...
  10. dhsaddict83

    Am I the only who ignores Universal?

    You're not alone. I'm a local (WDW annual passholder) and I only go to Disney; I never go to Universal.
  11. dhsaddict83


    I love most all of WDW; however, no park is ever perfect, and that's why there's a few things I don't like all that much. Some of these I know you'll be surprised to read (and I'm not making any of these up). Things I don't like and won't do: 1. Magic Kingdom after 7pm - Sorry but I can't...
  12. dhsaddict83

    Space Mountain closing intermittently in September

    I know I'm going to get bashed and flamed for this, but I feel the need to toss in my 2 cents... After going on Space Mountain this past weekend for the first time since their most recent "refurb," I must say that I'm greatly disappointed in Disney for the addition of the brakes. The 2 hills...
  13. dhsaddict83

    FL Resident Passholders, what do you think of the AP Prices?

    Being new to Florida, before I bought my AP in January, I did a fair amount of research as far as what I'm getting for what I'm going to pay and finally decided on the unlimited/year-round pass for all 4 parks. I will agree that the monthly payment program definitely helps to defer the cost of...
  14. dhsaddict83

    Favorite Thrill Ride at Disney World?

    So far, I'm the only one who voted for Rock'n. Now I'm not a huge coaster fan, but for "tolerable" favorites: I had to vote for RnRC. ToT would be a close 2nd. You might find this surprising, but I actually feel "sicker" getting off Everest than I do RnRC or ToT (The backward G-force on Everest...
  15. dhsaddict83

    Space Mountain closing intermittently in September

    I know safety is of the utmost importance, and not to "QQ" here, but... from a regular, just my two cents... One thing I took from the OP's link was the addition of trim brakes during the middle of the on-ride experience, but to slow down an already slow (< 27 mph) coaster by the addition of...
  16. dhsaddict83

    misery at DHS

    Fair enough. So what do you think is (or will be) the new "off season" (or there isn't one)?
  17. dhsaddict83

    Expedition Everest effects status watch

    I don't think this is the right place to ask this, but... in any event, to start a new forum post on your own after you enter the desired "subforum," try clicking the blue button at the top right that says "Post New Thread"
  18. dhsaddict83

    misery at DHS

    Since we're talking about misery here, I was at DHS on Friday the 13th (of September 2013) during the day, and for the most part was light, but trying to come back after a late lunch and errands (around 4pm) was an epic FAIL due to the "Villainous" night time event. I don't have any pics, but...
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