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  1. eblaz37

    Osborne lights returns to muppets courtyard?

    As @Rteetz mentioned above, Tristan posted on DisBoards confirming this all. When it comes directly from the Osborne family, I think that is enough for me. Here's Tristan's post: "Hey gang, Tristan here, my wife is Breezy Osborne of The Osborne Family. Some facts: 1. No contracts were...
  2. eblaz37

    Disney Quest to close in July 2017

    Wow- I guess I'm with some others- did not really expect it to be completely reimagined. However, like it was mentioned above, we can all agree DQ's time has come. Progress!!
  3. eblaz37

    Adventureland Veranda - Skipper Canteen restaurant

    What other projects has this contractor, Vanson Enterprises, worked on for TWDC? Can't recall seeing that name before.
  4. eblaz37

    In honor of tour group season....

    this is EVERYTHING. except they forgot when the Brazilians literally lay down on Main Street to take a nap. when I used to work PAC at MK, we were taught the word "calsada" which means "sidewalk" and we would be told to go up to those napping and say "CALSADA PLEASE" hahahaha
  5. eblaz37

    College Program - Orlando Sentinel

    As a College Program alum, I don't even need to read this full article to know I disagree. I know there are a ton of members here who will also be offended at that as well. Sure, the CP is not for everyone. I know some people have done it and left feeling like they didn't get much out of it. It...
  6. eblaz37

    Missing Mickey Christmas Wreath at Contemporary?

    Please... unless you have credible information, why bother?
  7. eblaz37

    West Side Parking Garage construction

    Wow, it really doesn't appear to be even close to being ready for even CMs. but, Progress!
  8. eblaz37

    Quick Splash Mountain Update

    I'm happy to hear that so much has held up since last winter's refurb. Hopefully the few minor things you mentioned will be addressed during the upcoming refurb, but that doesn't seem like quite enough to account for the near-month-long refurb. I wonder what else is on the agenda to be addressed...
  9. eblaz37

    "Big" Apple announcement may involve Disney

    The announcement they are speaking of is about how Apple debuted their new line of iPhone today along with a wearable version called the Apple Watch. Both of these devices include an NFC chip that allows contact-less payments at WDW and Disney Stores nationwide. Disney already has this...
  10. eblaz37

    "Big" Apple announcement may involve Disney

    Built for developers who create highly immersive console games, Metal is a new technology that allows them to squeeze maximum performance from the A7 and A8 chips. It’s optimized to allow the CPU and GPU to work together to achieve optimal performance. It’s designed for multithreading, and there...
  11. eblaz37

    "Big" Apple announcement may involve Disney

    Jeany, Read back a little, the announcement was 4 hours ago :)
  12. eblaz37

    Disney's All Star Music Resort Intermission Food Court closing for major refurbishment this summer

    They are running continuous shuttles to Sports (which recently finished its refurbishment, if you want to get an idea of how Music will look upon completion) Sports or Movies can be walkable depending on which building you are assigned. (but Music will always be my personal favorite!)
  13. eblaz37

    Epcot Monorail Being Evacuated

    To add for any who are curious: the Twitter user who originally posted about "dying" commented about how she received a Park Hopper for the inconvenience. She also goes on to mention that she missed her dinner reservation and was charged a $50 penalty as a result, and when she called to dispute...
  14. eblaz37

    Long range RFID testing has started

    No-- I've read them and comprehended them. Even screencapped them and posted them on social media for other people to laugh about them with me. I find you extremely entertaining. Keep up the posts, pizza boy! ;)
  15. eblaz37

    Long range RFID testing has started

    Let me guess... you live in the remote mountains of Alaska in a cave, too?
  16. eblaz37

    Reservation merging problem help!

    This is a standard throughout the entire hotel industry. Third party reservations need to be kept separately for billing purposes. Plain and simple. This is not exclusive to Disney whatsoever. Being in the hotel industry, I have relationships with my regular guests. The ones who book with...
  17. eblaz37

    Using a FastPass Plus on IllumiNations

    I was thinking about this-- was curious if they would kind of bypass you using that one and just let you keep it, AND get your rolling FPs. But I suppose it makes sense. Kinda like, how bad do you want that Fant/IllumiNations/Wishes FP?!?
  18. eblaz37

    Contemporary rates for Sept...and no garden wing rooms?

    Don't have any specific CR/Disney inside knowledge on this, but I do work in the hotel industry and because of that, I offer this: Hotel companies (Disney being no exception) play a cat and mouse game. They start out with pricing based on what the rooms have sold at, on average, historically. If...
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