Quick Splash Mountain Update

The Magical Genie 123

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just got back from WDW and thought I would share how Splash Mountain is currently doing.

I rode Splash about 6 times during my trip. All of the effects were working as far as I could tell for most of my rides on it. On a few of my rides, however, the Porky Pine animatronic was stuck. He's the one who plays the turtle drum in the ride, for those of you who don't know. One of the gophers was also not working for a couple of my rides on Splash. Other than that, I didn't notice any other broken effects. I was really glad to see that.

I wish Splash Mountain would work like this all the time! I was very pleased to see 98% of the animatronics working during my trip!:D


I'm happy to hear that so much has held up since last winter's refurb. Hopefully the few minor things you mentioned will be addressed during the upcoming refurb, but that doesn't seem like quite enough to account for the near-month-long refurb. I wonder what else is on the agenda to be addressed this time around?

HiYa Pal

Active Member
This was probably just my timing of the ride, but the music in the queue didn't have words, and a lot of the ride audio was "strange": quiet in some areas and other areas the speakers almost sounded damaged, but it was at the end of one of the Halloween parades, so they may quiet the audio to not interfere with the parade...... but the ride itself looked great!!


Well-Known Member
I rode it twice a couple weeks ago and the second day I noticed a horrible stench in the area between the bottom of the big hill and the final show scene. It smelled like a toilet and not a little bit either. I couldn't tell what it was, but it wasn't the water. When we got off the ride and crossed the bridge over the same area, the smell was overwhelming even up on the walking paths. I've never encountered something so disgusting at WDW.

As an aside, the final scene in LM was not moving at all the one time we rode it. Voices were working, but no movement in any characters.


Well-Known Member
Jumping water worked when I rode on Thursday afternoon. However noticed that there's peeling wallpaper in the finale scene, extremely noticeable when you take the train.
Mr. Bluebird wasn't working in the final scene the last few times I rode it. (his voice was there, but no movement)
Things like this don't really bother me. There are so many things going on, something is bound to stop working for awhile.

What does bother me, is in the beginning, Brer Rabbits mailbox is on the left of his house, and then in the final scene, his mailbox is on the right side of his house...whats up with that?

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