Magic Kingdom First Aid Relocation in August


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was browsing through the refurbishments coming up and I noticed this popped up for Magic Kingdom...

"First Aid Relocation Aug 10-17"

I only can assume it's being moved because of Hub construction. Does anybody know where it's being relocated to?


Beta Return
Just kidding. I hadn't heard about this. I'm guessing they'll plop it down somewhere centrally located. Wouldn't this also affect the child care center?


Well-Known Member
I was browsing through the refurbishments coming up and I noticed this popped up for Magic Kingdom...

"First Aid Relocation Aug 10-17"

I only can assume it's being moved because of Hub construction. Does anybody know where it's being relocated to?

Not necessarily due to the Hub. It's possible that they just want to close the First Aid Center for a week to refurbish the facility itself. It'll be interesting to see what space they choose to use for the relocated facility. Isn't Adventureland Verandah vacant right now?



Well-Known Member
Agreed. While its certainly very dated in there, in some weird way I like the retro-1970s WDW feel.

Problem they have is that if they paint it, and change the look of it, there would be a 50+ page thread on these boards complaining that they miss the "classic" first aid" and demand that they won't ever go back until Disney fixes it.


Well-Known Member
Mold and Asbestos has been a concern in this area. This was a long standing health concern, brought to management's attention multiple times. OSHA was called to investigate and verified that actions must be taken as soon as possible to remedy the situation.

Asbestos and Mold have been major issues thru-out the Magic Kingdom in areas that have not been remodeled or updated since the parks original opening, these areas include guest and cast access.

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