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  1. Dandyboing

    space mountain lawsuit

    Heh, yah, this was supposed to be a topic about the lawsuit, not whether on not America is better then England, and vice versa.
  2. Dandyboing

    Movie Game!!!

    Deadly Intent
  3. Dandyboing

    Future World..aka..Discoverland

    I like most of the plan, but I dont think Roller Coasters are a good idea...
  4. Dandyboing

    SE Coaster

    Familys with kids of any ages, they want to make teh rides good for people 1-100, not just family with teenagers, familys with little kids etc.
  5. Dandyboing

    RCT - Unnamed Park

    Re: Re: Re: Re: RCT - Unnamed Park I *think* (don't wutoe me on this) thats its from Loopy Landscapes, not to sure.
  6. Dandyboing

    Opening up a closed park in RCT2

    AS far as I know, there is no way to do this. The best idea, if you're trying to make a RL park, is to throw out some chepo rides a few roller coasters, start on the other end, and hope that the peeps like your stuff 8-)
  7. Dandyboing

    SE Coaster

    Heh, you have it wrong again. Family as a whole, not the indivudial people of a family.
  8. Dandyboing

    EuroDisney's Newest Attraction

    Hmm, time and time agian people have had to tell you this. Disney is FAMILY not THRILLS. There's a bunch of Six Flags accross the country. Go to one of them.
  9. Dandyboing

    What's going in place of the 100 YoM logo?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I can't take place in teh argument about were the hat should be (4 years since I've been there :p), but it *sounds* like a good place to me :)
  10. Dandyboing


    Bleh, we got 6 inches or so... on top of 1 foot of snow.. on top of a 1/2 inch of ice... I'm moving to CA...
  11. Dandyboing

    space mountain lawsuit

    Yes, you think something would have been done about it by now, but if this is they way it's going, they wont do anything until someone dies and they're forced to shut down the ride.
  12. Dandyboing

    SE Coaster

    Spin up, Spin down. Woot. Usually on a coaster, no matter how much you like it, you're always frazzeled in teh front seat. That girl looks a bit too calm. I hope they don't make SE too thrilling, it was kinda nice to ride that...
  13. Dandyboing

    RCT2: Disney parks?

    *agrees* Usually one of those scenarios can take me hours upon hours, as I like to make the pens perfect for the animals, yet nice looking (I'm a neatness freak :D), and the zoo *needs* you there running in constantly. One of the RCT scenarios can take me 4 hours to get everything running, then...
  14. Dandyboing

    RCT - Unnamed Park

    Re: Re: RCT - Unnamed Park Oringinal, you can tell by the thingy in the bottom bar :D I would think Someone-has-way-too-much-time-on-their-hands would be good :D j/k But honestly, something to do with Castles & Villagies would be good, really up to you to decide :D :-)
  15. Dandyboing

    The monorail smell?

    Heh, elephants is exactly what I thought too! The last time I was on I had someone constantly sneezing next to me in a pacekd train, and the next day I had a horrid cold. I REALLY like the monorail, but I think the smell and the people are a *little* too much. :D:D:D:D
  16. Dandyboing

    space mountain lawsuit

    Was trying to stay out of this, but just wanna say a couple of things. So if he's unclear what happened, why is he filing the lawsuit? Could this just be some hype fed to him by his family? If it hit the frontal lobe, they why couln't this object fallen from a car in front of him? Just...
  17. Dandyboing

    American $1 coin?

    I totally forgot they had 50 cent coins :lol: Aye yi yi!
  18. Dandyboing

    Mission:Space Inappropriate Now?

    Apoligies then :o You'vbe done a lot of taht today :)
  19. Dandyboing

    Coke vs. Pepsi version 2.0

    Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi! Coke is BLEH!
  20. Dandyboing

    A Disney Adventure Park?

    Definetly not. It's just not Disney to make something tear the family apart. It goes against all they've really worked for at WDW.
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