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  1. GoofyDan

    Temporary Tattoos?

    Has anybody seen any of the temporary tattoo stands around lately? The last time we can remember seeing any was a couple of years ago in the Muppet courtyard at DHS. But we can't remember seeing any in any of the parks lately. Are they a thing of the past?
  2. GoofyDan

    Our first trip and our first trip report

    As others have done, I thought I would post our planned itinerary before we left, then see how that measures up to our actual trip. Things have already started with a bang as I had to have a tooth extracted this morning. I hope I'm not doing the Disney tour of vicodin, mashed potatoes, soup and...
  3. GoofyDan

    How Many More Days For You (Part 3)

    TWO! TWO! TWO! Hard to believe our countdown is so close to being done and our 10 days in the World is about to begin. Sadly, I have to spend one of those two days at the office in what will seem like the longest day in the history of work. Whoo-hoo!
  4. GoofyDan

    Hannah, Will it hit?

    The stuff I'm looking at are the theoretical model tracks (, click Storm 08). Here's the latest one:
  5. GoofyDan

    Hannah, Will it hit?

    We're fasting, praying, dancing over goat entrails ... whatever it takes to get this storm to move off and away! We arrive on Thursday and we're at the World for 10 days. While it would be nice if the Hanna scared some folks off, I'd feel much better if she just fizzled out and did nothing...
  6. GoofyDan

    Getting in without an ADR?

    Thanks, everybody, for the advice and suggestions. We're flying in on Sept. 4 and we're going to MSSHP on the 12th. It's our first trip to the World, so we're pretty green about all this ADR stuff. I figgered we'd be pressing our luck, but I think I'll probably try the reservations line a...
  7. GoofyDan

    Getting in without an ADR?

    We were really pleased with the ADRs we landed for our upcoming trip, with one notable exception. We would like to eat at Liberty Tree Tavern or Crystal Palace the night we're going to be in MK for MNSSHP, but when I called to change our ADR for that night, The Plaza was all that was available...
  8. GoofyDan

    Trip Report July 26 through August 8, 2008

    Thanks, Bill, for you fantastic report. I don't know if there's a prize for the best TR, but if there were, I'd surely nominate you! :sohappy: We're 14 days away from our first trip to the World. Hopefully the crowds will have lightened some, but I doubt the heat will have let up much. Your TR...
  9. GoofyDan

    Getting from Disney World to Cape Canaveral?

    Agreeing with others here -- if you can rent a car, just for a day, do it. We weighed other options and decided it would be worth it to have our own vehicle. We reserved an economy from Alamo and it was under $45 for a day. I figure with that and gas for 300 miles, we'll still be under $100...
  10. GoofyDan

    Problems with pins on planes?

    Has anybody ever had (or heard of) problems with having pins in checked baggage? Since I started planning our trip, I've been buying pins for my wife and had planned to surprise her with them on the the plane. I can't find were pins would be prohibited on the TSA list, and I can't imagine where...
  11. GoofyDan

    POFQ for the 1st time!

    We're also making our first visit to POFQ (and our first visit to WDW) -- now in only 26 days! I still have yet to read a single negative word about the resort and we can hardly wait to get there and check it out. Hopefully we won't be disappointed.
  12. GoofyDan

    MNSSHP or La Nouba?

    If you had to choose, between MNSSHP and La Nouba, which would you pick? Our schedule is pretty tight and we'd have room for one or the other, but to do both would be pushing it. This is our very first trip to the World and it will just be me and my bride. We love the Cirque shows in Vegas, but...
  13. GoofyDan

    Tour Guide Mike vs. TouringPlans?

    I know this is really comparing apples to oranges, but does anybody have an opinions of Tour Guide Mike and I've subscribed to both, but the specific touring advice is really different on each. We're flying directly in the face of some of TGMike's advice, but I keep telling...
  14. GoofyDan

    Disney is not just for kids!!!

    Heck, until last year, I WAS people like this! My wife and I don't have kids (well, except for the spoiled-rotten furry kind) and even though we had friends over the years tell us we should try Disney, we never really seriously thought about it. Last summer, though, the office sent me to...
  15. GoofyDan

    Extending/Change Park Hours

    OK, opening my spreadsheet and the park hours pages as I'm typing here! Never even dawned on me to check back. Thanks!
  16. GoofyDan

    20 Years of Maelstrom!

    We're counting down to our first trip to the World and I can't wait to ride Maelstrom and eat some of the foods I remember from my youth that my Norwegian grandmother and great-aunts made! Whoo-hoo!
  17. GoofyDan

    moderate or value?

    We're going on our very first trip to the World in 45 days, so it goes without saying that my opinion should probably bear little weight. POP was our first choice -- our reasoning was much like yours -- we could take that extra money we'd spend on a room and buy more souvenirs or eat another...
  18. GoofyDan

    Questions on POFQ

    Thanks, Doom, for asking these questions! We're 45 days away from our first trip to the World (and POFQ), so we'll be sharing the resort with you and I've been wondering some of these same things. One thing I'm still not sure about -- I know the boats to DTD run every 20 minutes or 10 minutes...
  19. GoofyDan

    under 100 days to go....!!! Anyone else?

    88 days, 19 hours, 22 minutes, but who's counting, right? OK, that would be me – I'm TOTALLY counting!
  20. GoofyDan

    Additional Luggage Charge

    I'm generally not one to defend airlines, but in the scheme of things is 15 bucks all that much? I know, everybody will say it's not the money, it's the principal of the thing and to some extent I agree, but none of us stopped flying when airlines started charging $7 for a crappy sandwich and a...
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