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  1. whitemule28

    Lost now too?

    I don't want to rehash the same rant I went on a few months back, but the argument that it would be a bad idea due to the fact that it would be based on a tv show that will be off soon is completely absurd. Are there not completely wonderful attractions based on movies that came out 60 years...
  2. whitemule28

    ABC/Lost/Disney Question..........

    Im not sure if anyone has made this point yet, but I feel like its about time that its made. For all of you who say that "Lost would not make a good attraction because the show is ending in 2 years and it will no longer garner enough public interest to justify putting money into an attraction...
  3. whitemule28

    Are you 23?

    You all missed the most important bit of information in the entire post...this year, Feb 3rd to be exact, Pixar will be 23. My guess will be for the DVD release of Bolt.
  4. whitemule28

    Are there any restaurants you would like to see @ WDW?

    I really hope they keep the lower level chains and fast-food places out. It would be a tremendous waste of space and opportunity. As for Bugaboo, the theming is pretty good, but the food is a second-rate Outback Steeakhouse. Here in the Northeast we have plenty of both and Bugaboo is treated...
  5. whitemule28

    Concepts for DCA coming to WDW?

    Why would they have two separately themed, but mechanically identical rides in the new parachute drop and the jumpin jellyfish in the same park? Doesn't seem very practical to me.
  6. whitemule28

    Space Mountain

    And before someone goes ahead and states the obvious, I realize that "2001" is not a Disney property. It is in fact an MGM/Warner property, which could lead to a problem. But hey, crazier things have happened. And it gives WDW a "unique attraction" that I know people are craving with the...
  7. whitemule28

    Space Mountain

    Now before I get my throat jumped down, let me be clear that I am not condemning the current SM. I am a serious advocate for the protection of certain classic attractions whose ingenuity makes them timeless. But, with the changing of of DL's SM, it seems that Disney is dead set on changing the...
  8. whitemule28

    Red Sox official makes "exploratory" visit to Disney sports complex

    Being a Bostonian who has spent 4 years of college baseball spring training in Fort Myers, and 6 more vacationing in Bonita Springs, I can say that even though it's disappointing that I won't be able to shoot over to a Sox game, I completely see why the Sox left, and realize that it is...
  9. whitemule28

    Photopass question

    Another quick question somewhat along these lines...I have my photopass with a few photo's linked to it, but not all of my ride photo's. I do however have a photo taken with my own camera that included in the background our ride photo from ToT up on the viewing screen...I can read the photo ID#...
  10. whitemule28

    Golden Girls

    How can no one have remembered to include my favorite building from the backlot tour, from one of my favorite movies growing up?...The Bulldog Cafe from "The Rocketeer"...the one thing I will say though is that Disney didnt seem to do a great job with upkeep of alot of the items on the backlot...
  11. whitemule28

    When will the Indiana Jones Stunt Show finally end?

    If you remember Indy 4 hovered in purgatory for a long time as Lucas and Spielberg tore up script after script after script, took breaks to do other side projects, and the stars (Ford, Connery, Rhys-Davies, Allen) debated whether they were willing to chance ruining a great franchise, or in good...
  12. whitemule28

    If you could imagineer any ride or attraction what would you build?

    I would love to imagineer a LOST dark ride in the style of Indiana Jones and DINOSAUR occupying a place either in Adventureland or DHS. The ride vehicles would be styled after an Oceanic plane, and enclosed (initially) giving the illusion of being on an actual plane. The queue and boarding would...
  13. whitemule28

    New Restuarant for Pleasure Island

    Side note: That would require them moving it from its present location on International Drive. Not sure if the relocation costs would outweigh the obvious spike in customers, but it would be a great addition.
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