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  1. bigtotoro

    Be Our Guest Breakfast Reservation 8:30am 12/21/2016...

    ...that I am not going to use. Touring Plans Res Finder came through with a lunch ressie for another day. If you can use this, we can try to coordinate a time where I can cancel and you can attempt to pickup real quick. Holler at me if you're interested and we can hash out drop times in DM.
  2. bigtotoro

    Holiday Wishes Dessert Party

    You were right. I banged MDE 5 times a day for over a week before I finally got a hit. Thanks.
  3. bigtotoro

    Holiday Wishes Dessert Party

    We'll be at MVMCP on December 18th. Tried to make dessert party reservations, but there is no availability. As these are paid for in full at time of purchase, is it even worth it to keep checking? Does anyone have experience with this?
  4. bigtotoro

    BOG lunch fast pass+

    Do these become available at midnight or thereabouts like other FP+ on whatever day (27-28) they become available? I'd like to make plans for the last day of my trip (9/20), but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to when they are available.
  5. bigtotoro

    Anna & Elsa at Not So Scary

    Last night was my 60 days and I tried, and failed, to book Anna & Elsa for 3. I got a booking on our last day, but for 5 hours after our flight departs. Assuming I cannot move the time, are Anna & Elsa going to be available during Not So Scary?
  6. bigtotoro

    Rethinking my ADR, need advice

    Le Cellier has always been spectacularly overrated. The other two mentioned are excellent and I'd add Citricos for proximity, as well.
  7. bigtotoro

    Be Our Guest Reservations Inside 180 days...should I even try?

    We made unexpected reservations for September for my little boy's birthday. We'd like to do BoG on the night of the 16th or the 19th. Is it worth the time invested to troll the website for a reservation or is it a lost cause?
  8. bigtotoro

    Gaston's Tavern

    My wife saw the mugs in a news story this AM and has decided she wants one. Anyone know where I can order one online?
  9. bigtotoro

    Can you give away dining credits?

    I did that on Friday at Mara. Was leaving and had 3 credits left so I paid for the lady in front of me.
  10. bigtotoro

    First MVMCP

    Seconded. I've not seen any of the Holiday merch this year.
  11. bigtotoro

    Is Victoria and Alberts worth it?

    I echo the other sentiments, here. If you are not sure or the $ is an issue, don't do it. My wife and I are going for the first time in two weeks. But we are also not fine dining newbies, either (but this will break my personal record for $...I think our highest is a little over $200 for a...
  12. bigtotoro

    Texas to Disney...

    Better question: with airfare what it is, why not fly? You will spend 300-500 in gas, easy.
  13. bigtotoro

    Citricos vs Narcosse's?

    Citrico's is VERY nice and highly recommended by the wife and I.
  14. bigtotoro

    Have Not Received Magical Express Package

    No worries. There is a reason I do not venture in to the top 2 forums, very often.
  15. bigtotoro

    Have Not Received Magical Express Package

    Not to go off topic on a rant, but that is there for a certain faction of people. Every time something happens or changes that they don't like they say: "What would Walt do?" As if Walt would somehow side with them and they MUST be on the side of the righteous. Now, anyone who ever worked with...
  16. bigtotoro

    Have Not Received Magical Express Package

    Sent an email to AK concierge (we are staying concierge level) and they discovered that the package had been shipped to the DVC member. They sent me another package to my address without me even asking.
  17. bigtotoro

    Have Not Received Magical Express Package

    Problem is, when you lease points from a DVC member, you cannot call them directly. It has to be done through the account owner. Maybe I will see if I can get AK concierge to handle it for me.
  18. bigtotoro

    Have Not Received Magical Express Package

    Flight Info was not available at the time of booking.
  19. bigtotoro

    Have Not Received Magical Express Package

    Booked through a DVC member.
  20. bigtotoro

    Counter service dining plan!

    I can only speak for myself, so grain of salt theory applies. We are doing Deluxe Dining this time. We'll pick up a muffin at the concierge lounge in the morning (I don't like to eat a heavy breakfast at WDW). We will have an early lunch at a single credit table service. And we will finish off...
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