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  1. I

    Want a tattoo? Head to Citywalk...

    Its going up in the corner of Citywalk above where the surfshop is, and will be replacing the glow store. It wont be prominently featured, almost as if Universal is saying, yeah we're cool enough to have the shop....but not THAT cool that we really want to advertise it. I have been to the shop...
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    Yeah Belle, if you stay onsite you have unlimited Express. One of the many perks to staying onsite.
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    Tigger Punches Guest?? guys are really seeing what you want to see on this video. It looks like, to me, that the kid just jumps into the pic with his little brother and sister. The kid then seems to loose his balance a bit and because he has his arm around tigger, and tigger him.....tigger has to reposition...
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    We're Coming Back

    Mythos is fun....right in the middle of the park. Also Bubba Gumps...even if they dont like shrimp, they have tons of the normal stuff for kids. Enjoy your trip.
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    Breaking News: Sexual Assault at Universal Studios

    This is true...but lets not forget that it can, and does happen anywhere...not just at Universal ;) Its a sad state of affairs when you cant go to a theme park, or on a cruise....two places where you are supposed to be able to escape reality....without the fear of some idiotic knuckledragger...
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    Breaking News: Teenager accosted on Cruise Line Just goes to show that you can have as much security as you want, you can have things be as happy as they can be, and bad things still happen because of the bad people in the world.
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    Breaking News: Sexual Assault at Universal Studios

    Never happens on disney property does it? This happened on the worlds happiest cruise line. Its nothing against the parks...its against the people that go there.
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    Calls from Santa

    If you have a small child and would like for them to have a free call from Santa, we will be doing these next week. Now, they will appear on a podcast that is not a disney podcast...In fact, its a Universal podcast, but we talk about all theme parks pretty much equally. In fact this weeks show...
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    Ouch...Universal article

    This guy has a great track record for making "positive" articles. And ex Universal employees who now work at disney also have great track records for being "positive".
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    After weeks of heated comments and strong words from the disney fans, the debate is finally over. You can listen for your self and hear how we completely ambushed the disney fan :lol: Seriously, listen as we tackle the issues that divide the fans. The show...
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    Oodles of fun or not, no one has stepped up yet.
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    Well the serious portion of the debate is over. And it went quite nicely. Thanks to Davewasbaloo, a perfect gentleman and a scholar to boot. Now if you want to get in on the fun, it will be your call. We have a hotline setup that you can call and leave a message anytime you want. If it is not...
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    No one has bad mouthed, only taken the offensive and voiced an opinion...which then unleashed the wol....rabid rodents.
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    Clearly...but its turned into a free for all, OH THE HUMANITY!
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    No...if you would have read and paid attention, you would have seen that I was quoting someone else. I personally care nothing about FP or FOTL at either park, they are both a bane on existance and should never have been introduced. But in my experience, on same days, I have, like many others...
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    Yeah, and I referred to you where? Disney's FP is a system that I have an entirely another issue with altogether. So yeah.....thank you again for your support.
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    Rushing? Yeah, thats me all over. But hey, this little pick apart thread is working....the shows hits have doubled. So keep hating the show guys, we love your support :king:
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    We're not trying to appeal to you, so thank god for that. We're trying to have fun and we do that quite well. Drunk guy at Steve's house? paid attention I see :hammer: And yeah, the sound quality is fair at best because we are doing it from a laptop with free software. But the point...
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    Have you ever listened to the show? Tell me the same thing when you have. No ambushes, no name calling. I wont be involved in the conversation. And yes I am more of a US fan than WDW, but not for the same reason as some, such as MKT.
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    The Age-Old Debate...

    ....In all fairness, you were right. I let my emotions get the best of me. And yeah, thats what we're trying for a peaceful debate....and it will be so, and a fair debate. I just love how people jump the gun without listening, and knowing what they'e deailng with. :brick: Listen to the show...
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