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  1. tote3939

    How things change..What do you miss?

    I miss those Goofy bars too. And I miss the tortellini and bread sticks they used to have at the Land. They were great. I also miss the Main Street Electrical Parade, the Skyway, If You Had Wings as well as Delta Dreamflight, Horizons, World of Motion, Kitchen Kabaret, Pasta Piazza and the...
  2. tote3939

    Our 'Enchanted' Wedding Video - fun

    That was terrific! I really enjoyed that!
  3. tote3939

    WHY DISNEY?? In your words.

    Disney offers me an escape from the everyday. I love the rides, attractions and food but it offers so much more. It's a beautiful place to just walk around that's clean, safe and has great weather. People are happy just to be there, letting themselves be submerged in the whole experience...
  4. tote3939

    NO Primeval Whirl for you!

    I think Primeval Whirl sounded very exciting when I first heard about it. A ride that spun in circles while traveling on a rollercoaster track? Sounded great. I was so disappointed when I rode it though. It seemed more intent on giving me whiplash than delivering a fun ride. :shrug:
  5. tote3939

    Year of a Million Nightmares

    When you go to any restaurant, they will have replaced all your favorite dishes with something you hate. :slurp:
  6. tote3939

    Pick three to come back... but just 3.

    1. Horizons 2. World of Motion 3. Dreamflight This was tough to choose because I also would love the Main Street Electrical Parade and If You Had Wings to return. But those are my top 3.
  7. tote3939

    Where have all the tollhouses gone?

    I loved those! Doesn't Disney understand that people want to splurge on their vacations? It's the perfect time for indulging. I don't like the idea that the food police are watching out for me. I can do just fine on my own, thank you very much.
  8. tote3939

    Expedition Everest Thrill Factor?

    When the backwards part started, I was positive I had gone upside down. It felt like I had been on a corkscrew. I was slightly disoriented after this part. I barely had my head together when we had the big drop. It's kind of funny that this ride shook me up as much as it did since I love Tower...
  9. tote3939

    Anyone have a pet named after a Disney character?

    Our yellow lab is Simba and our cat is Prince (Charming, at least he thinks he is). :king:
  10. tote3939

    Disney Character Bloopers

    Years ago, we were watching the Beauty and the Beast show. At one point, the beast's pants fell down. They handled the problem pretty well. He disappeared off stage and Belle danced with the other characters until he returned. My 4 year dd was so frightened she said she never wanted to see...
  11. tote3939

    American Vybe

    The Voices of Liberty are the original group. They were there when Epcot opened. American Vybe was formed in 1999. Some Voices of Liberty singers left to help form the new group. American Vybe has many talented singers, just like the Voices of Liberty. Two former Vybe members now sing with...
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