WHY DISNEY?? In your words.


New Member
Disney offers me an escape from the everyday. I love the rides, attractions and food but it offers so much more. It's a beautiful place to just walk around that's clean, safe and has great weather.

People are happy just to be there, letting themselves be submerged in the whole experience. The music as you enter just pulls you in.


New Member
I can't really explain what it is about Disney but hubby and I both love it. It doesn't matter if we are off property, at a Value resort or Deluxe resort, we have always felt like we were treated wonderfully. The parks are immaculate and the atmosphere is always pleasant. (even with the occasional meltdowns) :lookaroun Oh and did I mention the food... Oh my......... good thing you walk alot. :animwink: I have had some friends ask why we go to Disney because we don't have kids..... I always answer "because we love it". I will be 50 next week and everytime I see that castle I still gasp and get a huge smile on my face. I never get tired of it. After about 1 year not going hubby and I both get the itch and plan a trip. This year we splurged and stayed at AKL Club....... Talk about being spoiled... We loved it!!! :sohappy:


Because of the memories!
And the fact that no matter what other extravagant trips we go on, the Disney trips are the only ones my kids remember or talk about, all the time. And no matter how old they get they love to pull out the videos and scrapbooks and remember themselves.

I also second what Bayoumoon said and I think it is the best comment so far...
"Because I don't want to grow up!!! All my worries melt away as I get lost in the magic that wraps around me like a nice comfy hug."

(even though WDW changes with the times and adds new features, and even though they remove or change some of our favorites to make room for the new ones - It is some how suprisingly always the same. Like an old friend from childhood, who as you both grow older and change with lifes experiences are still the very same kids you were when you first became friends - and we can be excited about the new things and have the great memories of the old ones to keep in our hearts )


New Member
The 5 ingredients that draw and re-draw people to Disney Parks:

1) The nostalgia factor (memories from childhood, past trips, etc.)
2) The experience factor (the more you go, the better you get at it)
3) The quality factor (still the top of the heap by miles)
4) The change factor (the parks are in a constant state of change, there will always be something new)
5) The prestige factor (Super Bowl winners don't say "I'm going to the Poconos.")

It's a brilliant combination of factors for TWDC, and a devasting combination for my wallet. :lookaroun
It's what all of you are saying. And I find that there is a sense of "safe-ness" about it all. Safe to smile at strangers, safe to allow your children (appropriate age, of course) to be on their own, safe to let down your guard a little or a lot, safe to enjoy those pastries from France or Norway, safe to allow cast members to care for you, safe to explore and learn about new interesting ideas and experiences, safe....


New Member
Disney captures your childhood better than anywhere else. Anyone can be a child without having to face the stigma of the rest of society. I know that memories of going there as a child still come flooding back everytime I go there. Truly a magical experience.


Well-Known Member
People ask me this all the time. My answer:

I can sit in front of a castle, with my kids on my lap, and I feel 10 years old again right along with them.

WDW is about never growing up. It's our Neverland.


this is a hard one:

Being from Ohio, I usualy compare Cedar Point to Disney World. At Cedar Point, people go there for the rides, but at Disney World, people go for the atmosphere, rides, food, nostigla, shows, fireworks, attention to detail, nice resorts, Downtown Disney, and the Magic. lol, i think Cedar Point got pwned.
It's hard to express Disney to someone who's never been there, but...

It's one of the few places on Earth that an adult can let their "inner kid" out for a little fresh air and not feel like an idiot. Seriously, look around -- you'll see a hundreds more adults just like you doing the same thing!:rolleyes:


Active Member
I'm not sure that you really can explain Disney to some people. The new ones just need to see it and they'll understand.

But I'll try"

Disney takes care of the littlest of details so you don't have too; be it driving or even trip planning. Disney can be what you want it to be. From the minute you pass under the Welcome sign, to the time you depart, you are surrounded by an atmosphere of pure enjoyment and worry-free fun.

Well said, ditto for me too. The Disney Magic is ever present but when you stay on property it makes for a worry free magical vacation.


New Member
It's the place where memories where made when I was young, with my parents and grandparents, when I was a teen, with my friends, and now with my family, my son and Fiance....it is a place that spans generations and everyone is happy.


Well-Known Member
This is a tough question to answer.... most of us could talk a long time about why we like it but summing it into one sentence is difficult.

I agree with most everyone's sentiments.

When we are there and surrounded by the magic, the beauty of the land and all the friendly faces... we are home.


Well-Known Member
When people ask me why I go back to Walt Disney World time and time again I simply tell them this:

If you went to the Doctor because you felt stressed out, and he gave you a prescription for pills that made your stress go away, made you forget your problems, made you feel safe and happy, made you laugh, made you feel like a child again, and brought your family closer together...

...wouldn't you ask for a refill for that prescription? :)


Well-Known Member

Maybe it's because it's one of the rare places in the world where two grown sisters can stand in front of a castle and watch Wishes and have tears streaming down their faces with the total joy of being in that precise moment in time, and nobody around them thinks they need to locked up in a rubber-room:)

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