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  1. finan03

    Souvenirs From World Showcase

    yeah the shotglasses are great idea too. and if im not mistaken, you can get mini flags at each country as well. at norway you can get the other 3 scandinavian countries (finland sweden and denmark). when i was a tot we got tiny tiny pins from each country too. now they have those bigger ones...
  2. finan03

    New Park?

    exactly right my friend. i think the park building should come to a halt for quite some time.
  3. finan03

    Dining Plan ?

    Would any of you suggest maybe testing the theory out in two trips? Just to see if it fits your families needs? What i mean is, your first trip, you dine without, and your next trip, dine with. Compare pricing, and go from there.What do you think?
  4. finan03

    are there NO SAFE areas off site any more?

    IMHO, anytime you're looking to stay "around" an area of a tourist location, you're not going to find the "safest" places. Why? Because creeps like to prey on tourists who get lost and don't know what the heck is going on. For example, NYC around the theatre district is pretty bad at times. So...
  5. finan03

    Places NOT to miss

    they say that there are no stupid questions, but i feel like this will be one, lol. (cut me some slack im a youngin) do you have to be staying at the resorts to eat at their restaurants?
  6. finan03

    Anyone ever gotten married at WDW?

    what about bringing guests down to Orlando? Say you want to give 100 guests a day or two in the park w/accomodations. How much is that going to up your price?
  7. finan03

    if Walt WAS racist, would you care?

    one thing to take into account is the time in which Walt lived. It was more common than uncommon for someone to be anti-semetic or racist... thats just the way people then grew up. Either way its ignorant and unacceptable... i'm sure id have some dissapointment towards Walt himself, but not...
  8. finan03

    Any Disney MySpacers?!

    whoops haha
  9. finan03

    Any Disney MySpacers?!

  10. finan03

    bad news from pop century

    hahaha :sohappy: i agreee!!!!! i have a tangent of my own: when its clear you or your wife is pregnant, all parents must learn CPR and BASIC first-aid, lifesaving skills. sounds a bit unnecessary to most ... but there are some rather dim-witted people in the world who may do well with...
  11. finan03

    bad news from pop century

    but at the same time, isnt the purpose of going on a disney vacation RELAXING? it's not really fair to expect a mom or pop to keep constant watch on their kids when it's their down time also. i think that glancing up and making sure your kids okay every now and then is okay, so long as you dont...
  12. finan03

    Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo

    it is quite possible you missed the child in line in front of you as children ARE rather small... but that still begs the question why was he looking back at YOU? spooky. kudos for a great find!
  13. finan03

    "Mean" Cast Members

    it's teens like those who make me embarassed to be a teen. on behalf of this site, THANK YOU for being a cast member and making every disney day a magical one!
  14. finan03

    The "Not Going Soon" Support Group

    ::hug:: wowzers you've got it all planned already? i dont think i could stop being antsy and biting my nails for that long of a time period! haha
  15. finan03

    "Mean" Cast Members

    awww. that'd be ME if i was a CM. polite, curtious, and magical. but i think people are taking them for granted and that's the cause.
  16. finan03

    The "Not Going Soon" Support Group

    wow i went spring of 2005... which was a shorter time than most... but i miss it sooooooo much. i went for a choir competition (festival disney... we won! :-D) i go to an all guys school, so obviously i was macholy ruled out on certain rides :'-(. i shant be going back... well since im 17...
  17. finan03


    jealoussyyyy wow. im jealous of all of you lol. i havent been since last spring for a choir competition! i love the pictures!
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