New Park?


New Member
Original Poster
Maybe I just misread it. Hopeing someone here can post something on it. When the news on the Toy Story mania concept art was posted it included a link.

It had the picture that we all now know as the Toy Story mania logo (for now). But did anyone else catch the picture right above it that listed New Disney Theme Park? I looked through the posts and didn't see anything on it so maybe it has been discussed before and I didn't find it. What's going on with this? Anyone know anything? Just wondering what the deal was. I saw the Travel Channel special on WDW and it had at the end a tease of NEW PARKS at WDW (mentioning how much land they have) but no news. I didn't know anything was on the books for something new save for maybe a new park in China (unless this is that). You guys know of anything? Thanks.


New Member
There are several threads about this and while I hate to be a negative nellie about the whole topic but everyone needs to stop with the 5th theme park talk and about a new park in the US.....atleast for a little while (a couple of years).

While it is always fun to dream DIsney has made it very clear that no such plans are in the works for the US....yesterday's BIG ANNOUNCEMENT should be proof of that.

My fiancee worked the press event and while she chewed the ear of my older sister (Imagineering) and a few other Imagineers that were in attendance ALL OF THEM CONFIRMED THAT THERE ARE NO PLANS AT THIS TIME.

So please stop acting like it is going to happen as you are only going to get set-up to be disappointed.
There are several threads about this and while I hate to be a negative nellie about the whole topic but everyone needs to stop with the 5th theme park talk and about a new park in the US.....atleast for a little while (a couple of years).

While it is always fun to dream DIsney has made it very clear that no such plans are in the works for the US....yesterday's BIG ANNOUNCEMENT should be proof of that.

My fiancee worked the press event and while she chewed the ear of my older sister (Imagineering) and a few other Imagineers that were in attendance ALL OF THEM CONFIRMED THAT THERE ARE NO PLANS AT THIS TIME.

So please stop acting like it is going to happen as you are only going to get set-up to be disappointed.

Why is it so hard to believe? I hate to say it Plutoboy but maybe they just didn't want to answer your fiances questions at a press event. It's going to happen.
1. They have the land.
2. They have the money.
3. They're building plenty of new resorts.
4. They have the blue prints.


New Member
I kinda sat to myself and thought about everything that was going on with all the parks, and why they might not decide to build a park here, and remembered in some interview somewhere (don't remember, obviously, haha) that they didn't want to think about building a new US Theme Park for a while, but they do want to improve a lot on what they have already, and the thought has come up of adding another park elsewhere in the world.

I remember long before Honk Kong Disneyland opened, when I was at the Pin Trading Event at Epcot in, like, 2000, that they showed us the Honk Kong Disneyland concept artwork, but discussed one in Shanghai depending on how well the park did. Perhaps the Concept Art we saw was for a POSSIBLE Shanghai, or somewhere else very green and watery (Maybe even Sydney, Australia, you know?) But whatever the case, it's only in concept stages, and it looked like there wasn't much detail as for rides and such. I think we'll see what happens maybe by the end of this year, to sometime next year. :)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Why is it so hard to believe? I hate to say it Plutoboy but maybe they just didn't want to answer your fiances questions at a press event. It's going to happen.
1. They have the land.
2. They have the money.
3. They're building plenty of new resorts.
4. They have the blue prints.

So, that doesn't mean it going to be built. Why is THAT so hard to believe.


New Member
Original Poster
Ok...I wasn't setting myself up and I know there are a DOZEN or so posts about the topic. I just went to the link and saw the picture and saw the caption that went with it. I too don't think it's an American park...I just wondered what the deal was with this picture on their investor page. Were they seeking investors for another park? Just curious. I know we all hope and pray for a Disney park right beside us and an economy that would support them and everything else....I think that's the idea of being such big Disney fans as we all are....I just wanted to know if anyone had heard anything about this particular picture. Thanks for the posts guys. I'm not going to be dissapointed when all I am is curious lol.

The Truth


Well-Known Member
Why is it so hard to believe? I hate to say it Plutoboy but maybe they just didn't want to answer your fiances questions at a press event. It's going to happen.
1. They have the land.
2. They have the money.
3. They're building plenty of new resorts.
4. They have the blue prints.

they don't have the demand....and that is the deciding factor.....


New Member
Why is it so hard to believe? I hate to say it Plutoboy but maybe they just didn't want to answer your fiances questions at a press event. It's going to happen.
1. They have the land.
2. They have the money.
3. They're building plenty of new resorts.
4. They have the blue prints.

I have to reiterate myself and go along with the others that are on here. Just because you have the land and the money doesn't mean that you go and do it.

The parks, with the exception of major holidays, hardly ever fill to capacity. Why build a new park when you can't fill the one's that you currently have?

The 4 existing parks have too much areas needed for improvement and they have the land within those parks to do that expansion and improvement.

EPCOT alone has 1 major pavilion in FW that needs to be filled with a new attraction and I can think of two others that need a major, major update. The Studios....the poor studios....with the exception of a few attractions the park overall was built on the quick and has struggled to find it's true identity.

Way too much work to be done to even be looking a new gate here in Florida.

A coupls of questions for you my friend:

You say they are building/have built new resorts: Where?? Saratoga and Pop were the last two resorts to be built and the DVC expansions we see happening are a part of resorts already in existence.

Blue prints: Have yoiu seen these personally???

Where is the ground clearing?? Disney typically starts to clear the land two years in advance of any construction. Please do not say WEstern Beltway as this is not a park going in there....atleast the hints dropped to me by sister did not indicate a new park.


New Member
In the quarterly update in my area there was a mention of a new park being showcased in burbank. No other details than that. I don't believe from what I saw in our update that it's something that is already planned, but rather, being planned. No idea where.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
they don't have the demand....and that is the deciding factor.....

There are plenty of reasons a new park wouldn't be built immediately. At the moment, demand is not one of them. Whereas, until recently, AK was merely taking away from the other three parks, AK is now experiencing (by number of guests compared to capacity) the best attendence of the four while the other parks are back to (and exceeding, often) expectations.

Of course, there are many ways to fix those demands beyond building a fifth park. Animal Kingdom is built to have a ton of expansion possible, the Magic Kingdom has a little bit of operation room freed up and Disney/MGM has even more. All four parks have room to add capacity (in the case of Animal Kingdom a lot of room). While that would obviously not cover things as much as a new park, it would cover them in the short term some.

So, while there does not need to be a fifth park, there is enough demand to justify a fifth park.


Well-Known Member
There are several threads about this and while I hate to be a negative nellie about the whole topic but everyone needs to stop with the 5th theme park talk and about a new park in the US.....atleast for a little while (a couple of years).

why do people NEED to stop discussing it? this is a discussion board after all, and who made you the decider of what shold and should not be discussed here?

people like you and moan about certain topic when they come up from time to time, and you know what, if people were interested the subjects wouldnt come up all the time.

a suggestion for you and your fellow self appointed hread police, if you dont like the subject of a thread, IGNORE IT, but dont tell others what topics they can post about.


Well-Known Member
Isn't there a rumor floating around that Disney wants to build another "Wide World of Sports" complex on a 75 acre plot near Disneyland? Not a traditional theme park but it is new building in the U.S. :)


New Member
That piece of concept art is for the new proposed park in China. It is for one of the lands and is based on characters/settings of the "Litle Mermaid". The pirates concept art is for a proposed new land at the Hong Kong park.
I have to reiterate myself and go along with the others that are on here. Just because you have the land and the money doesn't mean that you go and do it.

The parks, with the exception of major holidays, hardly ever fill to capacity. Why build a new park when you can't fill the one's that you currently have?

The 4 existing parks have too much areas needed for improvement and they have the land within those parks to do that expansion and improvement.

EPCOT alone has 1 major pavilion in FW that needs to be filled with a new attraction and I can think of two others that need a major, major update. The Studios....the poor studios....with the exception of a few attractions the park overall was built on the quick and has struggled to find it's true identity.

Way too much work to be done to even be looking a new gate here in Florida.

A coupls of questions for you my friend:

You say they are building/have built new resorts: Where?? Saratoga and Pop were the last two resorts to be built and the DVC expansions we see happening are a part of resorts already in existence.

Blue prints: Have yoiu seen these personally???

Where is the ground clearing?? Disney typically starts to clear the land two years in advance of any construction. Please do not say WEstern Beltway as this is not a park going in there....atleast the hints dropped to me by sister did not indicate a new park.

When I said new resorts I'm referring to the DVC at the Contemporary Resort etc..

Ground clearing? No clue.

Blue Prints? they've been done for a while and modified - and no I have not seen them. I'm sure that at least a few others on this board know what I'm talking about.
Refurbs & Rehabs - Just because we thing something needs to be fixed or changed doesn't mean Disney does. Don't forget we're more hard-core than Disney itself.


Well-Known Member
I have to reiterate myself and go along with the others that are on here. Just because you have the land and the money doesn't mean that you go and do it.

The parks, with the exception of major holidays, hardly ever fill to capacity. Why build a new park when you can't fill the one's that you currently have?

The 4 existing parks have too much areas needed for improvement and they have the land within those parks to do that expansion and improvement.

EPCOT alone has 1 major pavilion in FW that needs to be filled with a new attraction and I can think of two others that need a major, major update. The Studios....the poor studios....with the exception of a few attractions the park overall was built on the quick and has struggled to find it's true identity.

Way too much work to be done to even be looking a new gate here in Florida.

A coupls of questions for you my friend:

You say they are building/have built new resorts: Where?? Saratoga and Pop were the last two resorts to be built and the DVC expansions we see happening are a part of resorts already in existence.

Blue prints: Have yoiu seen these personally???

Where is the ground clearing?? Disney typically starts to clear the land two years in advance of any construction. Please do not say WEstern Beltway as this is not a park going in there....atleast the hints dropped to me by sister did not indicate a new park.

1. The parks almost never fill to capacity.

THANK GOD FOR THIS! People would walk away from the Disney experience with a negative attitude! Can you imagine if there wasn't a "slow time" and the lines for attractions were at max? I, for one, wouldn't want to go and deal with it...and I think Disney realizes this...sure, the money would flow in but the spread of negative "word of mouth" would eventually hurt them. (People waiting in long lines aren't spending money). If they held out on building a new park based on the parks not filling to capacity...then they never would've built MGM or the Animal Kingdom. They needed MGM to put them back on the map because everybody had "been-there-done-that." If you keep the same parks for the rest of the're mainly going to be drawing in locals. (Look at 6 Flags, Universal, and Disneyland). Universal wouldn't draw in more "out-of-towners" than locals if it wasn't for the big guy down the street. Disneyland brought out a new park to get more "out of towners" through the gates...and 6 many people across the pond come over just to visit a 6 Flags?

2. Epcot pavilions.

I definitely agree that the current parks need more TLC before another gate opens up...and MGM is the front runner in my book...with Epcot coming in at a close second. MGM lost it's theme...I can't find one anywhere I look. It's not a "theme park"'s a "park." What does the Rock n Rollercoaster have to do with movie-making or movies...other than it's a rollercoaster through Hollywood? They need to completely overhaul this park and break it down into "lands" where each land could be a movie genre.

Wonders of Life is so sad sitting there...and, last week while I was there, I heard more than one guest say, "Why is this always closed when we're here?" There is no excuse for leaving vacant lots like that. Next on the list is Universe of Energy. I hadn't been on it in years...and I decided to ride is the purpose of this? They should call this the "Universe of Energy" sponsored by Ny-Quil. The daytime snoring, boring, awful, aching, throbbing feet, fever, so you can rest pavilion.
Imagination is number 3. on the back-section of World Showcase because there is no way you can get pre-teeners to have a good time back there when all of the rides are up front.

3. New Resorts.

Maybe not new resorts...but definitely new rooms...they're adding more rooms for a reason. More people on property...the more crowded the parks get...the bigger need for either 1. park expansion or 2. new gate.

Now, don't get me wrong, fix the problems with the parks they have now...but I really don't see a major park expansion to one or more parks or...another gate THAT far off in the future (I'd say 3-5 years).

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