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  1. LizziePooh

    Embarrassing Disney Stories!

    LOL. I love this dad used to do the same thing with the characters when I was a kid. We actually have him on tape calling Mickey "Sir". :ROFLOL:
  2. LizziePooh

    Is November the Forgotten Month

    I hope your theory is right. I have a trip schedule November 1-8. But I've already heard, especially on these boards, that there aren't really any "slow" seasons anymore. It's like the secret's out, everyone now knows when the slow periods are, and that's when they plan their trip. I would...
  3. LizziePooh

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Just booked the trip a few days ago...212 days...ugh, its gonna go by soooo slooooow....
  4. LizziePooh

    Port Orleans In January

    We stayed at POFQ in January and booked the trip around the last week of July. I don't know if you can book any earlier than that for the following year. :wave:
  5. LizziePooh

    One item to eat/drink from each world showcase country?

    here's a few of my favorites: school bread in Norway *sake tasting in Japan* champagne in France wine flights in Germany/France/Italy
  6. LizziePooh

    When Was This Playground Taken Out?

    I have a videotape that my dad took in 1987 of my sister and I playing in that playground. Ahh, memories. :)
  7. LizziePooh

    Annual Pass vs. AAA rates

    Wow, I've had AAA for years, and only a few days ago found out about these discounts! I could have saved so much money! :hammer: :cry: I have a question though, and I dont know if this has already been discussed, so I hope I'm not repeating a question. In order to use the AAA discount, can I...
  8. LizziePooh

    Best Times / Crowd Levels Discussion Thread

    Anyone know how crowded it is the first week in November? I'm in the process of planning our next trip right now, and I'm looking at that week. When we went in September 2004, it was EMPTY. Of course, this was in between two hurricanes, and also before free dining, so I know it's much different...
  9. LizziePooh

    Not So Magic Kingdom question

    This isn't a new thing. I remember having to exit this way on a trip in March 1996...It was crazy crowded that night.:eek:
  10. LizziePooh

    WDWMagic Facebook Group?

    i just joined! :wave:
  11. LizziePooh

    worst ride to be all alone on..

    I did Dinosaur alone once, and it scared the bejesus out of me. Seriously :eek:. It reminded me of nightmares I had as a child. I do NOT recommend actually riding one of these alone...:lookaroun
  12. LizziePooh

    New Spaceship Earth narrator offically confirmed by Disney

    I am so excited to hear this. I think she has a perfect "narrator" voice. :xmas:
  13. LizziePooh

    January Roll call........when are you going??

    January 17-22 @ Port Orleans French Quarter!:sohappy:
  14. LizziePooh

    has anyone ever had really incorrect dreams about the world?

    Oh my god, I have these dreams way too often, and even more often when I have a trip coming up. The park is always different in every dream, but it is never looks like the real place. In the dreams, I am always so excited about going to the park, but once I'm there I'm just disappointed because...
  15. LizziePooh

    What is your favorite? 3 Reasons Why

    I'm going to have to go with WL because: 1. The location - even though it's not a monorail resort, we were still close enough to everything that the bus rides were pretty short 2. The lobby - we spent a lot of time just lounging around in the lobby, with the music and the water and...
  16. LizziePooh

    Who is going in January 2008?

    I'll be there in January! Staying the 17th to the 22nd at POFQ!:D
  17. LizziePooh

    Creepiest disney world animatronic.

    There are a bunch of AAs that creeped me out when I was a kid, but I think the winner is the musician in the renaissance scene in Spaceship Earth, the one with the blond hair playing the guitar-looking thing. I don't even know why, but that one just scared the crap out of me when I was little...
  18. LizziePooh

    Mid January crowds?

    We'll be there the 17th-22nd!! We'll be there MLK weekend, but from what I've read, the crowds still shouldn't be awful. :shrug:
  19. LizziePooh

    Favorite Disney World Show.

    I definitely have to choose the Modern Marvels special. I even bought the DVD of it. And since the Travel Channel finally updated their older WDW shows, I think the Animal Kingdom one is my fav. They do a whole segment on the Finding Nemo musical, and since I'm a musical theatre geek, I totally...
  20. LizziePooh

    where would you like to get stuck

    Ohh, for me it's definitely Spaceship Earth, going backwards at the end. It's actually become kind of a tradition for my fam to get stuck there at least once on each happens everytime! Getting stopped there now reminds me of when it would happen when I was a kid. Actually, during my...
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