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  1. S

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    :wave:54 Days
  2. S

    First time at All Star

    My two cents is that POP is the best of the values. Newest, largest, and hs 3 pools. My dad (67 years old) said POP is like a mini vegas with activity all the time. We like Vegas so it was perfect for us.
  3. S

    What makes Disney Special?

    I am blogging about this question this week on my website so feel free to check it out and I wondered what you guys' answers would be.
  4. S

    Favorite Club Cool Soda

    We love Mezzo Mix so much we try to make it with Coke and Fanta sometimes.
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    The best disney guide book

    It depends on what season you are going in also. Overall the Unofficial Guide is the best. If you have to travel during any of the peak seasons (Spring Break, summer, or Christmas I have to give a shameless plug to the upcoming book I authored: Walt Disney World Peak Seasons: Maximizing your...
  6. S

    No Tortuga Restaurant After All?

    that is too bad b/c that would have been a very cool restaurant.
  7. S

    How many points do you have?

    We have 110 at AKV and 160 at SSR.
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    Why are we fans?

    I think there are plenty who just "get" Disney and love it, but dont realize that there are message boards out there. I didnt know until after my first few trips to the World.
  9. S

    What is your favorite? 3 Reasons Why

    I am curious as to everyone's favorite resort and why? I'll start. Mine is AKL Reasons Why: We love the atmosphere- We are animal lovers so it is a natural for us. Theming- We enjoy the subtle touches of this resort. The theming is done so well that you have a hard time believing you were...
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    Annual Pass?

    we are AP holders and believers in them. We live in Illinois so we can only go during the peak seasons and it has been well worth it for us.
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    Updates all around

    Thanks for the updates
  12. S

    Park update! Please Read!

    AKV if you are near there. HAve fun!!!
  13. S

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    76 days for us.
  14. S

    WDW Wildlife

    We have seen a few small snakes and wild turkeys as well. Its really weird to view the turkeys on the side of the road.
  15. S

    Spring break crowds

    Check out my site as I have some info that can help you in navigating the peak seasons like spring break. HAve a great time.
  16. S

    How many Disney Guide books do you own?

    How many Disney guide books(Unofficial, Birnbaum's etc..) do you own? As a follow up are there any that you buy each year, or each new edition no matter what?
  17. S

    Advice for UK Visitors (Don't wear tops at Disney)

    WOW! Yeah I can see how they would be upset, just by glancing at it.
  18. S

    Christmas Wishes question?

    yes they only show the Holiday Wishes for MVMCP
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    What to do?...

    As sad as this is to say, but you leave them. GO on your way and tell them, you will meet them later. Easiest way to do it.
  20. S

    Souvenirs you purchased on your last WDW trip...

    We always seem to get a new tshirt every trip.
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