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    spaceship earth scorched!?

    if it is lightning, its odd that this is the first time SSE has been hit by lighting (or atleast had a "burn" mark) i mean, the thing is what, 180 ft tall and i know has some kind of metal in it. Its just odd this hasn't happened before... :veryconfu
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    Iron Kingdom?!?

    ok thanks for input guys. maybe i can ask it this way..... what will be the next BIG!! thing built at WDW, maybe a big addition, or hotel. i dont mean like a ride, i mean a big plan for expansion... any thoughts/rumors/ideas
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    Iron Kingdom?!?

    by the way, what is Celebration???? and what project are they talking about south of it???
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    Iron Kingdom?!?

    i was reading about this and it seems this maybe a pollisbilty along with the Persian actullay being built. it said that the Iron kingdom would be a 5th gate and would be to the east of MK. the proposed Iron Kingdom would be a "evil mirror" image of MK. it would geared to appeal to young adults...
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    Rumor about 20K Space

    any links about Fire Mountain or Bald mountain?? where would that go?? to the north east of Fantsyland and bordering north TTF fair would be good, and take down Aerials Grotto, just a thought i think they should put an indoor trill attraction for the 20K space. - maybe a "jimmy nuetron"...
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    Are they ever going to build...

    wow, thanks for info everyone. about the Persian and Mediterrainian, are there any books with these hotels mentioned and/or modeled?? i have "Since The World Began", which only mentions Asian and Venitian, and it shows the Asian being built half way in between where GF an MK sit today. it also...
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    Are they ever going to build...

    the proposed Asian Hotel. It was proposed for Phase One of WDW. It was to be located on the western edge of Seven Seas Lagoon. Anyone heard any rumors if they are going to build it??? and did they ever build the Venician(spelling?) Resort? if so where is/was it? thanks alot
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    Golden Age of the Magic Kingdom?

    well, in books ive read, one of Walt's main emphasis was timelessness. He wanted there never to be a differance of time when you went. he always wanted you to feel young. And as im explaining this I relize that it makes no since in my last post to mention this :hammer: , so please ignore it. :lol:
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    Golden Age of the Magic Kingdom?

    guess it seems that the emphasis of "Timelessness" isnt working as great as you would think. i love Disney world now, never been before June 2003, but have been there 4 times since, i love it.
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    WDW from space

    maaaaybe it did roll over and they flashed everyone at the park a la MIB style :lookaroun lol, jk, but i thought i was going crazy BTW is the Micky hand still at SSE?? or did they take it down? and when did they first put it up?? i personally dont like it, i wish they didnt add the...
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    WDW from space

    maaaaybe it did roll over and they flashed everyone at the park a la MIB style :lookaroun lol, jk, but i thought i was going crazy BTW is the Micky hand still at SSE?? or did they take it down? and when did they first put it up?? i personally dont like it, i wish they didnt add the...
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    WDW from space

    Coffee.. how come in the Epcot photo, SSE looks like its going to roll of the left side the park??? or is it supposed to be lop-sided
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    Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo

    what is ironic, that out of all the attractions at MK, that the one that was supposed to be dressed up like it was huanted, actually is. like i said before, it looks like the young kid is dressed in a suit and tie, like what someone would wear to church or a funeral, why would anyone, let...
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    The perfect Disney Day

    all im lookin for is no breakdown, short wait line and 65 degrees average... im not picky :animwink:
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    Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo

    WHOA! that is pretty eerie, i have goosebumps. but here is a thought, lets say that is in fact Little Boy Wonder and he is in that buggy. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT SAT THERE FOR THE RIDE!!! o man, they had a real ghost sitting next to them, now that is freaky. if u look at the kid closly...
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    RSoxNo1's Thanksgiving Update

    alright guys, thinks for the help good to be aboard :D
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    RSoxNo1's Thanksgiving Update

    :wave: hi everyone, im pretty new here and i wanted to post on this topic im 16 and love goin to WDW, its great. me, my mother and my two sisters (5 & 3) went on Thanksgiving day. we live in Jacksonville so it was an easy trip on Thanksgiving night we had FPs to Big Thunder Mountain and...
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    Lagoon Replacement!!!

    well, since where 20k was, u could argue its on the boarder of ToonTown and Fantsyland. that area when i was there, i didnt even know 20k was there(ignorance, lol) maybe they should do like a Bumper Boat thing or maybe even a start of a new themed area(wishful thinking). they have no rides in...
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    Best resort under $100??

    thanks everyone i really like the idea of the fort wilderness cabin. just, do u know if is like a hotel room, just, well a cabin. and if it helps the people in my family going are my mother(parent paying), me(16, and my two little sisters (3 & 4) just if i could have a link or something where...
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    Best resort under $100??

    just an opinion question. me and my family r going to only MK and i would like a few tips on a good Disney resort. just has to have bus transpertaion or maybe by monirail. Any tips will be appreciated
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