The perfect Disney Day

Jaws Theme

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Original Poster
If you were to have the perfect Day at Walt Disney World...

What would it be like?

What resort would you be wake up at? Which attractions would you go on? Where and what would you eat? How would it end? Who would you be with?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
A day with long hours, light crowds, no break downs, no hurricanes or other weather disruptions, no rude families, and all on ride photos are good ones.

Not asking for much really. :)


Active Member
Waking up at the Poly with a castle room view. Then off to MGM for Hollywood & Vine Minnie's Starlet Character Breakfast. (I know they don't do that anymore but you said perfect day.) Wander around MGM for awhile getting in the Hot Seat at Millionaire with rides on all the other majors, then off to the Poly for a swim. Shower then change for dinner at the Castle and then spend the rest of the evening (it's an E-ride night) enjoying the lights, sounds, smells and fun at the MK.

Jacks Sally

New Member
longfamily said:
Are you kidding me? Every day at Disney is perfect!!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

I totally agree :)

I just got back and we had a few days
of colder weather and light sprinkles
in the morning a few heavy lines in the
afternoon but still.... :D perfect

again! again! I wanna go again :)


New Member
I will need a good part of the day to write all of this.

Are we assuming that there are no time restrictions, meaning how long it takes to do all of this does not matter? I hope that makes sense.


New Member
The perfect day:

I wake up at CR, in the tower (MK side), and go to breakfast at Ohana. Then I go to the Palm Golf Course for a round of golf. I leave the golf course, and go to the Plaza on Main Street for a reuben sandwhich. After lunch I ride CoP, the People Mover, and the mountains. I then go to dinner at Le Cellier at Epcot, after dinner, I ride SSE and the original Journey Into Imagination. I also have a Mickey Premium Bar for dessert. I go back to MK, riding up front in the Monorail the entire way, for Wishes and Spectro. I have an ice cream sandwhich from the Main Street Bakery while taking in the festivities. I leave for the California Grille for drinks. I then take the party downstairs, and close down the Outer Rim. The night ends sitting in the hot tub relaxing with a cigar.

Again, this is a fantasy because there is not enough time in the day to do all of these things. I am allowed to dream though.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Let's see... I wake up with Carl at the AK Lodge, Savannah view of course. It is just about sunrise and a little crisp outside. We go downstairs and have breakfast at Boma, I have some coffee from Kenya. We head off to DAK and spend some time around the Oasis and Discovery Island taking some great pictures of the animals. We go off to safari and all the animals are active and happy. We see both baby elephants and the lions are active. Off to FOLK to and see a top notch performances, I cry during "Can you feel the love tonight" and "Circle of Life". It's time for Jammin' Jungle we get a seat toward the back of the park where it's quiet and shady.

After our trip to DAK we go back to our room sit in the spa with a glass of red wine. Then we go to MK for Philharmagic,CoP, Country Bears, and Jungle Cruise. We stay for Spectromagic and catch the Kiss Goodnight. We end our evening at DAK Lodge at the fireplace with cocktails.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Pixie Duster said:
Let's see... I wake up with Carl at the AK Lodge, Savannah view of course. It is just about sunrise and a little crisp outside. We go downstairs and have breakfast at Boma, I have some coffee from Kenya. We head off to DAK and spend some time around the Oasis and Discovery Island taking some great pictures of the animals. We go off to safari and all the animals are active and happy. We see both baby elephants and the lions are active. Off to FOLK to and see a top notch performances, I cry during "Can you feel the love tonight" and "Circle of Life". It's time for Jammin' Jungle we get a seat toward the back of the park where it's quiet and shady.

After our trip to DAK we go back to our room sit in the spa with a glass of red wine. Then we go to MK for Philharmagic,CoP, Country Bears, and Jungle Cruise. We stay for Spectromagic and catch the Kiss Goodnight. We end our evening at DAK Lodge at the fireplace with cocktails.
That is a perfect day spending it at AKL, AK and MK. The only thing I would add for my wife and I. Stop to see Tarzan and spend some time on our balcony watching the Giraffe's enjoy a midnight snack. Another option: Watch thunderstorm move through while sitting on the balcony.

I was planning on staying at Boadwalk next year. After reading your post, I'm now considering returning to AKL. Your post brought back wonderful memories of DW and I last trip to AKL.


New Member
all snuggy in the queen size bed at the Carribean Beach Resort..My Prince Charming sawing logs next to me :lol: ....dreaming of mickey bars and churro's :slurp: ...... Our favorite mouse waking me up via phone call.....quickly roll out of bed....put on my swimsuit and head on over to the pool for a swim and some rays...... head back to the room, shower then head out to Epcot....Ride SSE, TT, UofE...Have a quick lunch at The Land...... Walk around WS lagoon, have a margarita in one hand and a churro in the other :slurp: ....... Leave Epcot by 5pm....head over to MK.....Ride all mountains, TTA, Peter pan, COP, POC, find my usual spot for Tinkerbell and Fireworks (inbetween Tomarrowland and Mainstreet USA) ........Finish the night off at PI....(ah the 2 dollar drafts),......Come back to the hotel take a nice bath, put jamies and slippers on ......walk to the Food Court and fill up my mug......back to the room, turn on the disney for a wake up with the mouse.....relax.....sleep......

:cry: :cry: :cry: ....i want to go NNNNNNNOOOOOOOWWWWWWW


Well-Known Member
Ok, we're going to stretch reality here, but you did say the ideal day.
Which means no lines.
Up at 7 at Wilderness Lodge or Grand Floridian. At Animal Kingdom by 8, wearing t-shirt over bathing suit to ride Kali River Rapids (it used to open when the park opened). Would ride through about 6 times without getting off. Then into the nearest rest room to change into dry clothes and head to Dinosauer.
Off to Disney-MGM Studios by 9:30, hitting Voyage of Little Mermaid, Great Movie Ride and Star Tours in quick secession. (My wife won't ride the tower or the rockin roller coaster, but that's okday)
Lunch at Sci-Fi Drive-In, then off to Epcot.
Body Wars and Cranium Command, followed by Mission Space and Test Track. A half-dash around the world to catch the Maelstrom and the Voices of Liberty, then back to Spaceship Earth.
It's late afternoon now and we're off to the Magic Kingdom. We stop by the Outer Rim at the Contemporary for gin and tonics and heavy snack, then on to the park. Fortunately, the park is open till Midnight. We open with Timekeeper, Buzz Lightyear and the Carosel of Progress. Then we whip by Mickey's Philharmagic and the newly opened It's a Small World. Next comes the Hall of Presidents and the Haunted Mansion. A stop by the Country Bears is followed by the Enchanted Tiki Room, the Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean. A quick trip around Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the closing on Splash Mountain.
Followed by the midnight run of The Main Street Electrical Parade!!! (I said I was dreaming)
Finally, a hot dog from Casey's and back to the hotel.
We won't be doing this again tomorrow.


Active Member
My perfect day...

Wake up at the BoardWalk. Get a quick bite for breakfast. Head off to AK and ride the KS and see the animals getting a bite for breakfast. Next ride dinosaur and catch ITTBAB. Grab lunch from the RF Cafe. Now its off to MGM. First ride TGMR, then off to RnR and ToT. Now off to MK. Ride the mountains, COP, TTA, and Buzz. Qiuck stop at the Eporium for a couple of gifts. Then head to EPCOT. Ride SE, TT, and M2M. Get dinner at Coral Reaf, then catch Illumations. Now its off to DowntownDisney. Spend a little time in DisneyQuest. Do a little shopping in the MarketPlace. Head back the BoardWalk and get a drink at the ESPNClub. After a late SportsCenter head back to the room for a good nights rest and do it all again tomorrow.

General Grizz

New Member
I wake up at the Contemporary North building, take a stroll, and visit the Magic Kingdom's early 7 AM opening (because the park opens at 8 again). Taking a stroll down to the Magic Kingdom with the Grizzly Clan, we notice Astro Orbiter's planets are spinning again. Grizz faints and awakens in the Country Bear Jamboree.

He then rushes to Tomorrowland, and behold! The planets are spinning! Furthermore, Carousel of Progress has been updated, swivel chairs have been installed in Timekeeper, and Sonny Eclipse is playing away. He is now at piece and celebrates on a ride at Space Mountain.

The Enchanted Tiki Room has been modified to exclude Iago, and Grizz faints again. He then awakens (courtesy of the once-again $120 park hoppers) to Epcot, where Wonders of Life and the Land have been given brand new rehabs that promote their original essences. He films the refurbished Cranium Command to post on the WDWMagic forums. He then strolls to the Imagination pavilion, to see Dreamfinder back with a sign in front of the attraction that says, "Imagination is finally set free;" the attraction is closed, but Dreamfinder delights Epcot guests. He then goes to catch the Voices of Liberty at the American Adventure. Spaceship Earth has also been updated. Grizz is once again at peace with Epcot.

He then celebrates with the Grizzly Clan with Illuminations! Reflections of Earth at 9pm, heads back to the Magic Kingdom at 10 to see Wishes! and spends the evening with Fantasyland dark rides, Astro Orbiter, and gathers at 11 in front of Harper's Mill in Frontierland to see the return of the Main Street Electrical parade. After an evening showing of the Country Bear Jamboree, he goes over to the Diamond Horseshoe to see the building closed off with a sign signalling the return of the players.

The Grizz clan skips over the Haunted Mansion, finds Zac (Main Street USA) taking photos of Little Boy Wonder, then realizes the park is about to close at 1 am! It's a chilly October night, so the walk down Main Street USA to the goodbye tunes of the Dapper Dans.

All on a beautiful morning. . . :D


Active Member
Jaws Theme said:
If you were to have the perfect Day at Walt Disney World...

What would it be like?

What resort would you be wake up at? Which attractions would you go on? Where and what would you eat? How would it end? Who would you be with?

Are you kidding? I could wake up in the gutter on Mainstreeet with cotton candy stuck in my hair and it would still be a perfect WDW day. :lol:

Otherwise I would wake up early in either the WL or CBR and enjoy the first light of the day, spend the day at any of the parks, watch the fireworks over the Castle, and spend time with my daughters while they try to get their best pin trade in DTD. Can't wait! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
DisneyRoxMySox's Perfect day....

I would wake up in the WL, courtyard view, at 6 in the morning and raise the flags at WL. (that's so cool and it has excellent views) Go down to the
Roaring Fork fill up my refillable mug with fruit punch and grab a muffin, a chocolate chip muffin. Hop on the first
bus to AK.(Which opened early that day.)

There I would ride KS and see It's Tough to be a Bug. When the rest of the park opened,
Dino, Kali and the coaster in C&H Dinorama, What's it called ? From there I would take a
bus to BB.

There I would play both courses of mini-golf. From there I would go to back to the hotel
and wake up my sister. From there we would go to Epcot.

There I would go on MS, TT and SE. Look around in innovations and head over to
Soarin', walk around the WS ride the Maelstrom and stop at the restaurant in China for
sweet & sour chicken :slurp: . Then we will go to MGM.

There I will ride Tot and RnC. See Millionaire three times in a row and Muppets and have
dinner at the Brown Derby. Then we will go the MK.

Since the park is open to 11 and it's e-night, we decide to see some characters and go on
JC and rides not open during e-night. Watch Wishes from Main Street and head to Space
Mt., ride that 4 times in a row. Own my family in Buzz and head to AL stop at El Pirate Y
El Perico for a taco salad :slurp: ride SM and BTM each twice and then ride HM.

Since the pool at the WL is open to 3am, I think with no life guard, I 'll go float in the
pool until it closes. Then sleep until 9 and go on the Speed Boats, you can't fit it all into
one day !!!!

This whole time will be spent with my family, with no waits over 20 minutes or any break
downs, or fighting :lookaroun .

But really, any day in Disney is perfect. You're in Disney.

I have no intentions of proof reading this as I need to go grab a glass of water! :wave:

P.S. Im sure I forgot things too!! :p


Account Suspended
Well............ here it goes:
I wake up at OKW and eat QUICK breakfast with Indy 95, Testtrack 321, and Indy's brother, in prep. for our early entry into the Magic Kingdom. We are out the door @ 7:15 PERFECTLY TIMED!!!! We arrive via WDW bus @ the Magic Kingdom @ 7:35 and wait patiently until they open the gates @ 8:00. We then SPRINT!!! over to Space Mountain and ride it multipul times with no line, whie getting a FP for 9:00 in between the rides. Of couse, on SM me, Indy 95, and Testtrack 321 perform our infamous SCARE TACTICS!!!!!!:lol: Then after a few rides on SM @ 9:00 we head over to meet our familes and then collectively head over the Splash Mountain for a quick ride w/ no line of couse. Then we head over to BTM for a quick ride and then over to POTC and Jugle Cruise and are through all of those rides by 10:05!!! We then head over to SM to use our FP's. After one last ride on SM we depart from the MK and take the monorail to the TTC and switch over to the Epcot monrail.

We arrive @ Epcot at 10:45 and immediately head over to Test Track for FP's and then over to Mission:Space for at least a couple rides, while of course resiting the ENTIRE PRESHOW each time and Jeff doing his Mo impression during the preshow. We then head over to Test Track to use our FP's for a quick ride and then by 12:15 we head over to Le Cellier for a HEAVY LUNCH!!!!! After lunch it is aprox. 1:00 so we head back to OKW for a quick rest. Then by 3:00 we are out the door in our rental car on our way to MGM!!!!

When we arrive in the MGM lot we of course are directed to the back of the lot eventhough there are 100's of open spaces up front so we say: "We are just going to drop someone off" Ha ha ha !!!! And take a parking spot right in the front row. HA HA HA SUCKERS!!!!! We enter the MGM gates @ 3:15 and head over to Rockin Rollercoaster for a FP and then head over to Who Wants to be a Millionair for a show. And on the Fastest Figure question I finally get on the SHOW!!!! I get all 15 questions right without using a lifeline (because I'm a genious :lol: ) and win the cruise, the jackets, and so on!!!! After my winning we head over to Tower of Terror and are supprised to find that there is only a 10 min. wait. After Tower of Terror, we go to Rockin to use our FP and get on within 10 min. By now it is 6:00 so we head over to 50's Prime Time Cafe for Dinner. We go right to our table without waiting and are finished eating @ 6:45 we then go over to Muppets 3-D and catch a show. Then we go over to Tower of Terror by 7:30 and ride it and Rockin Rollercoster until we get in line for the 10:30 Fantasmic show. We get in line @ 10:00 and are able to sit in the middle of the stadium (perfect seats)

After Fantasmic we go to the Beach Club ( for a quick swim because the pool is open till midnight eventough it never is) and after swimming we sit down inside of Beaches and Cream and devour the KITCHEN SINK!!!!!! Then we go back to OKW and go to sleep by 1:00. Then wake up the next mourning @ 7:00:brick: !!!!!


New Member
Hey, you know with me and Joe we'll be out by 7:15 on the dot every day! :lol:

I have to confess that I have already experienced "perfect Disney days." (Mostly at Disneyland, but a few at WDW). So, with a nod to General Grizz, here is my "fantasy" perfect day at WDW (I'm an adrenaline freak, so this is basically one ride after the other):

Animal Kingdom opens at 6 am, as usual! (Old reliable, gotta love those animals!) We head straight for Beastlie Kingdomme and ride Dragon Tower, then head straight for Everest. Get a FASTPASS for the Safaris and fly to The Excavator, Countdown to Extinction, Tiger Rapids Run, Discovery River Boats, and finally the two other "Beastlie" attractions: The Unicorn maze and the Fantasia Gardens boat ride.

For lunch, it's off to Epcot, and Mission: Space! We ride the greatest ride ever (darn you Pressler), and watch the hours fly by on the asteroid base, eating quite an appetizing lunch on the deck of the space station. Then, it's a tour of Future World: Test Track (Singles Line, of course), the new Science pavilion, and the old Land and Imagination pavilions, followed by quick stops at the Little Mermaid-themed Living Seas and the newly renovated (and updated) Spaceship Earth.

We look at our watch, and it's time for dinner! But this has to be a "perfect day," so it has to be a special, expensive, and overall awesome dinner! So we walk to MGM! And just like always, the Supper Club awaits us on Sunset Boulevard. Of course, after dinner we can't go on a fast-moving ride, so it's the Muppet Movie Ride for us! Follow that up with MuppetVision, Star Tours, and the Great Movie Ride before we get to the "Big Three" right as evening dawns: Tower of Terror, D. Tracy's Crimestoppers, and Indiana Jones: Temple of the Crystal Skull! And shall we cap off a day at MGM with the 9 o'clock Fantasmic? Of course, we HAVE to see the Nautilus in action again!

Finally, we HAVE to get down to MK for E-Ride night (from 11-2)! We have three hourse, so we hit the big guns: Alien Encounter (the original version, of course), Space Mountain, Buzz, Big Thunder, Splash, and we finally end with a marathon run on Fire Mountain!

Just don't expect us to get up until next Saturday! :D

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