Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo


Well-Known Member
bbll24 said:
You people are crazy. There are no such things as ghosts, and there definitely aren't any real ghosts in HM. I am a Christian and I believe you either go to Heaven or Hell, you don't just hang around here. You "ghost hunters" need to get a life and do something better with your time.

You know having a closed mind doesn't help you get anywhere.


New Member
I am as well as a christian (but im not gonna sit here a throw all of my religious beliefs at you because this isnt the place to do so). I don't believe in ghosts (i believe, just as someone has stated before, that you dont roam on earth after dying) but i do find this photo pretty disturbing. I personally cant ride HM because last time i rode i got off of the ride and felt very sick to my stomach (i almost threw up) and was pratically crying (why? I don't know) because something in my spirit-man didnt feel right. This may sound stupid but i believe that this was because something un-worldly is inside the HM and after seeing this photo i believe that this may be the very thing (or something very similar) that bothered me. I will try to mess around with the photo and try to figure out what this thing is.


New Member
Tahu said:
THat's really creepy. I know what we have to do!
Who we gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!
I doubt they'd come. Universal owns the theme park rights to the Ghostbusters. But who knows? Ever since they closed down the Spooktacular, the boys in grey may have some extra time on their hands.

"The Ghostbusters Go to Walt Disney World" - a new Promotional Special

...actually, doesn't sound like a bad idea. Disney just has to buy the rights.


Well-Known Member
matt88mph said:
I doubt they'd come. Universal owns the theme park rights to the Ghostbusters. But who knows? Ever since they closed down the Spooktacular, the boys in grey may have some extra time on their hands.

"The Ghostbusters Go to Walt Disney World" - a new Promotional Special

...actually, doesn't sound like a bad idea. Disney just has to buy the rights.
Well, the old Ghostbusters are available. But the NEW Ghostbusters lip-synch on New York Street while Beetlejuice sings.

(Although, I bet they might enjoy going after a floating goat head more...)

Gail Hayden

New Member
DisneyFreak777 said:
I am as well as a christian (but im not gonna sit here a throw all of my religious beliefs at you because this isnt the place to do so). I don't believe in ghosts (i believe, just as someone has stated before, that you dont roam on earth after dying) but i do find this photo pretty disturbing. I personally cant ride HM because last time i rode i got off of the ride and felt very sick to my stomach (i almost threw up) and was pratically crying (why? I don't know) because something in my spirit-man didnt feel right. This may sound stupid but i believe that this was because something un-worldly is inside the HM and after seeing this photo i believe that this may be the very thing (or something very similar) that bothered me. I will try to mess around with the photo and try to figure out what this thing is.
I really don't know how to break this to you, but ghosts are considered un-wordly beings. Nothing stupid about the feeling. Just sorry you contradicted yourself in your post. :)


Well-Known Member
Zac, that one is awesome. And I agree with whoever said that we should have the next contest to try and recreate this picture. Let them wise guys show their expertise on field. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, it's not a ghost. Some person was probably looking at the people them. I've been able to do that to get a picture of friends in the buggy behind me. That face looks to me like a woman in her 40's. Someone should just recreate it so we can put it to rest ;).


Active Member
Ok Its hard to tell if its one or not.. ive brighten n darkin some of the pics..

Just Freaky.. :eek:

Pic Below





New Member
Can a couple of the locals get together and try to recreate this image on the ride? It would be interesting to see the results, even if done with a different camera.

Bigg Robb

New Member
what is ironic, that out of all the attractions at MK, that the one that was supposed to be dressed up like it was huanted, actually is.

like i said before, it looks like the young kid is dressed in a suit and tie, like what someone would wear to church or a funeral, why would anyone, let alone a kid that age, be wearing a suit and tie to Disney World???

LMAO at butt-hole/religion refrence, i was literally rolling on the floor :lol:


New Member
Testtrack321 said:
Got this from someone I sent the photo too about what they think and also any stories that the photo could pertain to....

While I know the respondee isn't well recieved on WDWMagic all the time, it's still interesting to read his opinion.

Too bad grown adults rarly do that type of thing and the "body language" is very child like. I looked at it in photoshop up close and from what I can tell its real and I have a degree in 3d Computer Animation. I even showed it to a few freinds of mine over at DNA productions (Jimmy Newtrons creators) and they agree, the pixels are not retouched in any way. (from just looking at it.) I am not one to speculate on ghosts, but the picture is authentic for what it's worth.


New Member
Hum grown adults rarly do that type of thing and the "body language" is very child like. I looked at it in photoshop up close and from what I can tell its real and I have a degree in 3d Computer Animation. I even showed it to a few freinds of mine over at DNA productions (Jimmy Newtrons creators) and they agree, the pixels are not retouched in any way. (from just looking at it.) I am not one to speculate on ghosts, but the picture is authentic for what it's worth.


Active Member
Bigg Robb said:
what is ironic, that out of all the attractions at MK, that the one that was supposed to be dressed up like it was huanted, actually is.

like i said before, it looks like the young kid is dressed in a suit and tie, like what someone would wear to church or a funeral, why would anyone, let alone a kid that age, be wearing a suit and tie to Disney World???
well, the legend goes that after the child was cremated, his mother sprinkled his ashes throughout the attraction, it is possible that there was a viewing service before cremation where the child's earthly body was dressed up like this
as to why your ghost would wear the clothes that your body was cremated in... i can't say


Well-Known Member
casualrdt said:
Too bad grown adults rarly do that type of thing and the "body language" is very child like.

Have you seen the manners on alot of the grown adults at Disney? You'd be surprised. And as for body language.. how in the world is it child like? How can you even get any useful body language out of a horribly pixelated monochromatic face? Everyone looks freaky when it's that dark. Have you ever watched Survivor footage when its the middle of the night?

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