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  1. Thiger

    you know you have an unhealthy disney obsession when

    When you know which ones are the best ride-through videos on Youtube and watch them constantly. (continued) You have watched all of the extinct attraction videos at least 20-30 times, esp the 3-part Horizons video and wish it was the mid-80's
  2. Thiger

    What was your first Disney ride ever and WHY???

    If You Had Wings. I think thats a part of why I loved it so much. I'd never seen such an amazing thing before and that was just the first ride! I vividly remember riding 20K after that, IASM then amazing sigh <still in triple digit mode>
  3. Thiger

    "Rockit" High-tech Coaster to be built at Universal Florida

    This ride looks amazing! You got to admit that there's a lot of exciting stuff going on over there. I think the customize your experience will prolly be more like a 'edit your own ride video' type thing being able to select multiple angles and using different theme music. Then they'll prolly...
  4. Thiger

    How much of the day do you spend thinking about something Disney?

    well put. These boards help take away the stress from work/winter/life etc. Lets just say that my alt+tab reflex is pretty fast (when the boss walks by etc)
  5. Thiger

    Homesick for Disney?

    Funny, my last trip was in Nov as well. The other day i was cleaning and I smelled 'the Land', it was weird but made me really homesick for wdw. I'm excited for going out for St Patty's day tonight but I would rather be going to the AC! The best smell at WDW is Space Mountain and always feel...
  6. Thiger

    Our Desire to Know..

    I am one of the crazy Lost fans, just as much as a crazy WDW fan and it was a pretty interesting read. Although I'm about 90% sure that I've figured out most things on Lost I still love it for the experience. Same with Disney. I know TSM is coming and what the ride will entail and that no...
  7. Thiger

    Tomorrowland Speedway drops Indy

    I would love to see either a NASCAR skinning or Cars skinning of this attraction and then seriously amping up the speed of these cars :)
  8. Thiger

    M:S idea

    or just on the screen themselves... I think they should have an "AI' pilot who kicks in when someone doesn't press the button...although they could make each ending more severe the more buttons you dont press...that would be interesting!!! hehehee >: )
  9. Thiger

    What odd memories do you have from childhood of WDW?

    a few memories of my earlier trips: -driving down and after seeing the sign for a Florida 'welcoming station' i looked at my brother and said, 'come on Mike, we've got welcoming to do!' -taking a really fun picture at Lafitte's Portrait Deck -riding IYHW a million times and after every ride...
  10. Thiger

    bad princess impersonators?

    Actually if you look around there are plenty of CMs who are from Mainland China. I ended up chatting with a handful of them around the parks. You would think that a Mulan would know at least the few basics...hello, goodbye, etc. No Mullets, never for me. But I did see some rather serious...
  11. Thiger

    bad princess impersonators?

    I had a really bad Mulan. Maybe I'm expecting too much but when I spoke Mandarin to her, she had no clue and secondly, she was white with eye make up to make her eyes look 'more asian'...which I found personally offsetting. It's not really her fault though, she was pleasant enough, just not...
  12. Thiger

    KUNGALOOSH! I went to the Adventurer's Club and...

    I like your style sir Kungaloosh!
  13. Thiger

    New Toy Story Mania Promo Clips

    That rope seems a bit odd Hope it works well! looks like a great ride!
  14. Thiger

    If you could imagineer any ride or attraction what would you build?

    That would be really cool you could have the top of the plan 'fly' basically like haunted mansion elevator. That would be a really fun ride.
  15. Thiger

    What if you CAN'T stay in the Cinderella Castle Suite?

    I'd personally postpone my flight back to stay in the suite wow i would love to stay there
  16. Thiger

    Disney Shivvers

    every time i start day dreaming at work I know i'm in la la land when i hear the 'yo ho yo ho'... shiver yes me timbers arrgh!
  17. Thiger

    Who's Who on WDWmagic

    great pic! that made my day and is truly what disney magic is all about :D
  18. Thiger

    If you could imagineer any ride or attraction what would you build?

    I would love to see a 'TRON' ride where you play the games and speed around in one of those cool bikes. I would like to see a 'Hercules' Rollarcoster that involves hills that are above ground (Mount Olympis) and then you fly underground ( with a full sized animatronic Hades). I've always...
  19. Thiger

    Pal Mickey - worth it?

    Thats why i think a virtual mickey on your cellphone / ipod or even DS would be so much better. Easier to update, very small in size and they could tack on like $5/day transmissions/downloads. I would rather have a pal tigger.
  20. Thiger

    Flash Photography

    I concur they really have to put the brakes on flash photos My brother hadn't been on POTC in 12 years and the first ride was filled w/ some guy taking photos. Its soo annoying and kills the entire magic of it.
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