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  1. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    So even if Orange County reaches the guidelines of under 5% for the rolling average before Mayor Demings holds the June 2nd presser, he’ll just keep the current mandates and not have a “breakthrough” announcement? That doesn’t seem right, considering he wrote that metric into the guidance. And...
  2. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    We only need to get under 5% for the rolling 14-day average though, and then the county will move to Phase 3. Demings made this clear at the presser today, and he said that would happen in the “very, very near future.”
  3. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Hmmm… so where is the breakdown that doesn’t include the rapid tests? The good news is that we now all know that the mayor will move to Phase 3 when the rolling 14-day average is under 5% as he clearly said it was 70% vaccinated OR the 5% at the presser today.
  4. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Watching Mayor Demings right now, and he’s saying that the rolling 14-day positivity rate is 5.2%. He said he should soon move to under 5% rolling average, which would then drop all mandates. I just thought the county had moved to under 5%- guess he had different numbers.
  5. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    Love that idea! I hope that Mayor Demings announces the county has moved to Phase 3; we have about one hour until his press conference. I would love for everyone to have a choice on whether they want to wear a mask or not during our vacation. 🤞
  6. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Also, Disney didn’t exactly go “over the top” with their new signage. It was pretty basic to be honest and looks very temporary to me. 🤷‍♀Also, the Mayor wanted to move to each Phase as the county hit it, so holding back on meeting Phase 2 until Phase 3 happened wouldn’t have worked.
  7. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes! You are correct that “and/or” means either condition can be met in order to move to Phase 3. Since the rolling 14-day average is under 5%, Phase 3 conditions have now been met, and I fully expect the mayor of Orange County to remove all restrictions tomorrow at the presser. Otherwise, he...
  8. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    That Mickey blog says, “Data from the Florida Department of Health shows that Orange County now has a 14-day rolling positivity rate of 4.44% – under the threshold of 5% set forth by the mayor to qualify Orange County to lift all mandates for mask wearing and physical distancing.”
  9. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Certainly, I don’t know what Disney will decide to do, but I watched the presser when the phases were discussed, and the “and/or” means both conditions are met “OR” one condition at least is met. I don’t think the mayor can go back on guidelines he made, and again, Disney is separate and can do...
  10. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Well, the thing is they put the “or” in there, so I’m guessing that is what they expected. A week or so ago, there was an article out where they acknowledged that the 5% rolling 14-day average would be met first. Mandates were never about waiting for kids to be vaccinated because many didn’t...
  11. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Oh boy. I actually think that Universal and Disney will move forward with optional masks. We will find out tomorrow when Mayor Demings holds his press conference. They moved fast when he announced Phase 2, and they helped draft these phases. Plus, from looking at the pics of the signs for...
  12. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    Yes! This is truly all I was hoping for— no outdoor masks. I’ll make sure to report back on the details of our trip and whether we get to ride Rise or not. 🤣 not counting on me being fast enough for that though.
  13. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    Hey. I just joined so I could discuss new updates in regards to Covid protocols at Disney. I had a perfectly magical trip planned for May of 2020- had already made our extra club level fast passes and had the most perfect dining. Then, Covid came out of nowhere. I remember being in the classroom...
  14. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I’m wondering if Mayor Demings will move Orange County to Phase 3 tomorrow at his press conference, dropping all Covid mandates. Since Disney and Universal helped draft the phases, I’m thinking they see this coming. I do believe it’s time for folks to make their own decisions in regards to what...
  15. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    When does Mayor Demings announce his press conferences, and does anyone know where to find the rolling 14-day average for Orange County? We have to be under 5% or very close. Cases in the US are way down, and I’m thinking Gottlieb was right when he said masks would be barely used by June. 😀
  16. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I think you’re right, and I actually think Disney and Universal worked with the Orange County Mayor to draft the phases. This means they have to know that Orange County is close to hitting that 5% rolling 14-day average. I saw that Dollywood and Silver Dollar City went with masks as optional for...
  17. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I don’t think vaccine passports or not matter at this point. We are in checkmate with the virus, and things are going very well between vaccines and natural infections. Cases and deaths are way down, and many experts predict an end to Covid mandates very soon. As Gottlieb stated, “it’s time to...
  18. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I posted an article of an interview with Scott Gottlieb who said masks would be gone by June pretty much everywhere because the case count is so low and the vaccines are so good. I posted the article link a little bit ago, but it’s awaiting moderator approval. Maybe because it was through Apple...
  19. Jlwise2021

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I would have been surprised by this too, but I just read an article of an interview with Scott Gottlieb who said he thought all masks mandates would be gone by June. He actually said in one to two weeks because the case count would be so low and the vaccines are so successful.
  20. Jlwise2021

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    This is interesting. Scott Gottlieb basically saying that in a “week or two, nobody will be wearing a mask” because the Covid case count will be so low.
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