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  1. goofyguy

    Which gives you better Disney memories?

    This is a bit of a thread drift, but a while back, my inlaws invited us over to watch their vacation videos. They were very proud of their new video camera and wanted us to see the tapes as soon as they got home. The first tape they wanted to show us was of their visit to IOA. Well apparently...
  2. goofyguy

    Schoolhouse Rock Attraction?

    My daughter and I were watching the Schoolhouse Rock DVD this weekend, and I got to thinking (a dangerous habit, I know) ... Now that Disney seems to control at least (some) of the rights to Schoolhouse Rock, would this make for a good attraction? Schoolhouse Rock may cover too many topics...
  3. goofyguy

    Which gives you better Disney memories?

    I prefer still pictures over video because when I video I spend the entire trip looking at everything through a viewscreen. It makes me feel disconnected from the trip, and therefore the memories the video evokes are not quite a good. Besides, I have my pictures in albums, on my walls, as...
  4. goofyguy

    Disney World wants Florida's fast train to bypass competition

    I don't really have a problem with Disney attempting to get the stop near them. I also wouldn't have a problem with Universal, Sea World, or Big Bob's Discount Stereos. It would be stupid for any business owner not to use their clout to try to get the station near them. That's what capitalism...
  5. goofyguy

    Doctors LIE!!

    No offense taken. I think my wife, who got to watch the whole procedure, was more traumatized me.
  6. goofyguy

    Doctors LIE!!

    A few months ago I injured my knee. In addition to tearing most of the ligaments, I also injured the nerve that runs down your leg to your foot. The doctors wanted to get an idea of exactly where the nerve damage occured, so they sent me to get a nerve conductivity test. This basically...
  7. goofyguy

    Does anyone have a pic of the crane?

    I should have a picture at home of the castle and crane from when they were refurbishing after removing the cake following the 25th Anniversary. I could just tell you it's a current picture. :D I'll see if I can find it, but to be honest, I was generally able to get an angle where the crane...
  8. goofyguy

    West Nile Virus

    Not to downplay the seriousness of West Nile, but there are many other mosquito borne illnesses that affect and kill more people every year than West Nile ... it just happens to be the "flavor of the month" because it's something new. In other words, you're no more at risk from dying after...
  9. goofyguy

    R C T 2: Screenshots!

    Although there appear to be some things missing, I think the second of the new screenshots is Six Flags over Texas. I haven't been in a few years, but I recognize the layout. I can't wait till this is released. I still obsessively play the first version.
  10. goofyguy

    "Why Michael Eisner Should be Fired"

    The Louse in the Mouse House Why Disney's Michael Eisner should be fired. By Daniel Gross These are dangerous days to be a media mogul. Vivendi just sent CEO Jean-Marie Messier to the guillotine, and Bertelsmann deposed CEO Thomas Middelhoff. At AOL Time Warner, once the biggest and...
  11. goofyguy

    Eisner - The Dyanistic Cycle

    I don’t have someone in mind, but what I think the company needs is someone passionate about Disney and the experience Disney provides. Most current CEOs (as we’ve seen in the news) are simply passionate about improving the bottom line (or at least the appearance of the bottom line). If you...
  12. goofyguy

    Walk to Toontown or take Train?

    If this weren't a first trip I'd say take the train. But nothing beats the look on your child's face the first time that get a good look at the castle. That's one of my favorite Disney memories, and I'd hate for you to miss out on it by taking the train.
  13. goofyguy

    Eisner - The Dyanistic Cycle

    That's odd. I was talking to a co-worker of mine (and former cast member) about exactly the same thing yesterday. Eisner was great for his time, but that time may have passed.
  14. goofyguy

    help getting paid

    I had a somewhat similar situation once. Luckily my wife works for a law firm (not a lawyer, but friends with many). She had one of her friends draft a very politely worded letter. Not only did I have my check the day after they received the letter, but they sent someone out to deliver it...
  15. goofyguy

    Announcements at Parks

    I don't know what all the possible conditions may be, but a current coworker of mine used to work in guest relations at Disneyland. She said she was able to get permission to make an announcement a couple of times for lost children. But these were occasions where the children were seperated...
  16. goofyguy

    If "Disney" were a color what would it be?

  17. goofyguy

    Poll on Bus Scheduling

    I think the current system if fine. And as someone mentioned earlier, there might be problems with having scheduled times if, for some reason, the bus couldn't arrive exactly as scheduled. I realize you have much more experience in this matter than I do, but my wife and I agree that the...
  18. goofyguy

    Virgin hand luggage

    No catapults?!?! :eek: How am I supposed to engage in my hobby of hurling large rocks across the countryside?
  19. goofyguy

    It's just depressing

    The radio station I listen to in the morning (while on my hour and a half commute to my boring job) is broadcasting from Disney World all week. I'm already tired of hearing them talk about all the fun things I'm not getting to do right now. There is my whine for today.
  20. goofyguy

    Why Do You Love Disney?

    When I was about six or seven years old, I went to WDW during its first couple of years. I don’t remember much about the trip at this point, but I do remember riding Mission to the Moon. After getting off this attraction, I absolutely KNEW, without a doubt, that I had been in a rocket ship...
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