help getting paid


Well-Known Member
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Okay, I give up. I'm a freelancer, and I work beyond "regularly" for a very large corporate newspaper. The problem? Accounts payable puts me on the bottom of the list. I didn't get paid at the beginning of July because of when the 4th fell.... The check I received after that was very small because they only paid me for one part. I called Monday to see what happened, and of course, everyone insists it didn't get to *her* desk until later, so.... Blah blah blah. They said the check will be cut Thursday, but it will be early next week before they mail it, meaning I won't receive it until late next week. I asked if they could pull the check and I'll drive out there and pick it up on Thursday rather than them mailing it so I have the cash when I leave for WDW this weekend....

Anyone who knows anything about accounting or collecting on this kind of thing, any suggestions for getting these people to cooperate? They said "maybe" they'll have it on Thursday.... They need it to be signed and blah blah blah and so on. They actually told me "We can't make a habit of this." I was so tempted to say, "Paying me on time? Obviously." I'm not asking for a handout--I'm asking to be paid for work I did a month ago!

I'm going to call accounts payable again, but I was hoping someone here might have a strategy for me....



Well-Known Member
Kick up a mighty big fuss! That might work!

(As long as you don't want to keep working for them.)

(Sorry I'm not much help.)


Account Suspended
According to my "Writing for Newspapers and Magazines for Dummies" thi is something that happens all the time in the business, and being persistent is the best you can do. As well as keeping goo records of what is owed, what is payed, and who got what and when.



Well-Known Member
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Thanks, guys. No, Tenchu, I do want to keep writing for them.

And thanks, Rob. I've been writing professionally for nine years, so I know all the rules about keeping track. That's not the problem here. I was just looking for a more persuasive argument than, "I have bills to pay, and I need a check today because this is for work I submitted a month ago." It's not like we don't have a longstanding relationship.

And it's true, Rob, that this is the way it goes in this business. Anyone who has been doing this for any length of time can tell you (sadly) it's to be expected.


Account Suspended
Cool duckie :)

I've always wanted to write myyself.. but never known what to write or who to submit to. Where would they really appreciate a well educated knowledge of theme parks, themed design, and the tourism industry?



Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by RobFL
Cool duckie :)

I've always wanted to write myyself.. but never known what to write or who to submit to. Where would they really appreciate a well educated knowledge of theme parks, themed design, and the tourism industry?


It depends on your angle. The themed design might find a home in trade publications or architectural magazines. Tourism could be at home in many kinds of consumer mags, including travel ones. Pick up a copy of the Writer's Markets at your library or bookstore and start thumbing through. :)


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BTW, what makes this frustrating is that they agree with the amount and that I should be paid.... No one is arguing that. They just don't feel it needs to happen soon. :(


New Member
Duckie... often see this happen in the summer cuz workers are often reassigned additional duties to help with the end of the fiscal year reports or to take up the slack of vacationing employees...of course, that doesn't help you pay your bills...asking for your pay within a reasonable time doesn't sound unreasonable to me

...try sitting face to face with the AP Manager or the Controller...this will often result in the most immediate resolution......people have a tendency to put telephone complaints on the back burner...showing up to confront them would be most effective but make an appointment so you don't bushwhack might find your paycheck on the top of the pile before you arrive....

...I would suggest contacting the Jersey Labor Board but I know from experience that this matter would not get priority and would resolve itself before they acted.

..You can always go to the MOB and have them make them an offer they can't refuse....:lol: ..I can put you in touch with Guido, the Nail.


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Originally posted by Tramp
Duckie... often see this happen in the summer cuz workers are often reassigned additional duties to help with the end of the fiscal year reports or to take up the slack of vacationing employees...of course, that doesn't help you pay your bills...asking for your pay within a reasonable time doesn't sound unreasonable to me

...try sitting face to face with the AP Manager or the Controller...this will often result in the most immediate resolution......people have a tendency to put telephone complaints on the back burner...showing up to confront them would be most effective but make an appointment so you don't bushwhack might find your paycheck on the top of the pile before you arrive....

...I would suggest contacting the Jersey Labor Board but I know from experience that this matter would not get priority and would resolve itself before they acted.

..You can always go to the MOB and have them make them an offer they can't refuse....:lol: ..I can put you in touch with Guido, the Nail.

LOL! Tramp, you always know how to make me laugh....

Yes, the woman I spoke to was *very* specific that I should NOT arrive to meet with her until she calls me to pick up my check.... I'm guessing that won't happen! They won't meet with me face to face for that reason, I'm assuming....

On the plus side, they did pay me last month for work I did two years ago.... :rolleyes:

Thanks for the advice! :)


Well-Known Member
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Good news! I tried Tramp's advice and called to see about meeting with her, and I said, "I don't know where the voucher was waylaid, and I don't care. I just really need the money." And the woman said, "No problem! I'll pull your check first thing tomorrow and have it authorized. You can pick it up here."



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Ya know if i were local id go over there with a baseball bat and bust a few kneecaps...

Way to go !!!!!!!!! You could then spend all the pay cheque on hiring a good defence lawyer:lol:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
That sucks... I don't know what to say. When I do freelance entertainment/film gigs, I have whoever pays me do a direct deposit (if they allow that for their own employees) or I'll tell them I'll come by and pick the check up when it gets cut.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by mightyduck
Okay, I give up. I'm a freelancer, and I work beyond "regularly" for a very large corporate newspaper

Is it the Tribune you write for?....this sounds like the work of them :lol: ;)


Well-Known Member
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Re: Re: help getting paid

Originally posted by DMC-12

Is it the Tribune you write for?....this sounds like the work of them :lol: ;)

LOL! No. I think it's the largest newspaper company in the country.... :rolleyes: Part of my frustration stems from past experience: it was a family-owned (!) paper when I started, and since it has gone corporate, things are different now....

Mktiggerman, if direct deposit was an option, you can bet I'd be there! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Now you see why us freelance artists 90% of the time ask for half the cash in can never trust the client..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by NowInc
Now you see why us freelance artists 90% of the time ask for half the cash in can never trust the client..

LOL! I *know* why you freelance artists do it! I wish freelance writers could, too, but then no one would ever hire me!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Oh they joys of having lawyers in your family... I was screwed by a club once... never again. I made the single threat of suing, and my uncl.. err, lawyer contacted them, and I was paid the next day. I depend on my freelance gigs for money, WDW doesn't pay the bills, and Universal is only there so I get insurance.


I had a somewhat similar situation once. Luckily my wife works for a law firm (not a lawyer, but friends with many). She had one of her friends draft a very politely worded letter. Not only did I have my check the day after they received the letter, but they sent someone out to deliver it personally. It's amazing what legal letterhead can do.

Of course, I didn't care if I ever worked for them again, so that may not be the route you want to go. But perhaps telling them that you expect the check in your hand by a certain date or you will "pursue other options" might work.

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